16 THE TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPE. POPE. POPE. POPE. mean that I deny to the bishop of Rome the the right resulting from his divine office, to interfere interfere in the relations between subjects and their sove- sove- reigns, between citizens and their governments. governments. “And while I make this denial, I acknowledge acknowledge all my obligations to the Church of which I am am an humble member, and I recognise all the rights rights of the venerable head of that Church to the spirit- spirit- ual deference of its children; and I desire that that no part of what I may say, or what I may con- con- cede, in my remarks, may be considered as yield- yield- ing a single dogma of the Catholic Church, or or manifesting, on my part, a desire to explain explain away, to suit the spirit of the times, or the pre- pre- judices of my hearers, any doctrine of the the Catholic Church. I believe all that that Church Church believes and teaches as religious dogmas; but I I am not bound by the imputations of its oppo- oppo- nents. I am not bound by the assertions of of those who would make political capital out of of denunciations of her children, or misrepresenta- misrepresenta- tions of her creed. Nay, more, sir; and I ask ask the attention of gentlemen to my disavowal. I I am not bound by any action which the pope pope takes as a temporal sovereign, or which he per- per- forms as bishop of Rome, or pope, when he is is only carrying out a contract with kings and em- em- em- em- MR. CHANDLER'S SPEECH. 17 17 17 17 perors to secure to them the integrity of their their Possessions, and the perpetuity of their power. power. power. As IT cannot accept the honourable gentle- gentle- man’s discrimination between me, as a Catholic, Catholic, and other members of the Church as Roman Roman Catholics, I must regard myself as involved in in the general censure, and feel that I stand charged, charged, as a national representative, with holding opinions opinions and owing fealty that may demand from me a a sacrifice of patriotism to a higher obligation ; ; pointed at, sir, as a man who, while he swears swears to maintain the Constitution of the country, and and professes to make the fulfilment of his obligation obligation to that country his paramount political duty, yet yet cherishes in his heart the principles of latent latent wreason, I may be allowed, without the imputa- imputa- tion of vanity, to make one more direct allusion allusion to myself and my creed. And, sir, clearly and and distinctly do I deny that the power of the pope pope extends one grain beyond his spiritual relations relations with the members of his Church, or impresses, impresses, in the least degree, upon the political allegiance allegiance which any Roman Catholic of this country may may owe to the government and Constitution of the the United States. States. States. And, sir, that this disavowal of a divided fealty fealty fealty fealty may not be regarded as a mere generalty, I give give 2 2 2 2