PAGE TWO on of the Spanish language, for we have Spanish speaking countries neighbor- ing ours, Even in our own towns and cities there are many of these people, and in order to work among them and help them as we should we should know * the Spanish language. In the medical profession which I expect to follow when I get M. D. de- gree, I believe that the study of Span- 18h will be a help to me, as my work will take me among all clssses -and kinds of people. Juanita Cooke. The Spanish language is the most popular modern language used except English. It is also said to be the most beautiful language spoken. The study of langauge is recognized as being one of the best trainings for the developing of the mind. Spanish is a very useful language since there are so many Spanish speak- ing people in our own country to whom we can present the wonderful truths of our message. Mexico, which is so close to our own country, is inhabited . by people who speak that language, taerefore we need not go across the ocean in order to labor for lost souls, if we know the Spanish language. Because of this and other reasons I am studying this language. Brent Zachary. ~- The true secret of my desire to learn Spanish is that I plan to do missionary work among the Spanish-speaking peo- ple when my education is finished. And now I can use it during vacation. Eva Mae Adair. The study of foreign language is one - of the greatest aids to style and ex- pression in English. : Spanish stands foremost among for- eign tongues in large sections of the States, especially "in the Scuth. Not only commercial opportunities are opened, but the way made possible to hear the last message to millions in our own land. An increasing recognition of the value of Spanish by schools throughout the land has placed ‘Spanish on a par or even above Latin in some cases as a necessary preparation for certain lines of study. Such reasons make it desirable to know more of the Spanish tongue, C. T. Lickey. Why do I stady Spanish? - This is a queer question to be asked of a student SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD of Southwestern Junior College. The very name of the college almost an- swer the question, We have been told that our college is the gateway to the Latin-American Mission fields. This being true itis very natural that a student attending this college would learn the Spanish language which is spoken in practical ly every Latin field. Having once learned the Spanish language it is easy to understand. the languages of Latin formation, {t has always been my desire to be a missionary and if God sees fit to use me in any place I want to be ready to respond. That is why I am taking Spanish III this year. Katherine Wilson. First, because I like it. The beauty of the lunguage. its musical blending its poetical rythm, are fascinating in this harmonious ¢1arm. Second, there is wonderful mental development in the study of any for- eign language. My third reason, is that I am looking forward to the time when I hope to work among the people most of whom use the Spanish language. Mrs. Roy Cole. One young man in the third year class is studying Spanish for the following three reasons, viz: Spanish is a living language, spoken by hundreds of thousands of Spanish speaking people who must be told the message which is the hope of S. D. A. He believes that in school is a good place to begin your future work in the mission field which is the language. Roy Cole. This business of saving souls extends to every nationalty and includes every spoken language. It is, my duty to 'earn something that will help me as much as possible in this bus- iness and of course language is required in school work. I have endeavored to choose which would be of the most use to me. The fact that the medical schools are requiring medical students to ‘have a current lauguage in preference to Latin shows that the previous belief that Latin is indispensible is losing ground. ) Of all the foreign languages taught in schools in this country Spanish is the most extensively used. Spanish comes next to English in the commercial world, also the broadness and variety therefore, - of Spanish literature gives it an added prestige. Considering this institution a recruit- ing office for Spanish workers, the fact this country is filled with Spanish- speaking people, a Spanish field at our back door and the thoroughness of the course given here, why shouldn't we study Spanish? R. F. Cook. IT’S EASY It’s easy when the path is smooth, Easy to do the right; But when all things are out of joint And everything goes wrong, And as we move along life’s way The road gets rough and long, That’s when we lose the fight, It’s not so easy then. It’s easy when the people smile, Easy to be nice; But when we see their sour looks And all their faces long, And also hear them criticize The things that we’ve done wrong, We get as cold as ice, It’s not so easy then. It’s easy when the folks are kind, Easy to keep cool; But when some fellow ‘‘bawls you out’’ And lets his tongue go wild, And tells you that you know no more Than some five-year-old child. That's when you play the fool; It’s not so easy then. It’s easy to be sweet to wife, Easy if she is too; But if she seems a little cool— Looks sour and displeased, Or it she scolds and frets around Until her temper’s eased. Tht surely makes men blue; It’s not so easy then. It’s easy, people, to step aside, Easy for us all; But if we watch as well as pray ‘Along the path of life And struggle hard against the tide Of sin’s great wave of strife, We then may never fall; It’s'not so easy then. It’s easy for all to lend a hand, Easy for everyone; And if we try to help some soul This heavy burden bear, And give a cheerful word and look To him that’s in despair, His victory will be won; | .Let’s make it easv, then. C. M. McDONALD.