GENERAL DIRECTORIES. 11 \Y.; North Pacific, N. P. Tract Society, Box 18, East Portland, Oregon ; Ohio Tract Society, L. T. Dysert, Sec., 2569 Adams St., Toledo, Ohios Pennsylvania Tract Society, 5 Madison St., Wellsville, N. Y.; Tennessee Tract Society, Springville, Henry Co., Tenn.; Texas Tract Society, Mrs. Lee Gregory, Secretary, Denton, Tex.; Upper Columbia, U. C. Tract Society, Walla Walla, W. T.; Vancouver Island, Bernard Robb, Vic- toria, B. C.; Vermont, Lizzie A. Stone, South Lancaster, Mass.; Virginia, Lillie D. Woods, Quicksburg, Va.; Wisconsin Tract Society, 1029 Jen- ifer St., Madison, Wis. CITY MISSIONS. "ALBANY, N. Y.—Parlor reading and lecture rooms at 205 State St.; open from 10 A. 3. to 9 Pp. M. N. S. Washbond, Superintendent. Burraro, N. Y.—Parlor reading and lecture rooms at 548 Fargo Ave.; open from 2 : 830 to 9 p. M. Alex. Gleason, Superintendent. Boston, Mass.—Mission and lecture-rooms at 21 Boylston Place. In charge of S. L. Edwards. . BrooxryN, N. Y.—Rooms 139 Colyer St., E. D. Eld. A. T. Robin- son, Superintendent. ’ Crricaco, IuL.—Free reading-room at 8652 Vincennes Ave. Geo. B. Starr and Robert Vickery, Managers. Couxcir BLurrs, Iowa.—Rooms 533 Bluff St. Eld. John Wilson, Manager. CLEVELAND, O.—Mission rooms at 230 Bridge St. In charge of E. C. Penn and H. W. Cottrell. Meetings or Bible readings are held every Sabbath (Saturday). : CoruMBUs, O.—Depository, city mission, and reading-rooms in rear of Citizens’ Savings Bank. Meetings every Sabbath (Saturday) at 2 : 80 P. M., and Sunday evening. Des Moixgs, JowaA.— Rooms 603 East 12th St. L. T. Nicola, Mana- ger. - } "DENVER, CoLo.—Depository, parlor reading-room, and lecture hall, 167 Clement St. East PORTLAND, OREGON.—F1ee reading-room and book depository, on L St., near cor. of Fifth. William Potter, Superintendent. FreMONT, NEB.—Book and Tract depository on Fifth St., between Main and F. GREAT GRIMSBY, Exe.—Tract and book depository at 72 Heneage St., in charge of Miss Jennie Thayer. The ship work at Liverpool, Eng., is under the charge of Geo. R. Drew, 32 Grange Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire, and J. H. Durland, Southampton. GrAND RAPIDS, Mica. —Rooms 194 Sheldon St. H. W. Miller, Man- ager. Howowiuwu, H. I,—F'ree reading-room, tract and book depository, at 189 Nuuanu Ave. L. A. Scott, City Missionary; A. LaRue, Ship Mis- sionary. INpraNaroLis, Inn.—Reading-room and book depository at 82 Cherry St. H. Peebles, Superintendent. Kansas Crry.—Rooms 1516 E. Twelfth St., D. T. Shireman, Man- ager.