THE WATCHMAN UBIASHED QUARTERLY 10 CTS.A COPY. 35 CTS. B Wasrington, D.C. 5 ** Catholic Federation” and “Sunday Mails Number Beginning with Jan. 1, 1913, the subscription price will be 35 cents a year, or $3.00 for 10 copies, one year, to one or more addresses. 35 cents a year, 10 cents a copy -—A good proposition for agents— A FEW FEATURES Cover: Entrance to White House, Washington, D.C. Frontispiece: Photograph of Senate Sunday Mail Report, printed upon silk and displayed in office of Postmaster-General. Rome and the Prohibition Party Platform. Establishing God’s Kingdom by Law. God's Example of Religious Liberty. Putting the Church Over the State in Ecuador. American Principles in the Balance — a history of the famous Senate Sunday Mail Reports. Religious Liberty in Puritan Times. Absurdity of Proposed California Sunday Law. Proposed California Sunday Law Un-American. A World Survey of Religious Freedom. Religious Liberty by Divine Authority. Report of Convention of American Federation of Catholic Societies. Temperance, the Question of the Century. SPECIAL OFFER ON TEN, ONE YEAR (Good only until Jan. 1, 1913) Ten copies, one year, to one address or to ten sepa- rate addresses, only $1.50, or 15 cents each. Sender may include his name as one of the ten. This num- ber should be placed in the hands of every editor, at- torney, clergyman, city and county official, and public school-teacher in pour countp. We can furnish the names and addresses. Address our nearest agency, or LIBERTY MAGAZINE, Washington, D. C. “The Beautiful” A snow scene for the cover of the December SIGNS MAGAZINE. An appreciative scene to many, and attractive and interesting to the unacquainted. The sun hangs low in the sky, and the clouds are so heavy that the orb shines yellow and red through the heavy bank that will soon precipitate the frozen lakes. The beech trees and the firs cast their bluish purple shadows, and one almost feels the cold. Itis a very pleasing cover for this month of the year, and will prove a strong selling feature of the magazine. Ghe Contents A New Phase of Spiritualism takes up the announcement of Miss Stead thatshe has had a communication from her dead father, who was lost with the wreck of the Titanic. She makes some very startling statements, and the editor in writing the article, draws some very contrasting statements on the authority of the Word of God, This article should be given a wide circulation. The Heaven-Opposing Powers of Earth is an- other article in the series being presented in the magazine from a well-known writer, Mr. Charles L. Taylor. Although embracing history nearly three thousand years old, some important applications are drawn bear- ing directly upon momentous questions of the present day. The Second Coming of Jesus, by George W. Rine is given continued prominence in the magazine. This is a very important series of articles, and we can recommend them to our readers. The Government and the Trusts, an article showing how ineffectual the famous lawsuit of the government dissolving the Standard Oil Company has turned out to be. Since this gigantic trust has been dissolved by the United States government, it has increased in value about five times. Not much of a dissolution! You will want toread the whole article and the prophetic application that is made at the close. . Mrs. E. G. White contributes an article on the times of William Miller. It explains the work of this great man so much misunder- stood by the people of to-day. The Freedom of the Will. An illustrated article which shows the real trend of religious laws, or laws uniting church and state, or any measures that tend toward religious perse- cution. Increase of Metals as a sign of the times by Frank S. Weston. It is something new and will be of considerable interest to a large number of our readers on account of its statistics. The Bible Reading is also an interesting feature of the magazine, and as usual will have a very comprehensive study on some phase of Bible doctrine. The Home Department has a very interesting contribution from the pen of Mrs. L Avery-Stuttle, the author of “Making Home Happy,” and “Making Home Peaceful.” She is a well-known writer, and this is an added attraction to our Magazine. Among many important current topics, those dealing with the revelations of Thomas L.awson are of more than usual interest. He gives in most graphic language conditions of to-day, and points out the remedy. This work is given some consideration in the light of the Bible. Ten cents in coin or stamps for a copy. Agents wanted. Address SIGNS OF THE TIMES MAGAZINE Mountain View, Cal.