BG. W, “Ge pointed out to them that the only way to discharge our debt to hue manity was to follow the light the Lord had given us in establish- ing memorials where they could come in t ouch with the truth; it ~ was our duty to go as far as we could in freeing these institu- tions from heavy obligations. While heavy conflict raged through= out the entire camp-meeting, I believe as the meetings closed up, & real victory came in as a consequence mainly of the quiet attitude taken on the part of those who were being reprimamded by a few lead- ing men, and the light that came in the special comminications from you. I feel greater hopes for the success of the work now than ever, 1f possible. And yet I have never been discouraged, although at times heavily burdened and cast down because of the attitude taken by some of the brethren. We feel grateful to the Lord for His continued mercies, and evidences that ye is leading in the work in this field. I especially appreciate the communications in re= ference to the work to be done among the WeCo.T.l, The prospects for students the caning year are very good, and oufworkers are all of good courage. The Cference has consented to rel ease Dr. Starr to work with us here, paying her a portico n of her salary, and have furnished two other workers to labor in the field work, Bible readings, etcs. , to lead the students in their field experiences. Aside from this, they have voted to sustain two teachers. This will give us considerable help in our schoole If the Lord will bless our efforts, we shall undertake to disse- minate the principles of the truth in Redlands, Riverside, San Ber= nardino, Colton, Pomona, Ontario, and Corona. These towns are in working distance of the Loma Linda Sanitarium, and we hope bo shed the light from here around the valley. With best wishes, we remain | Yours, (Signed}] J.A.Burden.