LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Isaac Aboab, First Rabbi in America. ............frontispiece The Hall of the Inquisition in which Prisoners were Ex- amined The Place of Torments and Manner of Giving the Torture Title Page of an Account of the Auto held at Seville on July 5, 1722 List of the “Relaxed; from the same Account Title Page of List of Victims of Auto held at Seville on March 29, 1648. ............ . # The Place and Manner of Execution The Habit of a Penitent, called Sanbenito The Habit of an Impenitent going to be burnt The Celebration of an Act of Faith in the Great Square of Madrid The Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam Title Page of Sermon preached at Auto held on Septem- ber 5, 1638 Title Page of Columbus’ Letter to Raphael Sanchez. . .. First Page of the same Letter Tombstones from the Oederkerk Cemetery of the Amster- dam Community : David Nieto, Haham of the Sephardic Community of 106 116 121 122 124 128 131 132