N+ ozs . ~ i Ye virial" in Washington I was accused of having been several times invited to Ae to Vaghington for-a trial but had refused to come. Here is the truth, yd MEMORANDUM In the month of February 1958 a few of our leaders were in Glendale, and one evening I was called down to meet with them, They wanted to know if it was my intention to continue my agitation, and I answered, I was. Flder Figuhr invited me to come to washington for a hearing or discuseion, and the interview ended, A few days later I wrote him: "If this is your desire, I am ready to come, I have only one request: that the hearing be public, or that a stenographer be present, and that I get a copy of the minuteg," — wan()ews Feb. 10, I received this answer; "In compliance with your wish, the brethren see no objection whatever toc recording our conversation. It 1s suggested that a tape recording would likely be the most practical way of doing this," R.R.F, (1 wanied a hearingy they spoke of a conversation. Several letters passed, but there was no further mention of a tape recording, nor of my getting a copy. So I wrote on Feb, 21%) oe ¢ » "You did not answer my request that I be given a copy of the minutes, Thies is necessary for in any discussion of what is said or not said, it will be my word against that of twelve, I cannot afford to put myself in that position. I must have a copy of the mimutes, This is the condition upon which I come," MLA, < Feb, 28, I received this reply: "In regard to the matter of a record of the meeting, 1 think I indicated in my letter of Feb, 10, that the brethren had in mind recording on tape the proceedings of the meeting, Thle would provide a full record of what is said and done, We assume that such a complete record would be agreeable to you." ReR.F. (This would be agreeable. But he avoided saying anything about my getting a copy, and this is what I had inquired about, I had already made the request twice, If he did not want to give me a copy, why did he not say so? later it became clear that he never intended to give me a copy, yet he left the impression that I world get a copy. So I wrote again March Li) "TI have received no answer, I am still awaiting it, On this point I must have definite assurance. I would appreciate an early reply.n MoLoA o (To this I received no answer, s¢ I-wroteiagain Marchil2i) "I am still waiting for definite word that not only will a tape recording be made, but that I will receive a copy. As stated, this is a necessary condition." M,L.A. —— wwe (By this time five letters had passed, but I had received no answer to my repeated request. “ut this time I received an answer. Ou arcu 18 Fld, Figuhr wrotes)