528 THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE, TENN., AUG. 13, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER POETRY. PAGE The Cry of Human Hearts, EE H Mor- 0 515 Beyond To-day ...................... 5I6 The Hurrying Hours. ................. 519 GENERAL ARTICLES. Effectual Prayer, Mrs FE G WHITE. ... 515 Antipas My Faithful Martyr, P T Ma- GAN titties 516 A Thrilling Prophecy, C SANTEE...... 517 THE HOME.—The Kitchen, Mrs M H Tuxroro—Deceiving Children 518, 519 EDITORIAL .—Christ Our All, ¢ 1 B— Teaching Religion, 1. A s—The Greatest Miracle of All, s N H—A Definite Sab- bath Day, 1. A s—The Nearness of Christ's Coming as a Practical Doc- trine, ¢ 1 B—The Law until John, U SMITH vivian 520 - 522 EDITORIAL NOTES ..........c...... 522 FROM THE FIELD.— British Guiana, S. A, J B BEckNER—Spain, WALTER G Bonp—Portugal, C E RENTFRO.... 524, 525 OUR SCRAP-BOOK.—Protestant Prin- ciples—Railway Travel a Century Ago. 526 THINGS HERE AND THERE.—Treach- erous River Beds—The Power of Self- sacrifice—The Work of the Largest Bi- vse oan ble Society ......... iii 526 12 Months in advance - = - - $100 6 Months in advance - - - = 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrap- per, per year, each - - - - 75 In Clubs of five to one address, for three months - - - - - 04 In Clubs of five to one address, for six months - - - = «4 - 18 Ten copies one year to one address 7 50 Ten copies six months to one address 375 Ten copies three months to one address 1 83 Persons receiving copies of the WATCHMAN without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are for- warded by other parties or sent from this of- fice at their request. Please read the WATcH- MaN and hand it to your friends. When requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. CAMP-MEETINGS IN THE SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE CuMBERLAND CONFERENCE Aug. 22 to Sept. I Cleveland, Tenn, GrorciA CONFERENCE Aug. 29 to Sept. 8 Atlanta Sours CAROLINA August 8-18 Spartanburg NorTH CAROLINA August 15-25 Thomasville Mississippi Aberdeen Sept. 27 to Oct. 3 AraBamMa Birmingham October 3-13 FLORIDA Tampa October 10-20 ON another page of this issue will be found a report from Spain which states some reasons why that nation has dropped back from the leading position almost to the extreme rear among the world powers. THE WATCHMAN Tur twelfth annual announcement of the Southern Training School, located at Grays- ville, Tenn., is now ready, giving full informa- tion regarding courses of study, advantages of- fered to students, principles upon which the school is conducted, home life provided for students, expenses, etc. September 18. For a copy, address the prin- cipal, M. B. Van Kirk. The fall term opens “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed.” Dan. 2:44. So spoke the prophet Daniel to the king of Babylon long ages ago, in his interpretation of that won- derful dream which presents such a striking summary of human history from that time down to the end. Everything has come to pass just as the prophet said it would come; the three universal monarchies to follow Baby- lon came on the stage of action, ruled the world their allotted time and passed away; the fourth of these empires was divided into ten king- doms occupying the territory of Europe, and we are now “in the days of these kings.” See article, “A Thrilling Prophecy,” p. 517. The remainder of Daniel's prophecy will surely be fulfilled, and it is worth everything to be apprised of this fact and be prepared for the event. No 1npvipual ought to take offense at a statement of fact, accompanied by the proof. What the WATCHMAN says about other relig- jons than that to which it adheres, is said with the most friendly feeling toward adher- ents of those religions, Catholic and Protest- ant. Its aim is to do all of them a favor by setting before them the truth regarding their own personal relation to and duty toward God, upon an understanding of which hangs their eternal destiny. It asks no one to take its word for anything, but only to accept such proof as is found in history and the word of God. So do not be offended, please, if you discover that the WarcHMAN is opposed to your religion. That does not mean that it is opposed to you or to any member of your church. If your religion is the true one, this paper cannot hurt it; and if it tells the truth about your religion, you of all persons ought to be most interested in finding it out. Tre disintegration of Protestantism in this country is a fact which has not escaped the ob- servation of the Catholic Church. Catholics see that Protestants are letting go of the old- time principles which once made them a power in the world, and giving up the old doctrines centering around justification by faith; and their plan is to concentrate and consolidate their forces while nominal Protestantism is falling to pieces, and sweep this country into the Catholic fold. It is a wise plan, and ap- parently there is no serious obstacle in its way. But there are some things to be re- vealed upon which the Catholic leaders are not counting. They will yet discover that what is now disintegrating is only nominal Protes- tantism, and that true Protestantism, beneath the banner on which is inscribed “Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12), will still remain an immovable obstacle and an all-con- quering power in the earth, until the Lord comes, Tue leading Methodist journal in this coun- try, the N. Y. Christian Advocate, is authority for the following relating to the trial at Boise, Idaho, of the officials of the Western Federa- tion of Miners :— “A correspondent in Goldfield writes us that in the Miners’ Hall of the Western Federa- tion of Miners at Goldfield there are fifteen or twenty mottoes, three of which he copied and sent to us in answer to inquiries made by us of the fact. These are as follows: — “‘If they pack a jury to hang our brothers, we will pack hell with them. “cIf Moyer and Haywood die, for every hair in their heads we will have the life of a cap- ttalist. “If the capitalists convict Moyer and Hay- wood, there will be death sentences in every rich man's family.” A jury chosen by the court at Boise has de- cided that the witness Orchard did not tell the truth when he testified that in committing mur- ders and other outrages he was the paid agent of this organization, acting through its presi- dent and secretary; but it does not need a jury to decide the question as to the kind of spirit which inspired such mottoes as these. These mottoes and Orchard’s testimony are in close agreement. A FINE of $20,240,000 has been imposed on the Indiana branch of the Standard Oil Trust by Judge K. M. Landis of the U. S. district court, as a penalty for arranging with the rail- ways to secure rebates on shipments of oil. This is the largest fine ever assessed against an individual or corporation in the history of American criminal law. The point of chief interest, however, is the question of who is going to pay this fine. For though the fine is assessed against the Standard Oil octopus, it is to be remembered that this monopoly pos- sesses the power of taxing the people at its will, by simply raising the price of oil. Hence the oil trust has merely to pass this twenty- nine-million-dollar assessment on to the peo- ple, and smile grimly while the people pay it. And thus we have the spectacle of the people imposing fines on themselves because of the financial wrong done them by a corporation,— a curious method of atonement, truly. The Standard Qil magnates are not visibly disturbed by the court's action, and we do not wonder at their calmness. The people will no doubt learn sooner or later that rich corporations, especially those which possess the power of levying on the people at will, cannot be pun- ished for wrong-doing by the simple imposi- tion of a fine.