NORTHERN UNION REAPER 7 on Wednesday by Elders Haysmer and Weatherly. Sister Shaw was quite an aged lady and had been in poor health for some time. She had been living with her daughter in St. Paul for a number of vears. Funeral services for her were conducted last Sabbath by Llder Haysmer. Qur most sincere sympathy is extended to the sorrowing relatives of hoth Brother Griffin and Sister Shaw. The obituaries will no doubt he published in an early issue of the Reuper. Brother P. N. Anderzon of the Hutchinson English Sabbath-school is another member who is entitled to a silk bookmark for being hundred percent in daily lesson study and at- tendance. This completes hiz third perfect record vear. The Missions Quarterly ir providing very interesting and instructive ma- terial on the South and West Brazil mission fields. Qur Sabbath-schools are being asked to raise $85,000 on the first thirteenth Sabbath of the year, the entire amount received in- cluding any overflow there may be, to go to answer the ealls from these fields. Don't you want to be one to give $1.00 or more on March 27th to help make this Dollar Day for our conference ? ——ejffe——— MAPLEWOOD NEWS Mr. Merickel made a brief business trip to Mapleton last week, Ruth Griffin has been abrent from school for the past week cn account of the illness al subsequent death of her father. The Maplewood family extended their sympathy to the be- reaved ones. Brother G. A. Campbell remained after the close of the colporteurs’ in- stitute, which closed March 5, to take the services on Friday evening and Sabbath morning. At the latter hour he gave a very helpful talk on “Grow- ing Up In Christ.” ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted.—A middle-aged woman or girl for general house work, Must be neat and willing to work. Sabbath- keeper preferred. Mrs. Delbert Clark, Winterset, Iowa. 3t. Wanted.—Good experienced man for the season; good wages paid; state ex- perience and furnish reference, in first letter; church privilege. E. A. Han- son, Sioux Rapids, Towa, 2t. Wanted.—Ten strong, healthy women for domestic work in the sanitarium. Church privileges; good wages and pleasant surroundings. Write for in- formation. Sanitarium, Chamber- lain, South Dalkota. 2t Wanted.—-Position by =ingle man, age 28, on general farm, or at other work, in Minnesota, by the month; ex- pervienced; church privilege preferred; can begin about April 1. Stale wages given and full particulars in first let- ter. G. E. Ahlstrom. Effie, Minn. 2t Wanted—Work by S. D. A. young man on farm; strong and willing to work, and have had experience; mar- ried; will work till school starts next fall. Edward Richards, Phone 1148 J, 809 Ave. C, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 1t Wanted.—Good S. D. general A. man for farm work for the season, milking included; beginning March 22. State experience and wages wanted, in first letter. KE. A. Rhinehart, Georgetown, Minn. 3t Wanted.—Thirty voung women for Nurzes' Training School. The Nurses’ Training School connected with the Sanitarium and Hospital of Chamber- , lain is recognized by the profession as zecond to none. Graduates from here can register in any state in the United States. One year on a B. A. degree will be allowed by colleges to gradu- ates of this school. Write for infor- mation to Anna B. Farnsworth, M. D,, Chamberlain, S. D. 2t “Our Little Friend” ' The New Songbook Blue and golden-rod cover This hook is jut what its name sug musts, and child Ten ever ry where Ave Wools ang for ats Jos pled with songs or ihe hone, Sabbah EA 1, church