THE MINNESOTA WORKER “Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with thy Might.” VoLuMe 9. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, DECEMBER 22, 1897. NUMBER 7. THE MINNESOTA WORKER ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE MINNESOTA TRACT SOCIETY Subscription Price, 35 cents a year. Send all Communications and Subscriptions to Minnesota Worker, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Editorial Committee; L. B. Losey, C. M, Everest, Wm. Asp. Entered at the post-office at Minneapolis as second class mail matter. SEO. NELSON, PANTER, 337 £. LAKE ST. WINNERFULS, Mh. General Meetings. SINCE my last report, I was called from my work of canvassing for the Signs in this place, to assist in the general meeting at Hutchinson and Artichoke. The meeting at Hutchinson could hardly be called “general”, for of our people none outside the church at that place were present and there was not a “general” attendance of that church. With some of our dear people the Third Angel's Message has lost its power to draw from their comfortable and well- furnished homes, to the general meeting of his people. I.ike the alarm on the clock, when not heeded for several mornings, looses its power to awaken, so God’s solemn messages disregarded, in time, loose the power to arouse and interest. I am sure if God's people had not lost their first love, there are enough of them, in a radius of a few miles, to fill any of the places of worship, where the general meetings have been apppointed. God greatly blessed the few who did attend. There was a good Spirit in the meet- ings,—we proved the truth of one text at least, “Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you”.— James 4 : 8. Some of the brethren and sisters here are taking hold of the Christian help work and are finding that it is ‘“more blessed to give than to re- ceive”. We pray God's blessing on his people at Hutchinson. And in the closing of God’s work may their assemblies and blessings be even greater than in former days. Thursday, December 2, I joined Klds. Stone and Fred Johnson in the Artichoke meeting. Although this place is in the land from whence comes the bliz- zard, and in the country, twelve miles from the R. R. station, yet I saw mcre earnestness and devotion in attending meetings than in any other place I have been since I have been in the State. Our people have a good church building here and it was crowded | these meetings. every night by people that were anxious to hear the word preached. And as we preached and sang, | “More about Jesus would I know, and more of his | kingdom sure increase, More of his coming, Prince of Peace’, God’s good Spirit came upon us. Bro. Stone and Johuson spoke in the Swedish, and I in the Eng- lish langnage. There was a good attendance of our brethren in this part of the State. There was a good interest to hear by those not of our faith. The people seemed anxious to learn the truth. Some nights we had two sermcns in succession. Bro. Stone or Johnson spoke in Swedish, then I would fol- low in English. The people did not seem tired or . willing to go away, although the house was crowded. Extra seats had to be provided and the aisle and ros- trum was covered with people. I would have been i glad to remain here several days, according to the wish of the brethren, and help Bro. Stone continue the meetings, but I could not as Thad commenced the work at Litchfield and must return to finish canvass- ing the town and deliver the papers. 1 have taken over (50) fifty orders for the Signs, one for the Ger- man and one for the Swede paper. I find it hard work but God gives me strength to work. I am of good courage and have many blessed experiences in telling the present truth to the people in their homes. DANIEL NETTLETON. Litchfield, Minn., Dec. 17, 1897. Austin General Meeting IT was one of the best I have ever attended. The attendance was good, both of our own people and thé people of the place. Sister Johnson took up the Sabbath-school work and Sister Ellis the missionary A’ good, lively interest was manifested in Elders Sweany and Pogue assisted work. in preaching and other meetings. Our study upon the Judgment with its solemnn realities, the warnings and reproofs in the ‘‘Testi- monies” caused us all to seek God. A spirit of heart- searching and repentance came in. The meetings on the Sabbath were especially blessed. Some drops of the latter rain fell on us?” But oh, the pride and selfishness with us is keeping back the refreshing that we so much need. The interest from the out- side was such that Eld. Sweany will continue the work. Pray for him. A collection for General Re- lief Fund was taken at. the last meeting amounting to $7.08. Bro. Pogue left for Wells and Mankato in the interest of the Conference school. ‘The Lord is now calling for workers. Thousands of voices all over the earth are to proclaim the Mes- sage. Brethren in the churches should interest them- selves in getting suitable persons to attend this school of preparation. This demands immediate ac- tion. ANDREW MEAD.