more, no matter what you decide. Will you let me sce you to-morrow night, after you're rested a bit and have had time to think things over calmly?” Gam concluded his plea soberly and w aited for Judy to answer. “Yes, Coun. Ewill Tins sorry Tried to run away from you. I did't mean to be yude—1 just didn't want to do what | had satd I wouldn't do, see?” With (his the two left the calle and made their way to the hospital, where Cam parted with Judy at the nurses’ quar- ters. To Cam it seemed a long time until the appoinunent on the evening ol the lollowing day, but hospital duties do not wait for even voung people in love, and the pressure of munv duties nu ile The time pass more quickly than either Cam or Judy had thought possible. “Come in, Can, Judy's quick simile seemed as bright as ever as she gr ected Cam at the door of the nurses’ parlour, “I want to tell you something, Cam)’ Judy interrupted as Cam began 0 speak when they were seated 1n thelr ac customed pl: ee by the fe. “Ive been thinking hard about whut vou said in the cafe, and 1 have prayed Thout 1, LOO —it’s wonderful to be able to pray to God for yoursell and know that He Licars you, isn't it? Wi c11, Cam, [ know now that 1 just aim’t do 1t- -1 mean that | just can't be a Catholic any longer. Twill have to do what the Bible says I should do. So, Cam lets keep on with our studying.” Needless to say it was not necessary to do any persuading on Judy's part to get Gum wo agree to this. The happy in- terlude tha followed Judy's declaration need not concern vs. Following this portion of the cvening's events, Judy ran to her room and returned with the Bible and the note- book mm which they had been jotting down texts. “What da vou think we should study about nexiz” she quired cagerly. “You may be surprised. Yon know ve had such a shak- ny up in regard to my religious ideas that 1 wonder just how pany wrong rdeas 1 have had in the past. I osupposc thevire like the ideas a lot of people have about medical matters, and we know how ridiculous many of them are. “Well, I've Leen thinking the Lise few days about these two intern chaps, Dave and Gus, who are neither Catholics nor regular Protestants like the average Protestant, You've herd me wk about them, and as we know now, they ure Seventh-day Adventists, They have a lot of unusual ideas about religion and general practices in daily living, but 1 think the most unusual 1s the tact thar they consider Satur- day a sacred day instead of Sunday, A year ago T would have Just dismissed them with the idea that they were i bit queer and that was that, but now [certainly would not want to say that without knowing what the truth actually 18. “I'he funny part about it is that 1 was telling them the other day about our discoveries on the question of lile after death, and thev sid that that as exactly what their bee lief has always been. Could be that they are right about this Saturday business, too, although I'll admit it sounds pretty queer.” “Well, I think IT feel about the way vou da, Cam. Where do we start?” Judv, now that her decision was made, was more cager than ever tor a greater knowledge of the Bible. “I suppose that we'll have to do it the hard wily,” an- swered Cian, opening the now familiar concordance. “Let's begin by looking for Sunday. Hm-m, isn't there, apparently. Let me think. Oh, sure! I remember learning in school that our names of the days of the week me all trom pagan my- thology. Naturally they would not he in the Bible, But 1 do remember that my grandmother always called Sunday the Sabbath. Let's sce if Sabbath is here—ves, here 15 a whole list of references. Look up Exodus 16: 23.26, please.” “ "And he said to them; This is what the Lord hath spoken: To-morrow is the rest of the Sabbath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work is to be done, do 1: and the meats that arc to be dressed, dress them: and whatsoever shall remain, MAY, 1948 lay it up until the morning. And they did so as Moses had commanded, and it did not putrely, neither was there worm found in it. And Moses said: Eat it to-day, because it 1s the Sabbath of the Lord: to-day it shall not be found in the fickl. Gather it six days - but on the seventh d: ay is the Sab- bath of the Lord; therefore it shall not be found.” “At feast this is a start on what we are ooking for. Te says that the seventh day was the Sabbath. I think that this refers to the falling of the manna during the time that the Israelites were in the wilderness. As 1 remember the story {rom my Sunday School days, the manna fell only on six davs of the week. I had never realized before, though. that it was particularly 10 teach the people which day “of the week was the Sabbath. But, 1 guess that is what it was for.” “Which day did it say was the Sabbath, Cam?” inquired Judy thoughtfully. “The seventh “day is the Sabbath; “H'm. Well, what's next?” hl, here's a reference in Exodus 20, ver will you, pleaser” ‘Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works. But on the seventh dav is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt da no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy he ast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord mide heaven and eardr, and the sea, and all things that ave in them, and rested on the seventh dav: therefore the Lond blessed the seventh day, and sanc- tified i “This test savs the seventh ay of the week, too, Judy,” remarked Cam thoughtfully. Say, what day of the week 1s sunday, anyway?’ “The first day, of course, silly—look at that calendar on the wall there,” Judy cigeled. “Well, that seems to settle that, tually that simple. 1 is what it says here” ses 3-11. Read then, Of, tt can’t be ac- mean if Saturday is the seventh day of the week, as it certainly gs, and the Bible says that the Sabbath 1s the seventh day of the week, surely everyone would observe Saturday as the Sabbath.” Cam frowned thoughtfully. He well knew the danger of oversimpliica- gon, which this seemed to bie, and he was not satisfied, “What do you suppose it says in the New Testament?” Judy offered. “That's 1t!” Cam snapped his fingers excitedly. “All the Jews still observe Saturday, don't they? And they believe only the Old Testament, The Christians observe Sunday. aud they believe the New Testament. The direction to Christians to keep the first day of the week must be in the New Testmnent. Why, we shouldn't have even tried to find anything in the Old Testament, for I don’t suppose that there would be a single text directing our attention to the first day of the week us a sacred ds ay. It's funny, though: do vou know, 1 never before had even thought which dav of the week Saturday and Sunday weve!” “Neither had 1, as a matter of fact. Next time, though, we'll know, and we will start right in with the New Testa- ment,” said Judy, closing her Bible thoughtfully. She and Cam had many things 10 talk about after her holiday visit home, and it was alre ady getting late. Hence there was no nore study on that particular cvening, “To- night, Judy, we're going to find out what the New Testament has to say about which day is the Sabbath, or holy day for Christians,” stated Camm at the beginning of their next Bible study. “Before we start, though, I'll tell you that I've been doing a little reading about the days of the week, and T find in the encyclopzdias that the weck is the oldest measuranent of time, other than the day it self, known to man. The seventh-day week has heen used hy most of the world as long as we know anything about the history of man, and the order of the days 1s the same as 5