6 NORTHERN UNION OUTIOOK February 5 was a high day for the academy family, On thiz Sabbath day twenty students were baptized in the new baptistry., It was a solemn scene witnessed by the aeademy church. Elder Michalenko tered the rite and was assisted by Professor Fowler, whe read a few seriptures on the subject off bapiisi and offered praver. “The of 8S. KR. ALY our “school paper, stafl elected. The staff personnel is as follows: editor-in-chief, Jonathan V. Peters; associate editors, Eleanor Enzebers and Nathan Bietz; civeulation mana- rer, Ernest Herr with Mary Lou Wuttke as assistant; advertizing manager, Erwin Remboldt: art edi- tor, Alvina Rud; news reporters, Li leen Engzebere. Emmanuel Heinrich, Rubin Widmer, and stelle Lang: typists, Janieece Smith and Adeline Knopp. The first issue will be ont about February 15. adrins- Voice has Its La a a oo La aa a al Minnesota Conference VY. E. PEUGH, PRESIDENT B.C. MARSHALL, SECRETARY 1854 Roblyn Ave. - - - « - « - « « &t, Paul Make wills and legacies to Minnesota Con- ference Association of Seventh-day Adventists Rochester In a recent letter from Elder J. W. Christian, the pastor of the Ro- chester ehureh, he sends us a bit of interesting news: Beginning with Jan- uary 14, the Rochester school started an enthusiastic teachers’ traininz course class. They also regularly have a teachers' meeting. Not only the reqular teachers ave attending the training class, but many prospective and supply teachers as well, A Bible readers’ training class has also been orcanized in the church. They are using as a text hook, *“How to give Bible Readings.” The les sons are beine made very praetical and the different members of the class are actually wiven practize in pre- senting the Bible studies, We greatly appreciate the splendid things which are being done at Ro- ¢hester and we feel sure organized efforts will yield real results, \. E. TPeugh. News Items Elder V. EK. Peuzh spent the Sab- bath, February 5, with the Seandi- navian chwreh in Duluth. Ie reports that they had a preaching service at the eleven o'clock hour, and nearly had their lunehes tha they cond he present for the atter- all, by previous arranzement, hrong bi ix order noon service, The time Tron 2:00 to AO was spent an the study oof the problems of cnrely and Saboth school ofticers. Many questions cone mn and all seemed to creat appreciate the std, Eider and Mes, Go FL Tinteles were present daring the aternoon and Brother Hutelies fh eel ne, assi=bed In Crp Sida, rollowiog his visit to Praluth, Eider Peugh went to Vierinia witere he attended Elder Piper's Sune duyoevening lecture, Flier Piper is finding some very meh interested peo- ple me Virsinia who are vecularly at- The clnreh menthers ap Virenda, with the encour swement ond help ot Elder Piper, have heaunintly decorated their churels on the insides They plan later to put a hasement under the ehareh and then paving it on the outside. Brother 00 H. Landa conducted o Twine Cite MoV pally in the Fess Fnedisle Chureh in Minneapolis lad Sabbath, Representatives from all of Lhe =, I), A. lore hes Ti Minvieapoiis med See Paal were present. The mini=ters trom the different ehrelies were preseut at the tending Tits meetings, alternoon meet- me nud assisted in the rally, Brother €. (5 visited the Frainerd ehurveh aver the weele end. He reports that Brother and Siste (Crores Sundin are doing a very good work in Bramaoend: also that there is an ex cellent interest in the eolportear work mn thot ely, field Brother Preston, 111 with sinus trouble, We hope that much better by now, There will he a cols He round onr assistant nil==lonary seerelary, Brother Preston is porteur vally held in Dramerd ove [he week February This rally will be attended by all of the coiporienrs north of St Clowd. A eolportenr rally will be held in the Norvwesian-Danish Miincapolis over the week end ol February Is2000 This rally will be attended by all of the colporteurs south of St. Cloud, Camp Meeting Date. Yes, the date has alveady been sett i= Tanne 16-246, and will he held ot Anoka. The Drs Pony days of the meetings will he de end of 25-07. clineeh in voted to a lvoe vouno people's CONUTes:-, Maplewood Academy. Already 170 students have been enrolled, This 1s Several second olte ol our very best vears, new students enrolled for the semester, Minneapolis North has its goal. and Minneapolis Norwezian-Danish, in Ji=t a Tew minutes subzeribed for a cluly of over 100 STGNS In addition to a elnh of SENDERUD, Free MOV Boole WHAT! DOORS FREE T-=Yes, that's All ol our vouth, ow boys and irls, and even our rich, Minnesota clder ones ouch to take advantage of this special pla, Your state M, V. department has a heavy whieh consists of all our sen- tor, junior ard primary reading cours- ex Any of these books are yours free for two weeks, AH von need 10 do is wile Tor tie books vou want. We pay the postaze on them to vou and vou, ol course, pay the postage on their We wish von would write us the leatlet books we rele, a ecard today asking lor civine the names orl the have, Bead the books in courses, then wa will sive vou FREE a certificate for vach conrse, with your name printed mold Fnzlish style letterime on it. Take ndvantace of this, vour eonter- ence MoV Bhrary, 1854 Robyn Ave, SL Paal Minn. M, VV. Seeretary C. MH. Landa Baptism at Mankato The writer recently spent a very Lappy week-end with the Mankato clorreli. Brother AL L. Bietz and wife, nesisted by Drother and Sister HL VL Wedd, Beeld a hall meeting in Mankato durin the tall months, At the ¢lose otf the resular meetings in the hall, baptized and two others were acoepted by the chureh on profession of faith, Sunday night meetings have been continued in the clinveh, On Sabbath, January 29, the writer baptized five more persons for Iwenfv-