-D the time vren our faith had been tested almost Lo the iirit, that, 3t aisht be revived 24 strenasthencd. Needless to say, the foelings of those who had been a1 tie.) were onickly changed. Pyes £111c0d with tears, and the gue whe bad teen the mest erdticel was the first uc break the silence. Wily Srembling volco, he rald, "It scemz thal the oP Tops is ir thic metter "Surely be ig," was the reply. "and He ¢i11 earry it through %to victory." The influence that filled tne poem trat day hushed the spirit of criticism. It was as 5, Elder Burien was at Lhe bunk window, and had paid in tie (0,000. As the receipt was tuken Irom the counter, a Volce seemed bo say to him, "See how nearly you micced that payment, Few pre vou goings to meget the next one, within & month?" In “ Se {= = vsart he answered, "It will curely core, even though we do + now know the source," and the faith cf those rhc were lead- =z in the purchase of this property did nct waver when the 160 culties fancoeased, zs they voved forward. They thanked d God, 2nd took new courage in telieving that the Lurd was coing Meking * e¢ Thizd Peyrent orice mere we tried cur rest to secure money ir Scuthern C-1ifcrnia tc meet the next payment of $5,00C due & month late? imaedlate jut nitheout success. A few days hefore the gmcurt was due, we received 2 Jester from a Brother Atkins, near Eugene, Oregon, in which he said that he had just learned that we had purchased anatner sanitarinm in Southern California, and asked if we needed monev, He said the t he hid Just sold his nropersy, and cg thinkin of coming scuith We immediately wrote hin. sending