and Hospital Center” Towa Sanitarium “The Health The Way to Permanent Recovery “There will be no pertaanent re- COVETY Ir CEOTION, ~oeinl, OF 20OVver- thi world ued alone holds the Ine Hoi atone 1s mental atflmies in Christ's secret ol the tare, assured the permanent happiness and return, He security of nen. The second come of Jesus Clivist provides the ody wope of a permanent jor all the ls of humanity, Political systems, no how theory and conception, are solution matter perfect in mardeguate and pow real permanent world, erless to bring and recovery to the In this opening parazvaph Elle Carlyle B. Haynes presents a oost excellent contribution to the eolnnns of the March WATCHMAN Mave zine. Far bevond the fantasy of the disappointing mivaze of hun deals, promises, and plans, this unusual article visualizes the the Christian, and portrays second as the hope of the coming of Christ nest ovens event in the passing drama ol our perishing civilization, tri-decennial a Marveh Appeal Continue its niversary advanee, the WATCHMAN makes ats with an anusnally excellent array ol interest. Qther the writers oft current from articles of contributions pens ol des nominational national and titernational repute melude: “Machines Thar Talk ™ 0 Why the Jews Lost Palestie How Can 1 Believe? Stop! One Way Street “Ie That aml Is kled ls Perfecting Pa-stble MS “Has Heaven an Often] Sean 27 Selieveth Spine dtd al=o a five-point review oi the mojor events of the month dn antersctiona] aifairs. WATCHMAN vor plans or a Lovee, wore {rants 1954 Vier In ml oissienary proce, Sell see copies cach month in your community, Take atibscviptions wong 5 your NORTHERN UNION OUTLOOK . - 1 creole, ad thos provede extra funds cnroils contributions te the IRAE cork or che eamrehs I yen have Lricvole, relatives, or those mn whom fibre nerested, living at some vista palabss sibeeribe Jor them for Coen ot tne spel missionary rate ol ely sien cents ene Your fuli- Geese nossne will This ass18t vou ERTIES ce hehe or the truth to Plein oll aver hi~i, and won- TEE crdoie vor ellorts im the “won another cana during fis, Cede thronsn sour chureln is stony Aeerciary or Book and Bible Flos, FET IHS TEST FIFE SEI EEE EL EEGEETIES ADVERTISEMENTS oly Use tients and Dusine ss notiees are Boel =odooihed, But are peaidiizhed only tein aecdninnuannan. Plies niust be sent vo thee poet cea lererioe office a bee approve cal Liye conderetice oiles rs before being Linton Cutiook, AT drEeriond Lhe rate is Lwa cents a picbalsbidt in the Northern bar. ll Vora with oc ndnimuam charge of fifty Deny vast to aeernpany the advertise ment, PIER TLPETE ETI IEI ES IPEES ECTS PIPINI Glee Sere edged Soe eel shares or we uh wari ba menth boosted plies Reloreness exchanged, Poor rarvier formation write wo 1. Wont el = AT Tries fear arson, co bby Heaton, Beach, North [rohit Frogs Site ive cae re hienne audpoining conn. Pooosent, art wnder drrigaiion, bocatod 1 Che Deer GE Gn rns heeronds we rien bogead Candy, Prove partrealars write AL] Wolters, THD Lined Ave, BL raul, Minnesota, man for pheto of iarrii Send Abreu ST Tier Lal WTR. RTE =e coe Pleo: atid where lor emysloin oad, Year around work for riatie pecvaon, Mali BL Sieh, Itonte ), Forcevitie, Towa, FOOT NGico— ct iendd send plana, mall side, brevis Eguor Nia BL Sotho Bleaate Sroenli Pav, I Medd Sava, the casi coclied, Cibele sons been, bog For 2h Comils peas trail Stele ot weed Lo staal home [EOESEEIREET Muopbew nnd Nesedesy Fare, hohner, Mpie=0ta, Worried ST ee Whoevitie 0b Slagde S00 br AL man to Gers, Must be an experi ncerd Prides aed mood wri LG Mia LW et hens Woes Unido, fon opted ss ine sb anid teenie d ar ahder fer, Brandy ow iii puiking cond choares Li pred Crt three leading tor goad [FER Grol DINTIe wWhor Prot r also, bio LGD. ddan, Minteesofi. Sunset Calendar 1 Cresaernthory the Sablooth day, to Keep it bhoiy. Sia days osbalt thou labor, and dhooaalogd waorli © bul the seventh day is SREY Lod toe bard thy God” ii i i Fy Sto taal, Albimpesaotc ooo Bool EE RET E vali tot Plier meet Draken ooo oo Gols Colporteur Report P. D. Gerrard Union Field Secretary FEBRUARY I5, Bhs Hrs, Orders Del. WEEK ENDING 1939 lowa-—-3. HH. Bochrig, Seco. Fist AL Bahr Mar. 3% 10.10 10.10 Winn, Betts HI 17 7.00 2.50 ion Clhaunherlain BRL ah 200 £50 Wirt. Flowei; Mise, 17 8.50 =. 50 AL 1 Jebfison Mise, 330 14.25 10.23 Fav 1 Kroll FLo41 20.00 21.00 Pliage Mossenger Hoan 13.20 13.20 VEOOW., Niswonger Mise, 5i0163.16 163.16 Cilenn Shelton BI 31 18.75 7.50 Howard Strekland FEROO67 15.250 25.23 Toit wl 384 Em 21 273.06 Minnesota—C. G&G. Cross, Sec Mag. #5 120d 12.0% hare GL 1lust Virginia ust Mag, 450 Iino 10,10 HLH Preston BIL 40 46.40 24.10 Bodo James GO dh 2N2L 17.90 Carrie Powers Mag, 37 10.75 10.75 Crwendelya oo Jadd Hey D2 100i 6.20 Narl isvoenson BI 24 46.25 18.23 Judit Dafsirom Mag, 16 1.2.40 9.40 William Greet ( 1 13.75 Mrs 0 BL Wilson Mag, 4.73 4.75 Total CLT O19A.T0 113.33 South Dakota—-R. H. Brown, Sec. Orville Poore Hy 2h 6.05 9.95 Charles Floor 4) 31 5Z.L0 7b Cunda Torkeison Mise. 12.506 12.50 Total 50 71.05 23.20 North Daketa—Roger Baker, Sec. Pulith son Hop La 26.35 25 ars. A Seolld ld HWS 30 5.80 1.25 Total 65 45.16 1.50 Two Weeks Total for bnion TSH BRT.IT 412.01 True calture, real refinement of thought and manners, 1s better ob- uhtained by learning lessons in the srhool ott Christ, than by the most Inbored, painstaking eflort to observe forms and set rules, when the heart is not under the disapline of the Spirit of Godi—G. Wo po 283. Higher than the highest human thoneht can reach 1s God's ideal for Hs children.—Go Wo po 95 (From ela. I IS. } The true follower of Christ strength- ens the cod purposes of all with whont he comes in contact. —P. K. 1. HebS, A charieter formed wecording to the aivine likeness 1s the only treasure thar we ean take from this world to the next. —C 0, 1. P. 355 PY FPF FIVE FINI NIIFISIT SSL, Northern Union Conference Directory Ofiee tr 2718 Third Avenue South Telephone Colfax 8004 Minneapolis, Minnesota FE. H. Oswald A. R_ Smous- President Secretary-Treasurer Auditor and Transportation Agent A. Il. Smouse Fiiucational and 3M, VV, Sec. IX. L. Gant “icld Missionary See. 1. D. Gerrard Home Missionary See. Medical Sec, IDE. Reiner A BK. Gilbert, M. D.