WAS SCOTT CHEERING TY ON OR HARASSING HIM? FUN FACTS ABOUT FAITH IN INDIA Johnny would do just about anything for a laugh Guide To order, call 1 .800.447.7377 Guide phone: 208.465.2500 Fax: 208.465.2531 Email: guide@padficpress.com Unsolicited manuscripts welcome f Facebook.com/ guidemagazine.org GuideMagazine.org EDITOR Lori Futcher MANAGING EDITOR Laura Samano DESIGNER Brandon Reese COPY EDITOR Rhonda Christiano Ahhh! Just the sight of those spiny purple creatures can send me into a panic. Once while snorkeling, my husband innocently pointed out some sea urchins, and without thinking I started climbing onto his back to keep away from those pesky monsters. He didn’t appreciate my weight pushing him toward their poisonous spines! Why do I hate them so much? When I was on a short-term mission trip, one of my fellow missionaries got stung by one. I spent hours sitting by her bed watching her purple hand swell. Since then I’ve never been tempted to touch a sea urchin. Though I didn’t experience the sea urchin’s sting myself, CLERICAL SUPPORT Gricelda Blanco SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Rebecca Hilde WEBMASTER Kim Peckham seeing the effects of the sting has taken away any urge I might have to pet those deceivingly beautiful creatures. In a way, I hope Guide magazine does the same for you. When you read such stories as “The Prank” (page 16), I hope you will learn from the mistakes made by OCTOBER io, 2020 • VOLUME 68 • NUMBER 41 Johnny and other kids, and avoid making Guidd® (ISSN 0017-5226) is a Christian story magazine primarily for readers ages 10-14. It is provided by Seventh-day Adventists and is published weekly by Pacific Press® Publishing Association, 1350 N. Kings Road, Nampa, ID 83687-3193. Periodicals postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. Copyright © 2020 by Pacific Press® Publishing Association. Printed in U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Order through your church's Sabbath School secretary, or call toll-free 1.800.447.7377. Yearly subscription: $61.58. ADDRESS CHANGES: Supply old and new addresses eight weeks in advance to P.0. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Guide Circulation, P.0. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979,1980,1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973,1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos © 2020 Thinkstock.com. those same mistakes yourself. Lori Futcher, Editor 2, | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org October 10, 202.0 | GUIDE | 3 Adventist Mission GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS By Brenda Keller Abraham Did you know that beetles are the most common type of insect? It’s true! There are more than 300,000 species of beetles. These hardy bugs live in all ecosystems except oceans or polar regions. Although they resemble other insects, beetles have some key distinguishing features. Most important, their delicate flying wings are covered by a protective over-layer of hardened wings. If you’ve ever accidentally stepped on a bug and heard a crunch, chances are that it was a beetle! I Dung Beetle Though some beetles cause harm by such activities as munching on stored grains, others are important. Dung beetles clean up animal waste, jewel beetles help pollinate flowers, and ladybugs eat insect pests. Beetles are a diverse group, ranging from the microscopic .325 mm long featherwing beetle to the iridescent rainbow leaf beetle. The explosive bombardier beetle shoots a boiling, toxic spray on predators at a speed of 22 miles per hour. Separate internal chambers hold two chemicals that aren't activated until precisely the moment it shoots so that the beetle isn't harmed by carrying combustible material inside its body. Our Creator designed the bombardier beetle's system of muscles, sensory ability, combustion tubes, enzymes, chemicals, and glands to work together correctly from the start. Studying nature shows that we can trust in God's high-tech power! Because they have poor eyesight, beetles communicate through sounds, vibrations, and chemical signals. |Bombardier Beetle 6 ! GUIDE | guidemagazine.org By Melissa Yeagle The Bible is filled with verses about towers. In Bible times the cities were surrounded by walls and towers for protection (see 2 Chronicles 26:9; Nehemiah 3:1; Isaiah 5:1, 2; and Mark 12:1). Proverbs 18:10 tells us that "the name of the Lord is a strong tower" and safety for the righteous. Other verses in Psalms also share that concept (see Psalm 48:3 and Psalm 61:3). And, of course, Genesis 11:1-9 tells us the story of the Tower of Babel, which you can read more about on page 21. In honor of these scriptures, here are three tower challenges to do with your friends. TALL TOWER RACE | After one person says go, each player races around the room to grab random items (books, blankets, pillows, board games, etc.). They then take the random items to build a tower. The first person to build a tower taller than themselves | wins the race. Note: Be sure to put everything back where it belongs when j're done! GRAHAM CRACKER TOWER For this challenge you need a box of graham crackers and a timer. Each player I gets an equal number of graham crackers. Set the timer for three minutes. Each person tries to make the tallest tower they can using only graham crackers. It is OK to break up the graham crackers in any way. The person with the tallest . tower at the end of the three minutes wins. FOOD TOWER October io, iozo | GUIDE | 7 For this challenge you will need random food items (peanut butter, graham crackers, honey, pasta, bread, etc.), a plate for each player, and a timer. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Each player is to construct the tallest tower they can using the random food items. By Hannah Kwan, age 12 Driving faster wasn’t such a good idea. " "t was a record-breaking cold, snowy day. I was excited to be going to a ski class with my homeschool group. My dad was even taking . -the day off from work to drive me there. My whole family crowded into our silver pickup truck. The whole winter we had been hearing a lot about car crashes in our area because of icy roads, so my dad was quite worried and was driving really slow. “Drive faster!” I begged, worried I would be late for my ski class. My dad switched to the fast lane, and immediately our pickup truck went out of control. Ahhh! We all screamed in terror. Crash! We hit the road divider and stopped. We were now facing the oncoming traffic. During our dangerous spin we could have hit the other cars that were coming and could have gotten injured, but no cars drove by us during that time. We even had enough time to drive back in the right direction before any other cars arrived. I believe our caring heavenly Father sent our guardian angel to slow down the other cars so we wouldn’t hit them and also kept us from hitting the road divider too hard. I’m very thankful for His protection. 0 8 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org Pacific Press PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION S I ^ ^ The twenty-five 0 stories in this collection will encourage you and strengthen your faith. You'll meet Curtis, who foolishly ventures out in a freezing, blinding blizzard. And then there's Joe, who breaks into rich Mrs. Gambol's house to steal money for some badly needed new clothes. Lori Peckham, editor For eBooks, go to Adventist-eBooks.com! ©2018 Pacific Press Publishing Association Please contact your ABC for pricing in Canada 1855902548 ISBN 978-0-8163-5825-0 Three ways to order: D Local Adventist Book (enter® H Call 1-800-765-6955 a Shop AdventistBookCenter.com Chapter 2 of 2: “Little White ” By Ellen Weaver Bailey Illustrated by Shane L. Johnson The story so far: Ivy Cromartie, who grew up as a pioneer girl in Florida in the late 1800s, is assigned to be the first teacher at the settlement of Fort Lauderdale, where she meets Frank, who proposes to her just before the end of the school year. " "vy and Frank’s wedding took place in Ivy’s parents’ home . -very early in the morning so the newlyweds could catch the train, which left at 6:oo a.m. After a long wedding trip to North Carolina, Ohio, and Niagara Falls, they returned to Fort Lauderdale and lived in a small cottage near the store that Frank had built. Back then it was expected that married women wouldn’t work, so Ivy gave up her teaching job. But she had grown up in a large family, so she might have been lonely if it had not been for the Native American Seminoles, especially the children. The Seminoles who traded with Frank usually stayed and camped for a couple of weeks. Frank was always friendly and was popular with the Seminoles because of his fair dealings. Some of the men became his close friends. Ivy noticed that the children hung around, watching her closely. She opened the cottage door and smiled. “Come in,” she invited. At first, October 10,2020 | Guide | 11 they just smiled shyly but before long they accepted her invitation. They were excited to explore the house, and Ivy encouraged the girls to try on her hats and to dress up in her clothes. She had always thought of Native Americans as stoic and unemotional, so she was surprised and delighted to hear them laugh out loud at their images in the mirror. She knew nothing of their language, but they knew quite a bit of English. When she tried to pronounce some of their words, the children shrieked with laughter, and she couldn’t help joining in. Seminole parents were generally opposed to book learning, but the children loved music and pictures, so Ivy taught them some children’s church songs and showed them Bible pictures. “See, this is a lamb. And here, at the bottom of the picture, is the word Tamb.’ ” “Lamb,” the children repeated. And so Ivy became an unofficial teacher and missionary to the Seminole children for many, many years until a school was built on the reservation. For the rest of her life, Ivy was an advocate for the Seminoles. They gave her the name Watchie-Esta/Hutrie, which meant little white mother. In 1906 she and Frank moved into the large two-story trading post. There was plenty of room to host the Seminole children, who X T R, FACTORY __________|E X T R A Home Sweet Home The homes that the Seminole people of southern Florida lived in were called chickees. A chickee had a raised floor, a thatched roof supported by wooden posts, and open sides. The raised floor and roof helped to keep the Native Americans dry, but the open sides helped to keep them cool in the hot weather. -ducksters.com always stayed overnight when they visited the city. A committed Christian, Ivy attended evangelistic meetings held by Allen Walker, the pastor of a new church in town that was Seventh-day Adventist. She listened closely and looked up the texts Pastor Allen mentioned. “Frank,” she said to her husband, “I’m going to Washington, D. C. I have to find out more about these things.” “Why there?” he asked. “I’m going to visit the Library of Congress and learn all I can about these Adventist beliefs. Then I’m going to compare them with the Bible. I just have to know if they’re right about the Saturday Sabbath, the state of the dead, and the investigative judgment. I’ve never heard of these things before.” When she returned, Ivy was baptized and remained a faith- Continued on p. 27 12, | GUIDE I guidemagazine.org BUT DO f try reading this book without \ your friends snatching it from you. Thrill to the story of David in this heart-stopping, life-changing, fully illustrated book. The same God who . gave David courage will help , you meet the challenges in your life. Three ways to order: O Local Adventist Book Center® 0 Call 1-800-765-6955 0 Shop AdventistBookCenter.com ©2019 Pacific Press Publishing Association • Please contact your ABC for pricing in Canada • 1955903083 Pacific Press® PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION For eBooks, goto Adventist-eBooks.com! TT^ ang! The starting gun Joe just shrugged. “Not sure, sounded, and 10 runners photo finish,” he said, and wan- JL/ sprang forward. Ty’s older dered off. Typical Joe—never brag-brother, Joe, surged to the front. ging, always humble—following This was Ty’s third time running Jesus’ example, the mile—four laps around the Scott was standing nearby, track—and Ty was nervous. “ Why were you screaming at “Great start! Way to go!” Ty’s me?” Ty blurted angrily, mom yelled, giving a thumbs-up. “I was cheering—to pump you Ty ran faster, fueled by her posi- up! You ran great!” Scott said, look-tivity. ing surprised. “Two laps to go,” the official “That’s not cheering—that’s called a few minutes later. heckling,” Ty growled before Ty saw Joe half a lap ahead, vying stomping away, for first place. Go, Joe! Pass him! Ty silently cheered, hoping to some- TT^ ang! Two races later Scott day run like Joe. was running an 8oo-meter “Run! Go faster,” Scott, a fellow JLJ race—and having a hard sixth grader and teammate, sud- time. Ty was tempted to scream denly started screaming. But it at Scott to run faster. But then Ty didn’t sound like he was cheering looked across the infield and saw Ty on. Scott’s mocking tone, jeering Joe cheering—the way Joe always laughter, and sarcastic words made did—and Ty knew what to do. Ty feel as though he was being “Good job, Scott! You got this!” made fun of—and reminded of how Ty cheered, slow he was. Glancing at Ty, Scott gritted his “Run faster!” Scott continued teeth and quickened his pace, taunting. Suddenly Ty realized Scott was I’m running as fast as I can! Ty struggling this season. Track was thought, breathing hard. Ty had felt new to both of them, but Scott pretty good—until now. didn’t have a brother like Joe to “One lap to go,” the official show him how to act, how to cheer, called. how to support his team. Ty’s Ty saw Joe, neck and neck with anger slipped away. He felt bad for the lead runner, sprinting toward Scott. Ty realized his place on the the finish. Go, Joe! team was more than what place he “Great run,” Joe said, clapping finished in a race—his place was Ty on the back after the race. also to show Scott how to be a good “Thanks. Did you win?” Ty sport, a good teammate. Just the way wheezed, his legs like noodles. Joe—and Jesus—showed Ty. 0 October 10, 2020 | GUIDE | 15 By Elfriede Volk g? Illustrated by Ste Johnson Johnny was a joker. Wherever you heard laughter, you knew that Johnny was there and was probably the cause of the merriment. But sometimes, amid the laughter, there were also tears. “Johnny, I’ve had about enough of your pranks and your teasing,” Miss Williams said after another one of his young classmates at the little one-room church school had burst into tears over something Johnny had said. “How would you like to be teased and pranked all the time?” “That would be great!” Johnny replied, grinning. “My mother says that people who love each other tease each other. Besides, I’m doing everyone a favor. The Bible says that laughter is like medicine, so in a way I’m giving free health care.” At that the other pupils burst out laughing. Miss Williams just 16 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org groaned and shook her head. “Just make sure I don’t see anyone else crying again over something you said or did,” she finally said. “Because if I do, you will get punished.” School had been in session for two weeks already when Miss Williams made an announcement. “Tomorrow we will have a new girl,” she said, “and I hope you will all make her feel welcome.” “What grade is she in?” one of the other girls asked. “She will be starting grade 1. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know any English, so you will all need to try to help her learn. “Why doesn’t she know any English?” someone else asked. “Erika’s parents are German immigrants, “Miss Williams explained, “and because they speak German at home, that is the language Erika has learned too. But I’m sure she will have no difficulty picking up English from you as you play with her at recess and at lunchtime. And you could also help her immensely with her reading, once she has learned the alphabet, as the English vowels and some other letters sound different from the German ones.” The children tried, but it was hard to communicate with Erika. It wasn’t just because she didn’t know English that communicating was hard. As the only first grade pupil, she was much younger than the other children. She was also extremely shy, so she often sat alone. Johnny did his best to try to help the girl fit in, but his attention consisted mainly of teasing. Though she didn’t understand enough English to know what was said, she realized that the laughter had something to do with her. It made her embarrassed, and her cheeks turned a bright red. “Look,” someone said. “Her face is turning the same color as her hair.” “Yes,” Johnny agreed. “Can’t call her carrot top anymore. Now we’ll have to call her beet head.” Everyone else laughed again— everyone, that is, except for Erika. She just looked down at her desk and turned redder still. Winter is severe in the north and comes early. Erika’s parents did not have a vehicle, so the little girl walked to school. And as she did not have a snowsuit, Erika’s mother knitted thick leggings for her and mittens that were fastened together with a cord that went through one sleeve, across the back of her jacket, and then through the other sleeve. “Look at the mitts Erika is wearing,” one of the older girls commented. “I used to have some like that when I was a baby. I didn’t know people still made those.” “My grandma made some for me years ago,” another girl said. “But I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing them. Hey, Johnny, did you see Erika’s mitts? That’s the kind they used to make for babies.” Find the emoji that shows what most of Johnny’s classmates thought of his pranks. It’s hiding somewhere in this magazine. l8 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org By this time Erika had learned enough English to understand most of what they were saying, and she flushed again with embarrassment, to the amusement of the other children. "I’m going to have a little fun after school,” Johnny said, winking at the girls, who giggled with delight. As he was the oldest boy in the school, most of the girls had a crush on him. “ What are you going to do?” one asked. “You’ll see,” he replied, grinning mysteriously. That afternoon a cold north wind sprang up, and temperatures plummeted. Tiny flakes of snow became ice pellets, stinging as they hit. When school was out, most of the children had parents waiting for them in heated cars, but for Erika there was no one. She lingered in the cloak room, apparently looking for something she couldn’t find. Finally Miss Williams said, “You have to go now. I have a meeting to go to, and I must lock up the school.” With a stifled sob, Erika left. Miss Williams looked troubled the next morning, and Erika’s seat was empty. Several other children were absent too, no doubt assuming school would be closed for the day. “Probably playing hooky,” Johnny whispered to his friend. “Yeah, but isn’t that what you play? Hockey?” “I wish I were. With this deep freeze, the ice on the pond would be great for skating and shooting the puck into the net.” A few other children came in late, but Erika wasn’t among them. “I wonder where our little beet head is,” Johnny said, half to himself, half to his friend. “Probably got cold feet and stayed home.” “No,” Johnny said. “More likely cold hands. I thought it would be fun to take her mitts and hide them, and then with this blizzard coming on, I forgot all about giving them back to her.” He raised his hand to get Miss Williams’ attention. “Yes, Johnny. What is it?” Continued on p. 27 October 10, 2020 | GUIDE | 19 1. CHOP AND DROP Donald Curry was studying climate dynamics and wished to retrieve a core sample from a Great Basin bristlecone pine tree. He got his tree-coring device into the pine tree, but he couldn't get it out. Don and a park ranger agreed they'd have a better chance of rescuing the implement if they simply cut down the tree. After the deed was done, Don was able to count the tree's rings to determine its age. As it turned out, it was 5,000 years old, which, at the time, was the oldest known tree on record. Oops. 2. WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID? 3. BABBLE ON Let's talk about the Tower of Babel. The folks in the post-Flood community wanted to build a mighty kingdom rather than spread out and populate the earth the way God intended. Building a skyscraper was a perfect fit for a trendsetting city. It was also a good way to poke God in the eye and let Him know that He wasn't needed. That's when God stepped in. First, He confused the peoples' language so the workers couldn't understand each other. Then "lightnings from heaven . . . broke off the upper portion of the tower and cast it to the ground."* At this point quite a few of the locals figured they'd better get a move on. Today people live all around the globe and speak 6,500 languages. Call it the "Babel effect Embarrassing Legacy "The schemes of the Babel builders ended in shame and defeat. The monument to their pride became the memorial of their folly" (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 123). 4. SHATTERED IMAGE Inventor Elon Musk had just unveiled his latest creation: an electric pickup with the latest technology—including "armor" windows. Determined to prove the astonishing strength of the Tesla armor glass, Musk had chief of design Franz von Holzhau-sen hurl two metal balls at the truck's side windows. The balls shattered both of them. Double oops. The instructions from King Balak of Moab were simple enough: place a curse on the children of Israel. Now the conspiring prophet Balaam stood poised for action. But things quickly went off the rails. "Balaam raised his eyes, and saw Israel encamped according to their tribes; and the Spirit of God came upon him" (Numbers 24:2, emphasis added). Suddenly, instead of pronouncing curses, Balaam "accidentally" biessed the children of Israel! The befuddled traitor repeated this action three times in a row! That's a bit like running for class president and announcing, "Only an idiot would vote for me." By the way, this was the same Balaam whose donkey had once scolded him. You'd think he'd consider a new line of work (Balaam, not the donkey, although the donkey may have been fed up too) October 10, 2020 | GUIDE | 21 *Potriarchs ond Prophets, p. 120. 6. KOOK OF THE JUNGLE V The Dowagiac (duh-wah-jack) Creek WHm in southwestern Michigan is hardly in ; t ^ competition with the mighty Amazon. But A • * here and there the shallow, gently flowing J creek runs'deep and wide. One chilly fall day while sharing a canoe ride with his girlfriend, future Guide columnist Randy Fishell spotted a vine overhanging the creek. I'm going to impress my girlfriend by swinging on that vine, he thought. Pulling the canoe alongside the creekbank, the confident canoeist scrambled out, grabbed the vine, and, with a running start, swung out over the creek. At its farthest point, the vine \ snapped, and the teenager plummeted into the cold water. "It made quite an impression on my girlfriend," he said later, but did not go into detail. 7. TROUBLE IN THE CABBAGE PATCH Back in the 1980s, there was an astonishingly popular line of dolls called Cabbage Patch Kids. One line in particular was dubbed Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids. * % A metal mechanism in the dolls' mouths allowed y kids to feed plastic food items to them. But when that same mouth mechanism began grabbing kids' hair and fingers, well, the Consumer Product Safety Commission stepped in. The dolls-turned-cannibals were removed from shelves once and for all. A few Snacktime Kids are still available online, but keep your pigtails and pinkies at a safe distance. 22 | GUIDE I guidemagazine.org 5. THE KNIVES COME OUT In 2008 a woman's organization in Iran was determined to make their way into the record books by creating the world's largest sandwich. All the fixings were there—including the main filling of ostrich meat. When the big day arrived, three Guinness World Record judges were ready and waiting for the 1,000 sandwich makers to begin the process. The end result was a nearly 5,000-foot long sandwich! Unfortunately, hungry onlookers began eating the finished creation before the judges could measure it. The taste of defeat lingers to this day. 8. NOT-SO-HOT PLOT Bigthan and Teresh may sound like cartoon characters, but they lived 2,500 years before the Cartoon Network came into existence. These two fellows had gotten mad at their boss, King Ahasuerus, and plotted to assassinate him. But Mor-decai—the same fellow who spilled the beans about Haman and his plot against the Jews—overheard Biggie and Terry and told his cousin (Queen Esther) about the current plot. Cousin Esther informed the king, who took appropriate action. To be specific, the co-conspirators "were hanged on a gallows" (Esther 2:23), which, as you might expect, ended the threat. 9. A PLANE CASE OF CRAZY REAL-TIME FAITH STORY The missionary’s heart stayed where his treasure was. David Livingstone loved the people of Africa. After 16 difficult years as a missionary, he returned to his native Scotland to speak to the students at Glasgow University. His body was emaciated by the ravages of some 27 fevers that had coursed through his veins during the years of his service. One arm hung useless at his side, the result of being mangled by a lion. He certainly had Africa engraved in his very flesh. Nobody could doubt his love for that land, because it was expressed in more than words. He went back to Africa, and when he died, natives removed his heart and embalmed the rest of his corpse. They carried the body to Bagamoyo and shipped it to England, where it was interred in Westminster Abbey. But his heart remained in Africa—literally. His devoted followers buried it within the roots of an old African tree, and on the bark of the tree a native carved neatly, "Dr. Livingstone, May 4,1873." —Adapted from Henry Feyerabend, "David Livingstone's Heart/' Slices of Life (Oshawa, Ont.: It Is Written, 1995/ pp. 141,142. Read this week's Real-Time Faith story above. Memory Text: "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). Our Beliefs, no. 17, Spiritual Gifts and Ministries: "God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts that each member is to employ in loving ministry for the common church and of humanity." Read Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pp. 82,83. Read 1 Corinthians 13. Mandy rededicated her life to Jesus last weekend and asked God to help her see the needs of others so she could help. The first person she thought of was Tanya, who had been on the receiving end of some unkind words from Mandy. There was obviously a wedge between the two, and they tried to avoid each other. This is a problem now that Mandy has a new commitment to God. What do you think Mandy should do or say? Should she confront Tanya and make things right with her, or wait and do something else, giving herself time to get ready for an appointment with Tanya later? What do you think Jesus would say to her? 2,4 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org Living With Purpose EARLITEEN October 17, 2020 Lesson study for October 10-16 SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON LESSON 3: Christian Service realtimefaith.net ^ Read Romans 12:5-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-6,27-31; 1 Peter 4:10,11. God calls individuals who are willing to prepare others for service, to build up the church, and to spread the knowledge of God to all humanity. To each of us He has given talents, or spiritual gifts. These gifts help us to fulfill our calling. When we faithfully use the gifts God has given us, we become more like Him, and we will share His gifts with others so that the church will grow in faith and love. "The little attentions, the small acts of love and self-sacrifice, that flow out from the life as quietly as the fragrance from a flower—these constitute no small share of the blessings and happiness of life" (Ellen G. White, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 82). Spiritual Gifts Use the words in the list below and fill in the blank spaces in the Bible passages. All the Bible texts are from the New King James Version. activities another apostles cheerfulness differing diligence excellent gifts good grace healings liberality miracles prophets speak Spirit stewards teachers use works Real-Time Faith* is prepared by the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. October 10, 2,02.0 | GUIDE | 2,5 The exercise of service is nonnegotiable for those who take the name of Christ. Jesus called us to follow His example of self-sacrificial service (Luke 9:23; John 12:26). The Bible mentions this frequently. Whether we do good deeds or ignore the needs of others, our actions will speak louder than anything we might say. What does it mean to love others and serve them self-forgetfully? How is serving others significant to our Christian life? Following Jesus means having different priorities than those of the world. Instead of pursuing our personal interests, we are allowing Jesus to work in us and enable us to serve others. How are you allowing Jesus' love to flow through your actions as you employ the gifts that He has given you to serve others? 1. "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts ____________________________according to the grace that is given to us, let us__________________________them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with_______________________________; he who leads, with ____________________________; he who shows mercy, with______________________________" (Romans 12:5*8). 2. "There are diversities of___________________________, but the same___________________________. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of______________________________, but it is the same God who_________________________________all in all" (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). 3. "Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first___________________________, second____________________________, third_____________________________, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of___________________________? Do all have gifts of______________________________? Do all ________ with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more______________________________way" (1 Corinthians 12:27-31). 4. "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one___________________________, as_____________________ ________________________________of the manifold___________________________of God" (1 Peter 4:10). Match the text with the phrase. You will probably need to read the entire text to find the answer. Most phrases are not taken from the beginning of the text. All of the texts are from the New International Version of the Bible. Go to BibleGateway.com. 2. "A generous person will prosper." 3. " For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." 4. " I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. 5. " Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave." 6. "If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." 1." So in everything, do to others what you would have them to do you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Review the memory text. 'Those who have sought for the development and perfection of Christian character by exercising their faculties in good works will, in the world to come, reap that which they have sown. The work begun upon earth will reach its consummation in that higher and holier life to endure throughout eternity" (Ellen G. White, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 83). Your call to serve others is a gift from God to you. A gift? Every time we put others first and spend ourselves to help or serve someone else, it reminds us of the way God reaches out to us. The work of service is one of God's great activities for shrinking our sinful nature and growing our kingdom qualities. Learning to think of others is a journey. It is bom from your love for God and your desire to help others. Little by little, as you practice service, it changes you. What makes service an act of love? How does Jesus' self-sacrificial life of love for our worid help us to have the right motives when we serve others? FRIDAY -4 Think about some practical ways you can help and serve others around you. Use the questions below to guide you in writing about your plan for service. 1. What needs can you meet? 2. How can you use the gifts and talents God has given you to help encourage and serve someone? 3. List practical things you can do to help someone. 4. What did you decide to do, and how will you put your plan into practice? 26 | GUIDE I guidemagazine.org _________ Matthew 7:9-12 Matthew 23:1112 _________ Matthew 20:25-28 1 Peter 4:7-11__________ _________ Proverbs 11:25 Matthew 25:31-36 “First Lady of Fort Lauderdale,” from p. 12 ful church member for the rest of her life. At home she never served red meat, and she herself was a vegetarian. On Sabbaths she went to church in the morning, then visited the sick and elderly in the afternoon. Frank never accepted Adventist beliefs, and she never tried to force them on him. The hurricane of 1926 caused a lot of damage to Fort Lauderdale and crippled the commercial landscape. Frank’s health and spirits both declined. By early 1929 his many enterprises were suffering severe setbacks. Unable to cope, he died by suicide. Ivy was heartbroken. While it was tradition for widows to wear black for a year, she wore black for more than 10 years. Now she had to deal with financial prob- lems while struggling with grief. But she also had an iron will and a determination to make Fort Lauderdale a better place. She began to rent out rooms in the house, and later rented out the ground floor as a restaurant. She became active in local and national causes, including temperance, voting rights for women, and humanitarian activities. She also became the first principal of the church’s school in town. She lived until 1971 and is buried beside her husband. Ivy is celebrated as the “First Lady of Fort Lauderdale.” It is, in part, because of her tireless efforts that Fort Lauderdale is the city it is today. 0 (Series concluded.) “The Prank,” from p. 19 “Where is Erika today? I have something of hers that I want to give back.” “I’m afraid you won’t be able to for a while,” Miss Williams said. “She’s in the hospital.” “The hospital?” several of the children chorused. “Why? What happened?” “She lost her mittens and froze her hands walking home yesterday. She may also lose some of her fingers.”* Johnny stumbled out of the classroom so that the other children would not see the beads welling up in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He pulled a pair of old-fashioned mittens out of his pocket and hung them up by the jackets. Then he sat on the floor in the corner of the cloakroom, crying and praying that Erika would be OK. And he determined, with God’s help, to get his teasing and pranking under control. 0 *Erika’s hands healed, but the nailbeds of her pinky fingers were so damaged that she couldn't grow nails there anymore. October 10, 2020 | GUIDE | 27 Found Forgiven How did David respond when his sin was exposed? Have you ever asked God to forgive you? What lessons can you find in this story about God’s forgiveness? TT tTT ing David and Israel had won the battle with the JL JLAmmonites. David had married Bathsheba [bath-SHE-buh], and they were going to have a baby. For a while David thought that he was still the same wise and powerful ruler he had always been. He had covered up his adultery with a murder. Nobody but Joab, Bathsheba, and he seemed to know. David’s attempt at covering up his sin was dishonoring God. Yet God loved David too much to let him continue on the evil path he was on. God chose Nathan, a prophet, to take the message to David. Nathan was brave to take a message of reprimand to a king who could have him lolled. God impressed Nathan to start with a story that would awaken David’s sympathy. He told a story about a poor man and a rich man. '‘The poor man had a pet lamb that was almost like a daughter to him. He fed the lamb from the table, let it drink from his own cup, and even let it sleep on his bed at night. A certain rich man lived nearby. “Now a traveler came to the rich man,” said Nathan, “but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him” (2 Samuel 12:4).* As Nathan had hoped, David was angry about the actions of the man in the story. “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die!” David proclaimed. “He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and 28 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org had no pity” (verses 5,6). Nathan looked David straight in the eye. “You are the man!” (verse 7). Then he delivered the message God had sent to David. ‘‘This is what the Lord says: ‘Out ofyour own household I am going to bring calamity on you’” (verse n). David responded the way God had hoped he would. “Then David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord”’ (verse 13). He immediately saw how much his actions had hurt Uriah, Bathsheba, Joab, and all the people of Israel Most important, he had hurt God, the one who had chosen him and blessed him all of these years. David was truly sorry. David himself had passed sentence on the rich man in the story, a death for a death. But Nathan assured the king of God’s forgiveness. He said, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son bom to you will die” (verses 13,14). David was heartbroken. He grieved. He fasted. He took off his royal garments and lay down on the ground and cried before God to spare the child. Again and again his advisers came and begged him to get up and eat with them, but he would not. Then the baby died. The servants were afraid to tell David. They tiptoed around and whispered. David noticed, and finally asked, “Is the child dead?” “Yes, sir, he is dead,” the servants answered hesitantly. David could have gone on mourning. He could have gone on feeling guilty for what he had done to so many people and to God. But David knew God. He knew that God had forgiven him. David got up, took a bath, put on his royal clothes, and asked for some dinner. The sad results of David’s sin would never go away even though God had forgiven him. Along with the many setbacks, however, David learned the most important lesson. He learned to trust God, who would help him overcome his selfish tendencies. Unlike King Saul, who had hardened his heart, David humbled himself and confessed his sins. He returned to God with sincere regret in his heart. King David learned that God was his only source of wisdom and power. True to His promise, God forgave David and restored to him the joy of salvation. One day God would bless David and Bathsheba with another baby, who would be loved by God. Solomon would be the wisest king who ever lived. King Solomon learned at a young age the importance of trusting in God. He wrote: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5,6, NIV). David’s story serves as an example to us. There is no sin that is insignificant or unknown to God. We are on dangerous ground when we rely on our own wisdom and neglect spending time with God in prayer and Bible study. It is when we trust in the Lord with all our heart, as Solomon wrote, that we will experience the joy of salvation that God has promised to all who believe in Him. October 10, 2020 | GUIDE I29 PowerPoints® is prepared by the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. ‘Bible texts are from the New International Version. Lesson 3 October 17, 2020 Lesson study for October 10-16 . lMI»J Read Psalm 51:1-10 and this week's lesson, "Found Out and Forgiven." “§ rilRflo Create a mask and write the power text on it from right to left with each letter § backwards. Attach string so you can put it on and look at yourself in the mirror. (The text ^ should be readable in the mirror.) Review the power text. Confess your sins to God and ask His forgiveness. {£30 Study Psalm 51:11-19. IflHlT!! Underline the parts that are meaningful to you. -§ !«• Do you think David felt forgiven in this part of his prayer? Which verses support your answer? CEE© Encourage someone who is weighed down with guilt. Tell that person about God's forgiveness. CTTHT?! Review the power text. lJ;fAW Pray the verses from Psalm 51. CS35 study Psalm 32:1-4. lWI!l!t Have you ever felt guilty about something? o' CBB In y°ur Bible study journal, describe how you felt when the Holy Spirit prompted your “12 conscience that something you had done needed to be forgiven. CSHU Review the power text. lMVi Ask God to forgive your sins and shortcomings. g* CS9 Study Psalm 32:6,7. rilSP«t Sing "You Are My Hiding Place" [He Is Our Song, no. 96). Review the power text. BE CEE? Praise God for His enduring love and protection. MNMMM M MB fMI>d Study Psalm 32:8,9. g* CE® ln y°ur Bible study journal, write about why a horse needs a bridle. Contrast this concept with “o following God willingly. J2 Review the power text. dJJAW Ask God to help you be obedient. itUiln Study Psalm 32:10,11. itm Do you think the words "the one who trusts," "righteous," and "upright in heart" refer to people who have never done anything wrong or to people who have accepted forgiveness? Explain your §T answer in your Bible study journal. CSS® The word "rejoice" can mean to feel joy or great delight. Think of your favorite way to express joy. Do something joyful to bring some cheer into someone's life. Share aloud the power text from memory. Ask God to help you be forgiving to others. Key References: 2 Samuel 12; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 720-726; The Bible Story (1994), vol. 4, pp. 99-102; Our Beliefs, nos. 10,18,23. Because God has forgiven us, we forgive ourselves and others. CEQUICBS "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matthew 6:14, NIV). 30 | GUIDE I guidemagazine.org JUNIOR SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON "BIBLE 'sketches A Visual Introduction to the ^Sabbath School Lesson Lesson 3: October 10-16,2020 Written by Tbmpaul Wheeler + Illustrated by Mariano Santillan I have sinned against God. DAVID COMFORTS 3ATHSHE3A, C3± AND THEY HAVE ANOTHER SON, WHO WILL GROW UP TO SE THE GREAT KING SOLOMON. MORE NEXT WEEK! The rich man he many sheep and cattle, hut the poor man had only one little lamb. One day the rich man his family loved had a quest. The rich man took 1 and cared for the lamb from the poor man and j his lamb. X cooked it for his quest. DAVID IS FURIOUS AT NATHAN'S STORY. You are the man! Why did you despise God's Word by doinq evil? The rich man deserves to die! He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing , without pity. A You killed Uriah and took his wife. Now as a result, the sword will never depart from . your house. DAVID'S NEWSORN SON FALLS ILL AND DIES. r God has put ~ your sin away. You iviff not die. £3ut because you have shown utter contempt for God, the son born k to you will die. This is what God says: "Out of your own household I will brinq calamity . on you." A To read or listen to this week’s Sabbath School lesson, go to juniorpowerpoints.org, or use your Bible study guide. AFTER KING DAVID HAS KILLEP URIAH AND MARRIEP HIS WIFE, THE PROPHET NATHAN WSITS DAMP -ANP TELLS HIM A STORY. v - . fl ^ Most Important Book in the World The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word Ufa, which means simply "books." — omazingfocts.org Baby boom There are, on average, about 250 babies born every minute around the world. — theguardian.com FACTORY