October 5, 1987 Recorder 11 Spreading the message of new life in Christ through radio by Eldyn Karr ““Thank you for sending me the New Life lessons,’ writes a Voice of Prophecy Bible School graduate from Phoenix. ‘‘I have learned some new truths. Do you have a church close to where I live? Please send me the ad- dress.’’ For more than 57 years, people have become acquain- ted with the Seventh-day Adventist Church because they listened to the Voice of Proph- ecy radio broadcasts and en- rolled in the Bible correspon- dence courses. Helen writes from Los Angeles: ‘In all my years of going to church and read- ing the Bible, I have never been able to understand it as I do now since studying the New Life lessons. I do not have a church home at this time, but I am seeking one.”’ In Utah, Mary has a spe- cial reason to enjoy the les- sons. ‘‘For the first time ever,”’ she wrote this sum- mer, ‘‘my husband and I are studying God’s Word together. That in itself has made them worthwhile.” Her husband, Steve, wrote on his final test sheet: “‘I have found God through these lessons. They have shown me the love God has for me. They have taught me how to pray.”’ New Life guides to the Bible are offered not only on the radio broadcasts, but also in every packet contain- ing a booklet requested by a listener. Many church mem- bers tell friends and neigh- bors about the Bible lessons, 9 Eldyn Karr is public rela- tions director for the Voice of Prophecy. Dish receivers like this one at Voice of Prophecy head- quarters can pluck the radio signal from the Galaxy-1 satellite for broadcast on local stations or direct listening at home. With Mabel Richards (center) are sons H. M.S. Richards Jr. (left), VOP director-speaker, and Kenneth Richards, associate speaker. and by the time they com- plete the course, students often do the same. Sylvia writes from the San Francisco area: ‘‘It has been a struggle inside myself as what I have been taught in the past fought with what I am learning now. I've en- joyed these lessons and now wish to enroll others. I was never asked for any money for these lessons, but I would like to sponsor someone. How much do these lesson guides cost to prepare, mail and review?’’ The Voice of Prophecy sends the names of all Bible School graduates to local con- ferences for follow-up by pas- tors or Bible workers. After home Bible studies or a Rev- elation Seminar, many are soon ready to make a deci- sion for Christ and to be bap- tized. Phyllis Scott of Lompoc, California, recently wrote her Bible School instructor: ‘A lot has changed since I first started doing these lessons. I’ve been baptized at the local Seventh-day Adventist Church. Not only am I a member, but also the youth leader. God really had a place for me in His church. I pray the New Life lessons will touch the hearts of others as they helped me.’’ Harvestime Rallies by the VOP assist churches in reap- ing the interests developed through broadcasts and Bible courses. H. M.S. Richards Jr. makes an appeal for decisions at each rally. “I hope all our members in the Pacific Union will join us in prayer that seekers of truth everywhere will have a chance to hear the good news of salvation and a new life in Christ,” says Richards. “Unfortunately, the spending practices of a few religious broadcasters have caused some listeners to question all mini- stries. But thousands are con- tinuing to respond to our pro- grams.’’ James Hayward, manager at the Voice of Prophecy, notes that gifts to the radio ministry this year fell behind the amounts given last year only after the so-called Holy Wars erupted. “‘Donations during the first three months of 1987 were excellent,”” he says, ‘‘but they fell rapidly during April and May. We are still suffering from the effects of the gen- eral distrust of the religious media. However, we know God’s hand is on this evangelis- tic thrust of the church, and we have confidence that His people will stand behind this vital outreach through radio.’ The Voice of Prophecy offer- ing received in many churches on October 10, along with a portion of what is given to the World Budget throughout the year, will help the church’s radio arm continue to share the gospel message of a new life in Christ.