soy but whether or not Focus on the Family sup- porters were willing “to stand with us” against the Woevrich-Thomas-Dobson wing of the Religious Right. “Are vou there?” Dobson wrote. “Do vou care? really need to know, Tt would be helptud it vou would write us a note or a let- ter to expla vour position. Clearly Dobson was seeking to Intensity support, if not financial contributions, by portraving the enemies of the “pro-family movement as now within the gates of the kingdom itselt. Charles Donovan ended a similar letter to Family Research Council sup- porters with a standard postscript asking for contributions. “If vou can make a gift to FRC 10 holster our efforts, now would be a perfect thine to do so. he wrote. Still, tempers, egos, and fund-raising letters aside, the fact that Wevrich, Thomas, and Ed 2obson are now engaged ina dialog with those who are responding to their aritigue of the Religious Right reveals a level of diversity in the movement that would have been considered dangerous to the Rehglous Right's health just a fen vears ago. Make no mistake, neither the First Things Hap of 1997 nor the Wevrich- Thomas Dobson thesis of 1999 mean that the Religious Right is cracking up or going away. Rather, as is the case with the feminist movement, which is nearly its contemporary, we will need now to start dis- cussing various wings of the Rehatous Right. The one size-fis- all cra of uniformity is over. The Religious Right has matured into a movement that will arapple inwardly with how best to tansform culture while at the same time continuing as a presence in electoral pols ities and cultural transtormation, Moreover, amvone looking for evidence of the latter need only make a carsory overview of the carly pres- dential race. in which George W. Bush and Al Gore were falling atl over themselves to see whe could connect best with evangelicals. Bush aimed that fesus was his favorite polit: cal philosopher “hecause THe changed nny heart, while Gore trumpeted his own born: Juin status, The leading candidates were dearly appeal - ing to a Religious Right constituency that has been dentitied. organized, and mobilized dur- ing the past 20 vearss As long as that voting block exists there will be politicians appealing to it and Religious Right activist leaders orga nizing 1 Phis will continue even as the Tors Things melleciuals contemplate resistance to the regime and the Wevrich-Thomas-Dobhson wing of the Religious Right movement attempts to keep evervone sober about the hm- its of politics. i] FOOTNOTES “he Pad oan Demecraa? The lodiaal Usarpation of bohtics Fost Thivaes, November 19a, pp. 18 HL See Rob Boston, “Eamialy Feud: Pocus onthe Pamilv Ss Lanes Drobwsn Dares to Disapline Wavsard Members of the GOP — And Mavhe Americas Too] Clrdd and Stare Mav tas, pe 9-140 Tronicallve while plaving the role of GOP instders Dobson also applauded the forse Thenges considera ton ab resistance to “the regime” See The Bnd oor Democracy? A Discussion Continued.” Froese Ding, January POY pp. 210, Sees tor osamples David Neft, "Oudaaders Noo Mores Flos Conservative Christians Scrapped. Wheedled, and Bareained for Ther Place at the Table, Olostuaniny lod, April 28, 1997, pp. 22-250 Phe artdde cares a photo of Pat Robertson and Bob Dole together, he most thorough and up-to-date story of the Religious Right alse argues that the movement hus become w staple of the American polit Cal scene. See Wikia Martin, Wenn God Or Or Sele: The Rise of the Reltgrows Koh io bnerica New Yorks Broadway Books, 1996 Paul Wevrich to “rear Friend feb, Te, 19990 As Lite as November 1999 Wes nichis letter could be accessed at the Web site wawwerionetorgiarchives'wesnich im, This as the Web site for the Religious Freedom © oahiion: Wevrich's own orpdization is called Tree Congress fbsdop, 2. [ond [bal Jerry Falwell, Id Dobson, and Fd Hindson, Ihe Frordarentalist Phenomenon, Pre Resurgence of Conservatory Chrndenie (Garden City, NOY Doubleday Colter, T9811 Cal Thomas and Bd Dobson, Blinded by Magha: Can tie Referens Bech Save Aenea? thrand Rapids: Zondervan, [RA EAN {had pos In, Shad ppc 2ocand Tien Wallis Hostage to an Huston: An Interview with Cal Thomas and Fd Dobson,” Sopearners, November December 1999 pp. 18-210 For a tall article on Probson and Calvary church, see Dean Merndl, “The tducation of Fd Dobson Closaanas Today, Aug. TL 1997, PP. MIRE lames Dobson, “Or Fath Compels Us Caren, Api baau po 1a The other articles were on pages 13 through 19, Jamies Dobson to "Dear Friends,” Tune 1999, pod As of Novernher 19v Biohaons fetter could be avuvessed at the Focus vn the Tan Web site address www Lomi org do study: newsletters Ase us homd, A vasion ot this eter abo appeared a ferry Falwells oanrnal, See Dre lames Dobson, “Christians Must Remain Tnvobved) Narooma! [oberse Joromad, July Tod Phas version can be accessed at waa sthertvedo chancellorindp Tale Taos acivisan hin Drobo to Dear Poends, pp 1, 2 {hod end opp. dob it Fshied: An Insaadersy Rehivtouns Redd volodan, Septo, Tugs pp Ay Como taation, Chetan Conse ats and Cultural Change,” © SPAS Tondas, “Waoted ty Thomas and Dobeon, Hinaded Ine Mode po Sb Dobson to rear Foeands pos Chk Donovan to Thea Friend” Mosiiide Doren, Apr 2 pas po 30 has wah reo fertersapnl bitin noeswestoiter van be adeessed ae