of life. It holds in its two hands the fate of the twain and the fortunes of the race. Would that we might make every mar- riage eugenic, sagacious, ideal; but the ingredients of mar- riage have been long preparing in the lives of those who speak their vows. We have to build tomorrow’s society out of the stuff that yesterday's and today’s society have made. So, daughter, for better for worse, marry the man, or else forever after hold your peace. Hold the Home Front! (Continued from page 3) global war—a part of it, an important part, but only a part. The greater war is the conflict between good and evil, the war between God and the devil. Every man, every woman, every child, every people, every nation that stands for the principles of right—for free will, good will, truth, kindness, mercy, ministry, purity, reverence, unselfish love—is on the side of God. Such champions of the right may be marshaled in armies that batter down the strongholds of tyranny; or they may be marshaled in home service, to make the re- sources, material and spiritual, which not only support the armies in the field but, even more important, build the moral fiber of the nation. These latter make the home front. The enemy is diabolically cunning. He is not weak in strategy nor limited in tactics. He does not merely stand up and fight; he infiltrates, he sneaks, he ambushes, he seduces, he betrays. Nothing pleases him better than to draw our forces into an exposed front while we leave gaps for infiltra- tion of his most subtle agents into our inmost strongholds. In these tactics he is succeeding. While the guns thunder and the air rains destruction in Tunisia and the Ruhr and New Guinea, the devil laughs because he is planting avarice and malice and lust and treason in the minds and lives of some men and women at home. For out of such evils, un- checked, will come victory for the forces of autocracy, op- pression, and tyranny. That is no theological abstraction; that is the moral factor in politics. This war, as all wars, will be won or lost not primarily on the fields of battle but in the moral fabric of the nations’ souls. Let an autocracy be defeated in war but succeed in implanting its concepts in the minds of its opponents, and its cause is won. The caption may be changed, but the substance endures. Great Babylon ceases to be a geographical point, and becomes the air we breathe. We are fighting the battle on the home front as well as on foreign shores and the high seas. What profit will there be if our armies and navies smash the forces of tyranny, only to come home to an America that has lost the battle for liberty, for law-keeping, for justice, for fairness, for purity, for com- passion, for the love of God, and has become the habitation of mean and petty tyrants and of congenital criminals? That possibility is no figment of the imagination. No thinking man can look today upon the developments in the industrial and labor world, without apprehension of a gripping tyranny that tomorrow can throttle the industrial freedom of every- one, and with it his right to all freedom. No thinking person can view today the social conditions that surround and in- fluence the children of this generation, and the already great increase in juvenile delinquency, without apprehending a wave of crime tomorrow that can swamp the nation. For PAGE 18 the juvenile delinquency of today makes the adult criminality of tomorrow. We face the foe in our own institutions and our own homes. We are forced to join battle. The outcome of this struggle on the home front is more vital to our fortunes and to the cause of liberty than is the outcome of the military struggle. Are we trained and disciplined and spiritually equipped to meet the enemy and to conquer him? Only if the answer is Yes, will victory be ours. (This is the first of four articles by Professor Spalding. The second will appear in our next issue.) The Need of Divine Revelation (Continued from page 13) live, and of the cause and significance of the existing world upheaval. Such questions as that of the origin of evil, who made the devil, why does God permit him to live, and why the present cataclysm of death and ruin spreading over the earth, after all that has been done for mankind by modern civilization, educational advancement, and scientific progress and enlightenment—questions which must be in many minds—would have no clear and convincing answer. There must be something back of the present world situation that is not understood by statesmen and news interpreters. There must be some viewpoint from which the reason for this world crisis can be seen and understood. In the Bible, and there only, it is to be found. The Inspired Volume tells us that evil did not originate with the Creator. It affirms that God made everything per- fect, but the beings created in His image were given liberty of thought and action. God did not want us to be automa- tons. He did not wish to receive from us the service of robots but the tribute of willing service prompted by love, for He is a God of love. Thus opportunity was left for disloyalty to arise in the angelic host, and it was there that evil had its origin. Lucifer, whose name signifies “‘Light-bearer,™ occu- pied the exalted position of covering cherub by the throne of God, and was the leader of the angelic host. He became lifted up with pride and aspired to be equal with God. Only Christ, the begotten Son of God, had this equality, and Lucifer became jealous of Christ. Clear information on this subject is given in Isaiah 14: 12-15, and Ezekiel 28: 12-19. Using his great influence with the angels to spread decep- tion, Lucifer led a vast number of them into disloyalty and rebellion. Finally God issued against them a decree of expulsion. ‘“There was war in heaven,” the Divine Word states. “Michael {Christ} and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon [Satan} fought, and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12: 7-9. After being cast out of heaven, Satan led Adam into dis- obedience, and thus established his kingdom of evil on the earth; and from that time to this there have been upon the earth two rival kingdoms—the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Satan—warring against each other. This war- fare has influenced the course of history, and must be taken into account today if we would understand what is behind Tae WATCHMAN MAGAZINE