thé kingdom’ — mm re tn meen SIR w\Whatsdever ram JE) —— DODGE VoLvue Be LTT ee TT : ULE MINNESOTA $3740 BI-WEEKLY BY THE —— esota pract Soaety, ~ Min . Savacc.ption Price, 33 cents a ye ar, © SEND ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TILE EDITOR, Mrs. A. BE Ellis, . . Box 447, Dodge Center, Minn. Ilutercy ab blue postoftics ut Podge Center 38 second Giusy 1D) Water. : ———— 2 DAY OFFERINGS. IRS I wonder how many readers of the “Home Missionary” in our conference read the: Gener- 4 Report af fie Day inthe éxra OF the Dee. no. the membership of amount paid is ive and four tenths cents per member ror the quarter ending . 3y, Lt Brethren let us wis) the readings on Yoriegn Missions as publisied in the “Home .Mission- i” ary,” and see it We can remember our First Day Offering boxes, oftener and more liberal- ly. Mauy of the pennies, nickeis and even dollars that are spent for needless things to gratify Loto app tite and pride, could be used = > : : 1 hp u.uch wore profitably in sending the gospel of Lord designs that 1t - > where the gist go. : The work is fast closing up, and these pri- x ieges, for guch they are, of placing our treas: do not corrupt, nei- The angel of mercy “ares where moth and rust ‘ther can theives steal it. is represented a8 about to fold “Jeave the earth forever. =] wonder again | éonference do #0 take the vitdtion to scl eit subscriptions, ot “for the new years “and work - with, pt ers of the soeiety. “{hdt the nevw_year ‘show, #t its ciose, incceased. W. ALLEE. CENTER, MINN, JAN. 8, 1895. | Otterings as published | I'nere we see for our conference the average Sept. Bu, 1594 | 959, Minneapolis, Mion his wings to how many families fin ourj “Home Missionary.’ Fill each librarian cobsider this a-personal in- | 8 both new, and | O20 this interest | this time. We earnestly pray we are entering upon. will’ “efforts and interest greatly “nh x I thy hand finaeth to do, do 1t with thy might.” ee AAA —— = OUR POOR. At the State meeting in Mankato last fall, the ministers and brethren assenubled talked over the matter of providing a home or some way ot relief for those in needy circumstances, gach as the aged poor in our state. There are some such unfortunate ones among us all the time, and Christ says that they always will be among God's people. oo Our duties, or rather privileges, in respect | to such persons are pluinly set forth in the | word of God. The fast that God has chosen 1s | (0 deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou | bring the poor that are cast out to thy house; and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him; and. that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh.” Isa. 58:7. Then follows a long list of good things which the Lord promises te- those who do these things. =~ - A com mittee of three was appointed to study up the malter, ‘and to formulate plans to pre. sent to the Couference at qur ‘next meeting. This co.wwittee has {hought best to let our people Kuo, through the WORKER, that they. “have uot forgotien their work. We believe ' many in this state wish to this . work. One way of so doing is by donations. Such a work needs means. 13ut perhaps you say, “We | have no means.” Well, we should be giad to Flea {row any one who'i§ willing to donate a farm of from 40 to 160 acres or more, for & Lome for the unfortunate, “Perhaps some one . | can donate part of a farm for such a purpose. I'he committee would be glad w hear from'any such. CoE Ee Lo "All communications should be - addressed to HOFFMAN. For Com. emt —————————— ‘ " ar or GIRCULATING PETITIONS. ’ “ JOHN i ~ «In the time of peace, prepare for war,” isa maxim that we may apply to our work just ab “It is more than probable that | something may arise in the Legislature this winter, that way. demand our : tention, by wiy of circulating petitions... It is my @ inion tha it would be much: better-that & petition shoulg +