JUTE Fel ARN TL NSE NG Mro, BHO Huntley os avanti her Loos be hand fn tend meehings of Feobopt S000 HEE PETS FE A SERIA T HE PL at Ti g [IE v Flsie Bavr, was reovntde named [ETE TI " ed Lh tv Mr Salen MeCQully, of Shorid, CBee Ae CCl earn te Wyo. IEERERE Tn esd FERETR EE : “ar Ly a bya RE RENT ERR i o Henry Willers ha vob dr Fn he Fee idler we Ce New Mexico aad 1+ now til L a Clr Teel aed Mise bert Sr View. ERTS LR SE SFIR HAT PUPS BVO FUCA Winome Hunt ts in Kansas werk ine in Cin the interest of the voeaus roopic bod ) ° 1 alton Celle ) Win, Boden recently calbod on toon tn College View. Hoe vvpodis toovetar te school thes fall Maude Barnes was recent to Tom Sproll, of Eldorade, Rane where they make then home ; : : .. Never Pac lorn e e cb Hie EH Altie Wardell is canvassing ar Bouts ‘ HE ' rice, Nobroand cxpoaots bo be oshle fo se Press progressive pase tac i aie EI. i \ : Cg CL rp nie ad Phe pon cure a scholarship for nent ver t Prot, and drs HA Morven base roe Pines : - EE SENNRRTLE MEETS SERN voortreroy sod she io turned from a trip fo Yellow done Park, : ) t ' ) NE ) Cluared away Prof. CoC. Lewis wvpesta to fend Ad , - . Foe Bean the Massouri and Kansas can mon ting - Before clu Ihey report a very pleasent Tao, i oe eit the mterests of Linton Colic Prosi pt Louise Mathwig who atrended College tn 1902 and 1903, fs now assist ' : ‘ ; err ws Joking Ber tng in tent meetings at Bayard No a } } Preeoat Sheridan, Gertie Grant spent some fic N . " NE } tote bo fee bas a after finishing her chue She attended the summer sohinoi tege View. S.C. Mathiesen and Walter Secuamalis are ou there farms tn Worth Dali - , I Mountmn View, Cadvlorea, secon They expect to teach in Noth Duakoy . le . Dire dy Cal Ene warp dread 1 a kined tis winter. . and a day or two viewing the rains oo - “3 4m et [3 - N -q In) PURI or = Cards are out announcing tho wed- Senn Fran cimec ding of Mr. Cash Sparks and Miss Anns Max Hitl reports navoting Mrs oor Erickson, which will take place ra Cot nec Lovdin foraase on tho Sra lege View, Waoeduesday, Ane 15 at Land, acca eid or bor he wis No Bo bmerson as visitng the Porrad nod Tittle won Al io Cio home of her parents tn ORindioan She hap. Drove hierar Led dy will return 1 time to ved the bon He ateo met io Farves, a fever ready for the students whoa woboos stdent or Dinron wind hier Busing opens, Ther Dome 1s nn Qakland