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Counsels that have been given in the past relative to this matter have doubtless saved many of our young people from entering upon a life of marital unhappiness and disappointment, and it is to be hoped that this article may be the means of helping some of the tempted ones who are in danger of going astray in this particular. The grandest institution on earth is a Christian home in which parents and children are united in the fear of the Lord and the love of his truth. The home is designed by our Heavenly Father to be a citadel of righteousness in the land of the enemy, in which the daily sacrifices of prayer and praise shall ascend to heaven, and from which heavenly influences shall em- anate to reach and save the lost. But no young Sab- bath-keeper who joins in wedlock with an unbeliever or misbeliever can hOpe for the happiness of such a home. It will be a house divided against itself—and • divided on a most vital point—religion. Upon what- ever other question husband and wife may disagree it should never be on the question of religion if they hope for a happy married life. Frdm the very earliest times the Lord pointed out to his people the dangers of marriage with unbe- lievers. It was when the sons of God (the godly) in- termingled in marriage with the daughters of men (the'ungodly) that the last barriers against evil were broken down and the earth became ripe for the flood., When Israel was called out of Egypt to become God's peculiar and chosen people, the following command; was given: "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son,• nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee sud- denly." Deut. 7:3, 4. After the return from Babylon • this counsel was repeated, "Now therefore give not, your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sous. Ezra 9:12." Such a stir was created in Israel at this time over the matter of marriage with unbelievers that it resulted in the complete dissolution of all such alliances. Altogether too many in selecting their life partner give the mat- ter only the consideration that influenced Samson,— "She pleaseth me well,"—and seem to care little how Abide With Us 11S, for it is � I lig «ad /hr (iffy is far spent." Abide with us. The early (lawn has tinted Life's morning sky with 'shades of glory light. Its pictured scenes in beauty spread before us, Be thou oar guide,—we trust not mortal sight. Abide with us. Ah! soon will fade the morning, The noonday heat too soon beat on our way, Our pathway lead o'er deserts, waste an:1 dreary. Refresh our souls, 0 Living Rock, we pray. Abide with us. When darkening storm-clouds gather And angry tempests break upon the soul, Grant then Thy peace. 0 Master, safely hide us, Beneath Thy wing,—within Thy safe control. Abide with us. Ere fall the deeper shadows, . And faltering footsteps seek at last their home, Light with Thy light the night of death before us, With radiance, gild the portals of the tomb. Abide with us. We need Thy sacred presence, Thy hand to guide us and thy power to save, Thy voice alone to calm our restless spirits, Thy glory, light the pathway to the grave. Guide till at last, the pilgrim journey ended, We stand triumphant on the other shore, Robed in thy life, we dwell within thy presence, And Thou with us, abide forevermore: M. N. HARE. 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Much God may be pleased or displeased with the choice. Under the gospel dispensation the attitude of the Lord on the question of mixed marriages is unchanged. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbeliev- ers:- for what fellowship bath righteousness witii un- kighteousness? and what communion bath light with darkness? 2 Cor. 6:14. "The wife is bound by the Law as long as her husband liveth: but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord." 1 Cor. 7:89. Experience has demonstrated the wisdom of these regulations con- terning marriage. A large proportion of those who disregard them .sooner or later disobey other com- mandments and ultimately drift out of the truth. Let those who contenuilate uniting in marriage with an unbeliever reflect on What is before them when the time of trouble breaks upon us and those who keep the commandments are compelled to flee to the "munitions of rocks." How will it be then with the wife who has deliberately chosen to unite herself with an unbelieving husband? In most cases she will find herself in the plight of Lot's daughters, who likewise married unbelievers and could not leave Sodom when the-warning came, but went down in the ruin of that wicked city. • Occasionally a Sabbath-keeping girl succeeds in winning her unbelieving companioh to the truth after her marriage with him.. Other young people seeing this conclude that they may be equally successful, and thus the wrong example of one leads others into evil. The instances where unbelieving husbands are won to the truth after their marriage with a Sillobath- keeping young lady are extremely rare—too rare to risk disobeying the plain command of God in order to accomplish it. In many cases the young man will promise faithfully to keep the Sabbath if only the young lady will consent to marry him. The writer has known instances where the man has even "laid off" a few Saturdays to make the deception more complete only to return to work the Sabbath follow- ing the marriage. See to it that the one of your choice is a Christian, well settled in his attachment to the truth, and take no chances with either your present happiness or your hope of eternal life. It is quite natural and perfectly legitimate that young people on reaching maturity should think seri- ously of marriage. "Marriage is honorable in all." However, altogether too many entertain an unwhole- sonic fear that if they "let too many chances go by" they will become "old bachelors" or "old maids." The writer has had very fair opportunity for obser- vation among our people generally, raid it is his con- viction that there is as small, if not a smaller pro- portion of unmarried persons of marriageable age among Seventh-day Adventists as among the world at large. The chances of suitable and scriptural mar- riage are not necessarily lessened by being a Sabbath-- keeper. But all honor to the one who resolutely de- cides to forego marriage rather than disobey the ex- pressed will of the Lord. On a western camp ground a letter was read from a lady. who had been a Seventh-day Adventist but who married out of- the truth and later apostatized. She wrote, "Do not pray for me, I am lost. But pray and work for the young people who are walking in my tracks." If our young people refuse to keep company" or engage in intimate COrivspolidellee with those out of the faith they will be in no (hunger of be- coming entangled in these unholy alliances. � It is a grievous sin . to -encourage young Men of •the. world by these acts, as they are fully- justified in interpret- ing diem as encour agement. to greater intimacy and further advances. Avoid the path that leads to sin and thus escape the sorrow and disai:pointment that lies at the end. No Seventh-day Adventist minister is justified in performing a marriage ceremony for those who choose to walk contrary to the counsel of God in uniting with an unbelieving companion. What. God disapproves cannot consistently be approved b\ his ministers. In a number of instances the writer has been coMpelled by conscience to refuse his services When intililitte friends have called upon him to perform a mixed marriage. • In closing this article a quotation from the Spirit of Prophecy will be in place:— - "The heart.yearns for human loge, but this love is not strong enough, or pure enough, or precious enough, to supply the place of the love of Jesus. Only in her Saviour can the wife find wisdom, strength, and grace to meet the cares, responsibilities, and sorrows of life. She should make him her strength and her guide. Let woman give herself to Christ before giving herself to any earthly friend, and enter into no relation which shall conflict with this. Those . who would find true happiness, must have the blessing of heaven upon all they possess, and all that they do. It is disobedience to God that fills so many hearts and homes with misery. My sister, unless you would have a home where the shad- ows are never lifted, do not unite yourself with one who is an enemy of God. "My sister, dare you disregard these plain and positive directions? As a child of God, a subject of Christ's kingdom, the purchase of his blood, how can you connect yourself with one who does not acknow- ledge his claims, who is not controlled by his Spirit? The commands I have quoted are not the word of man, but of God. Though the companion of your choice were in all other respects worthy (which he is not), yet he has not accepted the truth for this time; EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER � 3 he is an unbeliever, and you are forbidden of het ven to unite yourself with him. You cannot, without peril to your soul, disregard this divine injunction. "I would warn you of your danger before it shall be too late. .You listen to smooth, pleasant words, and are led to believe that all will be well; but you do not read the motives that prompt these fair speeches. You cannot see the depths of wickedness hidden in the heart. .You cannot look behind the scenes, and discern the snares that Satan is laying for your soul. He would lead you to pursue such at course that he can obtain easy access, to aim his shafts of tempta- tion against you. Do not give him the least: advant- age. While God moves upon the minds of his serv- ants, Satan works through children of disobedience. There is no concord between Christ and Bellal. The two cannot harmonize. To connect with an unbe- liever is to place yourself on Satan's ground. You grieve the Spirit of God and forfeit his protection. Can you afford to have such terrible odds against you in fighting the battle of everlasting life? "You may say, "But I have given my proinise, and how shall I now retract it?" I answer, If you have made a promise contrary to the Scriptures, by all means retract it without delay, and in humility be- fore God repent of the infatuation that led you to make so rash a pledge. Far better take back such a promise, in the fear of God, than keep it, and thereby dishonor your Maker. "Many who profess to love and fear God choose to follow the bent of their awn minds rather than which vitally counsel of Infinite Wisdom. In a matter vitally concerns the happiness and well-being of both parties, for this world and the next, reason, judg- ment, and the fear of God are set aside, and blind impulse, stubborn determination, is allowed to con- trol. Men and women who are otherwise sensible and conscientious close their ears to counsel; they a-re deaf to the appeals and entreaties of friends and -kindred and of the servants of God. The expression of a caution or warning. is regarded as impertinent meddling, and the friend who is faithful enough to utter a remonstrance is treated as an enemy. All this is as Satan would have it. He weaves his spell about the soul, and it becomes bewitched, infatuated. Reason lets fall • the reins of self-control upon the neck of lust, unsanctified passion bears sway, until, too late, the victim awakens to a life of misery and bondage. This is not a picture drawn by the ima- gination, but a recital of facts. God's sanction is not given to unions which he has expressly forbidden. For years I have been receiving letters from differ- ent persons who have formed unhappy marriages, and the revolting histories opened before me are enough to make the heart ache. It is no easy thing to de- cide what advice can be giVen to those unfortunate ones, or how their hard lot Call be lightened; but their sad experience should be a warning to others." Testimcnies, Vol. 5, pi) 362-36C. M. N. CAMPBELL. ONTARIO Ottawa We a ro pleased I a inform the � \GER read- ers that our work in this city is on the progressive side. � Since the transfer of our Sunday night set-- vices from the Empire Theatre to the Conservatory of Music our meetings have been well attended. We have not only retained a good percentage of our old attendance, but in both the above named places have also secured a splendid company. of new listen- ers. We are seeing some small results from our:ef- forts during the 'a inter, and these with the faeces_ sions realized by the tent effort, make a good foundation for our future work in the city. Our Sab- bath services, home missionary and prayer meetings are well attended. Last Sabbath about thirty were present. The interest is at its maximum. We must not oven-look the faithful efforts of Brother Hurdon Who has not only assisted in the public meetings, but is also conducting regularly a goodly number of Bible studies at the homes of the people. We anticipate good results from these as well. Financially speaking, our running expenses have. been no burden whatever to the Ontario Conference. Our Sundily night and Sabbath collections have been fully adequate to meet all such, in fact we have been able to send a surplus to the treasury. Wealsoare send- ing monthly a good tithe, the most of which is from the new believers. This month alone we have in about fifty dollars and also a small amount of Sabbath school funds. Brother H.uvdon has realized several dollars also from his private Bible studies, and this I under-. stand will go to missions. On the whole we are thankful for the abundant success the Lord has given us, and all we regret is that the time will soon come when the writer will leave for another- part of the province. The baptism of the new believers, however, will be performed before this, and after the coming compmeeting the future work in this city will be left to someone else. We desire the prayers of all for our work in the capital city. F. W. JOHNSTON. WE are publishing this week an original poem from tine pen of Elder M. M. Hare, who left the ninth on his westward journey. He plans to visit his wife's relatives in Iowa, his brother in Minnesota, and will then go to Loma Linda, California, where 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address � Oshawa.Ont Edna Leach � - � - � Editor Entered as second-class matter. Price, 50 cents a year in advance, his parents now reside. He may spend the summer there so as not to reach India during.the heated sea- son. A few evenings before Brother and Sister Hare left Oshawa they were entertained at the Seminary, and a very pleasant program was provided. A purse of money was presented to them with which to pur- chase some article that would be useful to them in India, by. which they might remember the students of the Seminary and other friends in Oshawa. The kind wishes and prayers of a multitude of friends will fol- lo � Elder Hare and his family, and we trust that God wiTi preserve them in health and strength and enable them to render acceptable service in their new and difficult field. Our Standing for February Membership Due R;tcd. Short Ontario 550 3 957 00 $488 68 $468 32 Xaritime 266 462 84 180 92 281 92 Quebec 150 261 00 121 29 139 71 Newfoundland 62 107 88 79 01 28 87 Union. 1028 $1788 72 $869 90 3918 82 •••••••.1 Armageddon This is the striking name of the new book com- ing .off the press in it few days. It is assured of a ready acceptance on the part of the people in' gen- eral, as the newspapers have prepared their minds on the subject by frequent use of the word Armageddon in connection with the present war. Public curi- osity is aroused, and the people will be glad to secure a book which throws prophetic light on this question. The Canadian edition is exactly the same as the American except that the American.flag is not on the cover. The book is the same size as "World's Crisis" and sells for 25 cents in paper cover. Taken in lots of two hundred the freight will be prepaid. They will be furnished from our Oshawa office so there will be no duty to pay nor troublesome delay passing cus- toms. Send for a sample copy and then show it about in your neighborhood and see how fast it will sell. Orders are coming in for them in large quanti- ties and it looks as though our first Canadian edition .of five thousand will melt away in a few weeks and a second edition be needed. We ought to dispose of twenty-five thousand of these important books in Eastern Canada. Fifty per cent commission is al- lowed to those who canvass for "Armageddon." CANADIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, Oshawa, Ontario. Dollar Day Next Sabbath The offerings to missions have fallen badly behind this first quarter in all the conferences in this Union. Let us make next Sabbath, which is the 13th Sabbath, a dollar day as far as possible and thus help lift the standard in each church. Notice the standing of each conference. for January and February as shown on .the last page of this issue. We are nearly $1,000 behind as a Union. Everybody lift hard! WANTED—A good reliable person to help care for a semi-invalid. Also to help with other duties when necesary in family of two. No hard work. Address Miss Ethel Lyng, 361 Concord Avenue, Tor- onto, Ont. • - � • Study at Home The Fireside CorreSpondence School will show you how. Agents wanted. Send for our "Nutshell" Calendar. � Address, C. C. Lewis, Principal, Takoma Park Washington, D. C. Quebec Conference Report for February, 1916 Churches Tithes Miss. Sab. S. Misc. � Total Fitch Bay $38 66 1 10 5 82 $40 58 Individuals 3 .74 3 74 Mont'l Eng 46 30 • 3 20 10 23 59 73 Mont'l French 27 80 10 00 11 00 48 80 Namur North Hatley 20 20 7 00 7 99 • 35 19 Sherbrooke 42 15 2 65 3 81 48 61 South Bolton South Stukely 1 92 1 40 1 59 4 91 $177 03 $29 09 $35 44 $241 56 Maritime Tithes and Offerings for February, 1916 Miss. � Misc. � Totql $ 2 95 $20 05 13 54 37 33 9 52 19 27 5 62 5 62. 1 85 13 00 12 23 59 25 4 37 28 94 12 12 55 78 6 80 10 00 8 95 40 03 3 13 11 13 2 45 14 39 11 88 $83 53 $326 67 L. VANBUSKIRK, Treas. "God understands. He knows, he feels, he cares. He knows when the heart is aching; he feels when the burdens are heavy; he cares when all others for_ get. He comforts, he cheers, he encourages. He con _ tinually whispers, `Lo I am with you alway.' " Churches �Tithe Conference Church Ilopewell Cape N B $17 10 Halifax N S �23 79 Indian Harbor N S � 9 75 Individuals' Lake George N B � 11 15 Moncton N B �47 02 N Sydney N S � 24 57 St John N B �43 66 Scotts Bay N S � 3 20 Sydney Mines N S � 31 08 Tantallon N S �8 00 Tiverton N S �11 94 Williamsdale N S � 11 88 Total $243 14