—N | A Diehl To Conduct Health Seminar “Americans don’t just die, they slowly fade away at age 40,’ says Dr. Hans Diehl, cardiovascular researcher at Loma Linda Uni- versity, and former director of research and health education at the well-known Pritikin Longev- ity Center. After 50 years of cardiovascular research, many are beginning to turn to a lifestyle- oriented approach—going back to basics, many advocated by Ad- ventist giants like E. G. White, and J. H. Kellogg. Dr. Diehl will conduct a health seminar in the Modesto Central church, corner of 16th and H streets, on January 27 and 28. All the churches are cordially invited to attend this free seminar. “Portrait of a Killer” will be the topic at 7 p.m. Friday, January 27. “‘Lifestyle Medicine: A New Frontier?’’ will be the title for his sermon at 11 a.m. January 28. The afternoon schedule is as follows: 2, the film ‘‘Eat, Drink, and be Wary’’; 2:30, “‘Slim View of a Broad Subject’”’—how to eat Hans Diehl ACADEMY DAY Monterey Bay Academy Monday, March 5 9 am. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome! more and lose weight permanent- ly; 3:30, ‘““The Cholesterol Con- troversy: How It Affects Your Health’’; 4:30, ‘Lifestyle and Health’’; 5:20 to 5:45, vespers with Dr. Lily Diehl, wife of Dr. Hans Diehl, concert pianist and soloist; 5:45 to 7, questions and answers will complete the infor- mative seminar. The seminar will present scien- tific evidence that will create more awareness of the potent role of nutrition, exercise, stress, and general lifestyle habits in the development and treatment of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer, Dr. Diehl said. Cooking Seminar Provides Learning Experiences More than 35 people learned how to prepare a stuffed vege- turkey at the cooking seminar held by Fresno Westside Church. Eileen Ruff conducted the cooking demonstrations which yielded several other tasty, nutritious dishes. Preparation of the vegetarian turkey was also demonstrated by Eileen Ruff at Soquel camp meet- ing last year. She was assisted by several helpful members. Everyone who attended the cooking seminar tasted a sample of each dish, and that amounted to a full plate meal with dessert. Many expressed their evalua- tion of the food as delicious, and their cleaned-up plates seemed to uphold that assessment. Exeter-Lindsay Spanish Concludes Series The Exeter-Lindsay Spanish Church recently concluded an evangelistic series in Lindsay at the United Methodist church, where the Spanish Church is meet- ing. According to Pastor Manuel R. Avitia, the presentations were bi- lingual. The evangelistic meetings were conducted by Eliseo Briseno, evangelist for Central California, and Pastor Avitia. In addition three seminar pres- entations on the book of Daniel, the book of Revelation and on Seventeen decisions Spanish Crusade. 6 discipling were conducted by Joe Espinosa of the General Con- ference and Manuel Vasquez of the Pacific Union. As a result of the meetings 17 individuals accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, reports Pastor Avitia. Topics of the meetings included ““The Second Coming,”” ‘‘The Future of Mankind,” ‘‘Healthful Living,”” and ‘““‘How To Be Ready for the Final Events.” Musical groups that performed included ‘‘Advenimiento USA.” for Christ were made at the Exeter-Lindsay EACH YEAR TUOLUMNE COUNTY sponsors an old-fash- ioned spelling bee, which is held in the little red schoolhouse in historic Columbia State Park. Con- testants are two eighth-grade stu- dents from each school in the coun- ty. This year two of the three eighth-grade students from Moth- er Lode Adventist Junior Academy in Sonora participated and spelled more than 80 words correctly. Ruth Williams won a second-place trophy and Gina Proctor a third- place trophy. pastor for Sunnyvale. Palo Alto. California. ly literature evangelist. The Pulse of Central Personnel Changes DAVID BUNKER is pastor for Armona and Corcoran; formerly associate pastor of Fresno Central. DAVID GEMMELL is pastor for Milpitas; formerly associate MICHAEL HARRIS is pastor for Merced Bethel Company and Modesto Westside Company; formerly associate pastor of East STEVE HORTON is pastor for Seaside; formerly at Merced Bethel Company and Modesto Westside Company. THEODORE H. IM has joined the Association as treasurer; formerly assistant treasurer of the Association in Northern LIPANO SASA is assistant pastor for the San Jose Samoan Church; formerly student at Pacific Union College. DENNIS PARKS is associate pastor for Bakersfield Hillcrest and Arvin churches; formerly pastor of Los Banos. DIANA PLEITEZ is the publishing department office secretary. GARY WATERHOUSE is pastor of Oakdale Church; formerly associate pastor at Arvin and Bakersfield Hillcrest. JEFFREY WOLFF is now pastor at Los Banos; formerly pastor for Greeley Hill Church and Groveland Company. GUILLERMO ZENNER is assistant publishing director; former- Retired Workers Group Organized Retired Workers Fellowship of Central San Joaquin Valley of California was organized recently. Orley Berg of Oakhurst is presi- dent of this Retirees Chapter. This club will include areas from Visalia-Hanford in the south to Madera-Merced, as well as the mountain areas such as Mariposa, Fresno Westside Honors Community Leader Mrs. Sudie Douglas was honored by the Fresno Westside Church for her outstanding serv- ices to the community during the 11 a.m. service on Sabbath, November 3. Mrs. Sudie Douglas receives the Outstanding Service Award pre- sented by the Fresno Westside Church. This award is presented annual- ly by the church to a deserving community leader. In the past it has been presented to James Ald- rich, assistant city manager; Les Central California Conference Charles F. Cook, president; George R. Elstrom, secretary; Gordon Bul- lock, treasurer; (Box 580), 1691 The Alameda, San Jose, California 95106. Phone (408) 297-1584. Wills, trust agreements and annui- ties should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more information write to Paul G. Proctor director, at the above address. Kimber, city councilman and pub- lisher; Joe Williams, councilman; and Ray Williams, law officer, to mention a few. Mrs. Douglas has proven to be a truly outstanding leader in the community. Her main purpose in life is to help others. She received honors and awards for Who’s Who in Fresno in 1970 and 71. She is founder of the SIS (Stay in School program). She started the first hot-meal program for senior citi- zens, and most recently was chosen to represent the nation on an of- ficial People-to-People interna- tional mission to Russia. The Fresno Westside Church was pleased to honor this well- deserving lady. Monterey Bay Academy ALUMNI WEEKEND February 17-19 Honored Classes: 1954, 1959, 1964, 1974. Everyone is welcome! Patzer Elected to AAFS Chairmanship Bl (Continued from page 2) Guatemala-based International Children’s Care, which provides homes for orphaned children in both Guatemala and the Domini- can Republic. The agency is assist- ing in arranging adoptions of some of these Guatemalan chil- dren, he reports. The agency is directed by Fern Ringering and is located at 6040 S.E. Belmont St., Portland, OR 97213; telephone (503) 232-1211. Oakhurst and North Fork. Others from greater distances are welcome to join. The purpose of the organization is to provide wholesome fellow- ship, relaxation for its members, social activities, and to encourage cooperative effort in supporting local church and local Conference activities. Service will be a predominant theme. The speakers featured in the past have been D. A. Delafield, the coordinator of Retirees Af- fairs for North America; Adrian C. Woods of Placerville, whose hobby of gold prospecting has, in a single year, netted $5,000, which was used to sponsor two evange- listic campaigns in Inter-America resulting in 1,200 baptisms; Fred Ramsey, representative of Re- Creation Unlimited, pointed out numerous opportunities for Seventh-day Adventists to assist in the National Park Service. Join this group for the next potluck and meeting on January 29, at 1 p.m. at the Clovis Church Fellowship Hall, 2370 Helm Avenue. ... CLIP and SAVE . . . CLIP and SAVE . . . Local Conference Adventist Book Center and Association Addresses © AAVS PUB 47D CLIP and SAVE . . Arizona Conference Box 5810 Scottsdale, AZ 85261 Central California Conference Box 580 San Jose, CA 95106 Hawaii Conference Box 4037 Honolulu, HI 96813 Nevada-Utah Conference Box 10730 Reno, NV 89510 Northern California Conference Box 23165 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Southeastern California Conference 11330 Pierce Street Box 8050 Riverside, CA 92515 Southern California Conference Box 969 Glendale, CA 91209 "AVS pue dI10 . CLIP and SAVE . .. . CLIP and SAVE . . © AVS PUB dIT70 © AVS pue 41710 . CLIP and SAVE . . _ CLIP and SAVE . . . CLIP and SAVE . . . PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / JANUARY 9, 1984