The Tatchman DECEMBER, 1912 No. 12 Published by the Southern Publishing Assoclation, Nashville, Tenn. Contents of this Number Poetry — The Morning Cometh and also the Night, c. p. B The Outlook — Driving the Turk from Europe — Progress in Bolivia — An Al- phabet for China Editorial — The First Advent Compared with the Second — What is Arma- geddon? c. pr. B.— Why has the Turk Remained in Europe?— The Congress of Berlin, p. 7. M.— Two Rival Kingdoms General Articles — The Ten Commandments and the Twentieth Century, B. G. WILKINSON — God's Eternal Purpose --1I, H. C. HARTWELL — The Head of Christian Science, The Presbyterian — The Unpar- donable Sin -- IT, J. S. WasuBurN — Taoism (Concluded), 1. H. 735-751 Washington Correspondence — The Religious Garb Decision, C. E. HorLMEs 752-755 The Mission Field — Some Colporteur Experiences in Tokat, Turkey, M. N. Aska- BEDIAN — A Visit to the Grecian Mission Field, E. FRANCHIGER — The Mormon Menace — Panama, Its People, The Canal -- III, B. E. CONNERLY Home and Health — Observations in England, G. H. Heap, M. D Advertisements — Manuscript should be addressed to the editor. Address all business and remittances to the Southern Publishing Assoc., Nashville, Tenn. Date of Expiration.—Unless renewed in advance, paper stops with date of expiration on address paper. How to Remit.—Remit by draft on Nashville or New York, Express or Post-office Money order, payable to the Southern Publishing Assoc. Nashville, Tenn. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter. Change of Address.—Notice should be sent one month before change desired, and both new and old address must be given.