Page 2 "You have referred to the desire to have minutes kept of the meeting and alm a copy of the tape recording, I discussing this with the officers Lt occurs to the brethren that we do this, which would seem fair to all concerned - a secretary to he appointed from the group to write out the comclusien: we arrive at, and these to be submitted to the entire group for approval, afetr which each will be given a copys We believe, Brother Andre:s~n, that this sugrestion will be agreasble to vou," 1, bn, FW, nme wa ( I had be n promised a tape recording thai would provide "a full record of what is said and done", and the hope was e.pressed that "such a complete record would be agrecaable to you,” TLetler of ®eh, 28, Now I was informed that thare will be no stenographer, no tipe recorder, no minutes, no record of any kind, 8 complete viclation of the promise of Ha full rocord®, a Yeorplete regor:? This is a sorry evample of the covenant~keeping qualities of a president of the Seventh-day Adventist church, Four times { had asked for a copy of the tape r:cordimg, It may appear that I was gvorausnicious, but each time 7 had receiver ar answer which was intended to quiet my fears tiat anytod ¢ wa: wrong, but instead t.ey had aroused my fears that Ilder Flguhr war nol playin: the game straizhi, Ye wrote me later that he never intended and never sald he woulc give me a copy, I. 80, hi: letters were deceptive, Flder Fi uhris letter of March 18, stunned me, Had I been writing to a man who could not be trusted, and who only told the truth after T kmpt prodding him? Whose every le:ter was & aldestepping oplstle? It was of the same character that was used in thc tarnhouse affair when our leaders completely refused to coralt :heuselves on whether or mot they had "totally repudiate * the Sanctuary and Investigative judgment doctrinne, Tht Me not benn cleared up, but still awaite a clesr cut statement from the leacrrs, Silemic, of course, is an admission of guilt. After some ‘urther and prayeriul consideration I decided that I could no longer avoid th responsibility of knowing what was baingkdone by the leaders, I sat down and wrote Flder Figuhr i ee Demeres "I have your letter of March 18 that T +41) not got a copy of the minutes, though I had been led to brlieve that I would, You state that a "acoratary appointed from the 8roup would write out tha conclusions we srrive at, and these Le su mitted fo approval to the entire group, after which each will be given a copy." What I want and what I was promised was a "full record, a complete record." TOUR RROX™M PROMIST TALSTLIS THT AGREIMERT, " wn) aon ( I coulsdwish that the story ended here, Bui it &s only th bLeginning, ¥1d. Flguhr wote again on April 3 an ex:lanation of whet he had cone » completely ismoring my statement of his broken promise, §nd makin; some amazing and untrue apcertions; ) Writes het "it 48 true as you state, that a tape recording was suggested at first, without: promize, however, of giving rou a emopy. Sinac making that Sugsostion, we bave thought further aboutn the matler, and believe that such recording would nob be a wise plan “o follow, (He himscl® hac yo commended 14 as the "ort vrucileal plang "A tape recording", kh continues, "of ever litte remark would ot be fair to the par- tWeipants," (Why not? It would be ac fiir to onc side as to The other.) H ¢ then a firms that the conclusions are all that is needed, and then makes the aston