PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Bly swith those of the Noith, vvetem of the South, while vet not equal The —————————— Church Dedicated Free from Debt The Seventh-day Adventist Chureh of this city was formally vester- This church was dedicated day at eleven o'clock, hutlt about two vears noo at a cost of £2500, and as it now stands tree from debt, the building could be dedicated to the Lord, The decorations and lettering upon the walls were beautiful for such an occasion, There was present ao large audience, many of whom came from Loma Landa, San Bernardino and other neighboring churches, who listened with miterest to Elder Go WL Reaser, president of the Southern California Conference of Co Seventh-day Adventists, who delivered the dedicatory sermon, Appropriate singing directed hy Professor Bearvdslee contrib: uted materially to the services of the hour. The exercises closed by the dedi- catory praver which was offered by ISlder F.) Jan. 20, Hibbavd.— Riverside Eotorprise of 1907, Ot G0 Missionary Notes A returned missionary of long experi cnee and conservative judgment was asked, “What do vou believe to he the greatest single obstacie to the speedy After he replied, +1 have cviangeehzation of the world?” QO moment's pause, no hesitation in saving that the creates single obstacle to the speedy evenoeli zation of the world is 10 be {oad in the home church, in the hearts of indie vidual Christians who are prejudiced or different because of ignermnee conecri- movements of the img the missionary dav.” Did he answer right! Folder © D. AcMoody: who recently visited Witten: From a report sent back hy berg, Germany, on his way to the Levant Mission eld, we note the following: “CMy next stop owas at Wittenberg, the eal old home of Luther and Melanethonn, 1 Much could be ssud that would be inter esting of this birth-place of the grea German Reformation, The old house in which Melancethon lived is standing, and also the huildines in whieh Luther cons ducted his school after hie hroke with the papal sce. dhe Tiving-room ott Luther, which was in one of these huildings, still contains the humble furnishings that luther used, lor the most interesting historiend fon: Cy ture of Wittenberg is the great old chinreh upon the door of which Luther tacked his ninety-five deeretals against the papal system, To-day, at the very doorway where these decretals were huno, are two = massive iron doors, with the ninety-five decretals molded upon them mm hold re- let in the German language. Inside the church are the tombs of Luther and Me- lanethon., There also are the statues of these reformers mo marble. Not far from where Luther's school was held is the old onk tree under whieh Luther burned the pope's hull. But with all this whieh is of such great imterest to Protestant travelers, God has a greater memorial than brick and stone of the great work accomplished by these conscientious God fearing reformers,”