Vol. 7 ~lizabet cowdriok Madieon Qlleg Tennessee Madison College, Madison, ·r ennessee, August 14, 1959 adisonF etes Graduates Pinning · Exeru~es The pinning ceremony for the graduating nurses was held in Helen Funk Assembly Hall on Thursday evening, August 13, at 7:30 p.m. Miles Roy Coon delivered the address and Dr. R. L. Pettis, Jr. gave advice to the twelve gradu- ates. · At this ceremony the follow- ing persons received School-of- Nursing pins, to signify that they are graduate nurses: Margaret Dixon, Maureen Drake, Esther Edmonson, ShiJ.:ley. Hancock, Clyde Holland, Marie -Holland, Albert lsom, Doris McKee, Jean Open- shaw, Leah Rodrigaez; :pat Wells, and Alyce Faye Williams. The other nurses w.bo ·are being graduated this we.ekend h a .d finished their work in March, took their State B:>ard examination'S. in ·April, and have their pins .P.~~ cause they are already R. N.'s. :u;_ ~ 9uture Cvent3 August 14, Consecration Service -Elder D. W. Hunter . August 15, -Baccalaureate Service -Elder L. G. Scales August 15, Commencement-D~~- Fioyd Rittenhouse . ·-: .. ,j August ~.1. V~spers_:_Dormi+ory Deans ... J-·.~ August 28, Vespers-Dormitory . Deans _ . September I, 2~Academy :. ·'· RegistraHon;:.:- . · · September 1 .4,.J.Yespers-Dormitory Deans .. . September 15 -College Fresh-. man Week Begins···- September 23-Registratlon for Colle~·e' Sopl1omores, Juniors, Seniors 1'...: .. September 24-Registration. :fat .. College _Fre~hmen : ~ ,::::z - J . -,r· ~~e"HHeHt'9"'9 College Will Graduate Seventy-Six From Eight Major .Courses Seventy-six degrees, diplomas and certificates will be presented to ·those individuals completing eight. d,ifferen't-courses of study, Satur ay evening, August rs, at the ~f~ual commencement serv- ice o! Madison College. Graduation ·serv1ces will .be held in the Helen :Fuh.k Assembly Hall. · · . - Thirty-five will receive Bachelor of Sdence degrees; ele ·en, diplo- mas in Nursing; ten, diplomas in Anesthesiology; ten, certificates in Medical Records Technology; one certificate in X-ray Technology, four, certificates in E;-lementary Teacher Training; three, certifi- cates in Physical Therapy; two, certificates in Medical Technology. Elder Donald W. Hunter, presi- dent of the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will begin graduation weekend by speaking at the Friday evening consecrption service. The Sabbath morning baccalau- reate sermon will be delivered by Elder Lawrence Scales, president of Southwestern Junior College at Keene, Texas. Dr. Floyd Rittenhouse, presi~ Donald w. ·Hunter dent of the Potomac University, Zeigler, Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Sandborn, president of Madi- son College, announces ~the ap- pointment of Professor oJ B~olp~y James E. Zeigler as De_~n,:of'1~t,u7_ dent Affairs. ...:. Jr:: .; Professor Zeigler h~s_ }l_eel!"~'qn the faculty for twenty-qne y~ars, was a student before that, ·an-d ·is one of the most beloved and trusted members of ·the Madison ·family. He will retain his· position as head of the Department ·of Biology. -· · ··· - In his new position ~Profe~or Zeigler is placed in lead_er_ship ~n all non-scholastic matters .. ;relati~g_ to student life,. Qn the ... ~amj)u~~ Stude~~_ -~re invit~~ . t9, !'efer to him in counselling on all personal and student group problems. They will find him understanding and sympathetic. Alumnus Joins Staff -- In a recent issue the MADISONIA.N' announced the employment of Wallace (Scotty) Slater, a former student, as pharmacist. ' Now the administration an- nounces another former student, Larry Kelly, also a pharmacist, who will join Mr. Slater. This combination will. give very full and satisfactory coverage in the Sanitarium pharmacy service. Lawrence Scales will address the graduates .for the climax of the weekend, commence- ment. TOP ROW Alvin Barham · Major: Education Minors: . Industrial Arts, Agriculture Home-:. Madison, Tennessee Plans: Teach Math. Wytheville, Va. .Joyce Bowe Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: Bahama Islands Plans: Continue Nursing Shirley Burk Major: Medical Technology Minor: Chemistry Home: Sinton, Texas Plans: Work at Denver Hospital Deryl Christensen Major: Industrial Arts Minor: Education Home: Boulder, Colorado Plans: Teach in Academy Ishmael Combs Major: Eleme~tary Education M:fnor: Industrial Arts ,.,. ~orne: Dwarf, Kentucky ~lans: Teach at Fletcher, N. C. Aaron Dennis 1!ajor: Elementary Education Minors: Religion and Industrial Arts J:tome: Wadesboro, North Carolina Plans: Teach at Albemarle, N. C. ~argaret Dixon Major: Nursing Minor: Religion _ Home: Springfield, Missouri : Plans: Nurse at Springfield Hospital · ,Robert Eaton ::Major: Elementary Education · Minor: Religion : Home: Paradise, California :...Plans: Teach at Lookout Mountain SECOND ROW Marion Fielding Major: Medical Technology Minor: Religion Home: Rogers, Arkansas Plans: Work at Ardmore Hospital Pat Grismore Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Bunker Hill, Indiana Plans: Nurse at Madison Sanitarium Beverly Hegstad Major: Elementary Education Minors: Religion and English Home: Portland, Oregon Plans: Missionary to South America C yde Holland Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: Bethesda, Maryland Plans: Missionary to Far East Marie Holland Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Meshoppen, Pennsylvania Plans: Missionary to Far East Albert Isom Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Burbank,· California Plans: Take Anesthesia Janet Jensen Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Supervise on Pediatrics Pat Lawry Major:. Nursing Minor:· Religion Home: ·Eaton Rapirui, Michigan. Pia~: Self-suppo~ting ·work THIRD ROW Robert Loder Major: Medical Technology Minor: Chemistry Home: Florida Purvis Orso . Major: Industrial Arts Minor: Elementary Education Home: Honolulu, Hawaii Plans: Teach Industrial Arts Mary Peek Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: · Concord, Tennessee Plans: Nurse at Hinsdale Sanitarium Mickey Rabuka Major: Medical Technology Minor: Biology and Chemistry Home: Springfield, Missouri Plans: Work in Texas Pedro Ramos Major: Elementary Education Minors: Religion and English Home: Puerto Rico Plans: Get M.A. at Peabody Rosa Ramos Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: Puerto Rico Plans: Nurse in Puerto Rico Leah Rodriguez Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: Puerto Rico Plans: Nurse in Puerto Rico Shirley Tucker Major: Nursing Min(?t: Religion Home: Converse, Indiana .'H-' Plans~ Nurse part time at Madison Candidates for B.S. Degree FOURTH ROW Lavetta Dent Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Los Angeles, California Plans: Nurse, Riverside Sanitarium Dorothy Voss Major: Nursing Minor: Education Home: Cedar Lake, Michigan Plans: M.A. at University of Cal. Alyce Williams Sisk Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Concord, Tennessee Plans: Housewife Allan Moon Major: Nursing Minor: Religion Home: Fountain Head, Tennessee Plans: Head Men's Hydro at Highland Bob Williams Major: Industrial Arts Minor: Education Home: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Engineer at General Shoe Corp. Sumiko Yoshimura Major: Nutrition Minor: Chemistry: H~me: Japan Plans: Go t9 La Hallie Thomas Sierra College lr·.~ Major: Nursing ·.~-~ Minor: Anesthesia· o ~· · Home: Okeechobee, Florida Plans:-Mission··Service-m ·rndia · TOP ROW Ramona Barham Nursing Home: Mooile, Alabama Plans: Nurse at Wytheville, Virginia Maureen Drake Nursing Home: Santa Anna, Texas Plans: Finish B'.S. in March Esther Edmonson Nursing Home: Kelowna, B:C. Plans: Nurse at Madison Sanitarium Shirley Hancock Nursing Home: Okeechobee, Florida Plans: Red Cross Nurse Doris McKlre Nursing Home: Boaz, Alabama Plans: Work at Boaz Hospital Hubert Mills Nursi!lg Home: Philpot, Kentucky Martha Morris Nursing Home: Jefferson, Texas Plans: Nurse at Madison Sanitarium Jean Openshaw Nursing Home: Alberta, Canada Plans: Nurse, Branson Hosp. Ontario McCLURE'S STORES, INC .. Our 18th Year in Madison Let McClure's help make your house a home Madison TW-5-3662. Madison Square Lo~er Level TW-s-6go6 SECOND ROW Imogene Shepard Nursing Home: Fort Myers Plans: Keep house Abigail Turner Nursing Home: Pewee Valley, Kentucky Pat Wells Nursing Home: Tampa, Florida Plans: Nurse at Madison David Warner Medical Technology Home: British Columbia Plans: Branson Memorial Hospital Glenda Brantley Physical Therapy Home: Tampa, Florida Plans: Work at Florida Sanitarium Humberto Lamas Physical Therapy Home: Cuba Plans: Work in father's treatment room Betty Burchett X-ray Home: Maple Hill, Kansas Plans: Work in Kansas FRESHMAN ORIENTATION VVEEK. SEPT. 15--22 THIRD ROW Gilbert Rodriguez Physical Therapy Home: Puerto Rico Plans: Work in Bellavista Hospital Grace Campbell Teacher Training Home: Centre Hall, Pennsylvania Plans: Teach at Laurelbrook Goldie lies Teacher Training Home: Gladstone, Oregon Plans: Work until husband graduates Ruby Seibert Teacher Training Home: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Teach at Laurel brook School Helen Twombly Oliver Teacher Training Home: Bell, Florida Plans: Teach at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Fall Quarter Registration Begins· on September 15 nmnnnnnmmmrmm11111111U111mmnnmmmrmnnrrmnmnrrrnrrn :s:r-s:r-s:MMMMMMMMMMt:1MMt "NEXT TO YOUR DOCTOR- YOUR DRUGGIST" We Give Top Value Stamps VV e call for and deliver prescriptions TW-5-3791 PUGH'S PHARMACY WILSON CLEANERS "WE TRY TO SATISFY" TW-5-9924 Madison, Tenn. Vick & Ferguson Lumber Co. Lumber-Hardware -Paint Phone CO 2-6971 K FURNITURE COMPANY THE BEST QUALITY WITH THE LOWEST PRICES EAsY TEitMS FoR EVERYONE UPTOWN-MADISON Phone TW-5-3193 Madison's Oldest Variety Store Madison 5 &: 10. Store ~~ EDWARDS STATIONERY and GIFT STORE. Hallm_ark Cards Madison Square Shopping Center Madison Auto Parts 30 I Gallatin Road MADISON. TENNESSEe Phone TW-5-3321 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Shirley Bauer Medical Records Home: British Columbia Plans: Homemaker in B'ritish Col. Marilyn Blackwelder Medical Records - Home: Hollyweod, California Plans: Work ~t. M;adison Scu;.t_ta_rium Hazel Gill Medical Records Home: Portland, Tennessee Plans: Athens Hospital, Alabama Elizabeth Guerra Medical Records Home: Panama Plans: White Memorial Hospital Janet Martin Medical Records Horne: Florence, Colorado Plans: Work in Oolorado Myrna Moore Medical Records Horne: Madison, Tennessee Plans Study for Medical Librarian Trannie Roberts Medical Records Horne: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Work at Madison Sanitarium ·Sue Shelton Medical Records Horne: Tennessee Plans: Work at Lawrerfceburg Hospital Betty Urnali Medical R,ecords Horne: Philippines Plans: M~ical Record Sta!f. Madison Georgetta Zerbee Medical Records Horne: Collegedale, Tennessee Plans: Work at Chattanooga Hospital 1£disonia Editorial Associates-Mrs. Bob w. Silver, Beverly Hegstad. Pedro Ramos. · Columnists-Clyde Holland, Marie Holland, Virginia Da ·id- son, Alice Sheffield, Barbara Hill, Robert Eaton, Bertha King. Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ronald Schmale Circulation-Hazel Gri11in, Gilbert Rodriguez, William "\ il-" son, Marcella. Duran, Evelyn Barham. Editorial Adviser . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Cowdrick Official Publication of ~e . ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF MADISON COLLEGE Published semi-monthly during the tall, winter, and. spring quarters, and monthly during the summer quarter •. Entered as second class matter May 29, 1953, at the Post Office at Madison College, Tennessee. Subscription price-· $1.50 per year. PRINTED AT THE RURAL PRESS August 14, 1959 • page 4- Graduates Not Pictured Virginia Bailey B.S. Alice Watabu Major: Nursing Home: Hawaii Horne: Nashville, Tennessee Medical Technology Myrtle Bain B.S. Anna Bogachoff Major: Religous Education Anesthesia Minor: Elementary Education Home: Lakeland, Florida Horne: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Columbia, Tenn. Lois Lowry B.S. John Williams Major: Nutrition Minor: Social Science Horne: Washington D.C. Salma Mohr B.S. Major Elementary Education Minor: Religion Horne: Madison, Tennessee Anesthesia Home: Ellijay, Georgia "I have often said that: Madison College is the best- school in Tennessee. I still think so."-Dr. Philander P. Claxto_n in 1955 THIRD ROW Wesley Burke ~OURTH ROW Ruth Schwab Anesthesia Horne: Madison, Tennessee Don Fisher Anesthesia Horne: Madison, Tennessee -Glyen Haugen Anesthesia ·· \ · Horne: Madison; Wisconsin Plans: Work at Decatur, Alabama Annice Larsen Anesthesia Home: Madison, Tennessee Plans: ·Work at Fresno, California Gertrud Schramm Anesthesia Horne: Madison, Tennessee Plans: Work in Illinois Anesthesia Home: Puerto Rico Louise Strickland Anesthesia · Horne: Remlap, Alabama George West Anesthesia Horne: California .l ..• NEW ARRIVALS Douglas Bradley, born July 14, weight, 9 pounds, 71/4 ounces, ·to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gray. Linda Kaye, born August 2; weight 6 pounds, 61/4 ounces, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Slater. Bible Department Sponsors Evangelistic_ Campaign ... '• .I "" - _, /,': ·~ r J I r . ,· i ' RECENT WEDDIN.G-.Sj•; Alyce Faye Williams .and David Sisk, on July 26, at LifH~ . Creek, Concord, Tennessee. Helen Twombly and Edwin C. Olivez:, on_ June 28, at Cadillac,_ Michigan. - - Mary Lou Murray and Ern~t Ball, on August 3, at Port Deposit, Maryland. The-medjcal-evangelistic . cam- paign conducted by the summer quarter evangelism class closed its ten-night crusade on July 28. The meetings, held in the Fatherland Street Church in Nashville, were a success and three will be bap- tized, according to Mr. Norman R. Gulley, teacher of the class and . director of the campaign. Side by side, lundamental Bible truths and health principles were presented each evening. Student ~embers of the t~am, many. of them nurses, l>r9~~~t _health tips pare hot compresses, and Mr. L. L. to the people. Dr. R6y. R. Bowes Dickman, first aid Instructor, dem- presented facts . on lung cancer onstrated a number of first-aid and showed the film "One in procedur~s. . .-. Twency T.bo.usand." 'Dr .. Gilbert Mrs. Laura Mae Slattery and Jobnso·n ·explained the ·physiology- Ross Clark directed the .choir/ Mr. of digestion and gave practical Walper played the pipe organ, pointers on ·how to live healthfully. and Martha Norrw·:.: was at the Mrs. Felix A. Lorenz and Dr. piano. PerrY-. A. -Webber, nutritionists, Elder Felix A. LOrenz, head of showed the relationship between the Bible Department, and Elder eating and health by presenting 0; ·J: ~Us, pastor of the college scientific facts. Mrs. Norman R. cliu"r'cn,'· ·gave· their suppo'R ~nd Gulley, R._ N., wowed how to pre-- ~p~ation to the meetio . .. CAFETERIA PROJECT The-~~-A~sj.,d. ""-C---a:fiterhi: · · pto.ject must be seep to be appreciated. The new::r.aci:o:ust~Bl! · tlle· ceiling, the indirect lighting, the wood p~n,eli.nl! ,Qn .the,sidewalls, tb-1!..-Il.e.Wr. eh:dtJ~ilitaW~i,~r.-and the attra-etfv'e fifteep-foo_;,,-:::-st.9.ne plante_;t; _h !_!·.~ e_ transformed · ·the room: ~The new drapeaa.vufi'dd the finishing touch t~J.)i~~--~- ___ ,_