12 Tie [eliecelvenal Meson Hele EVERY CREATURE (The Canton School MLOHANSEEN The ancient and histories) city of Coton, wih its two milion inhabitants, i= beautifully ~itieded on the beonks of the Tool river, pproxiniitely ninety ile | wore lrana from fi Fonelish seaport, Hone Kong. In this ancient city, whose ola walls histories! entes, od vend her-beaten temples, some oranda disapyaeaorie and voinge down under the improvenients of western civilization, on work Las heen steadily advancing, The Lovd toa stonsd vocaner is Blessed the pronieey workers in Chis fleld, whoo labored oe vers monde heed and trving civeum- stances. Today wo ca see tee eens overvawhiere of the send that was =own mn those erry dos, As the writer spend test of Toe tiane in