Publisher’s Department COULD NOT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT WHEN Jacob was in great trial and it seemed as though everything was against him, he be- came engaged in a tremendous struggle with the angel of God. He did not know his ad- versary; he thought he wrestled with a robber who was seeking his life. But when the angel of God touched him, revealing his heavenly power, and Jacob saw that the might of his own powerful muscles could avail nothing, he did not for a mo- ment relax his determination to gain the ob- ject for which he had been seeking. Jacob realized the contest and its overwhelming im- portance. The zeal and earnestness with which he con- tinued seeking for the victory could be born only of a sense of the importance and necessity of prevailing; so this keen perception of right values and eternal consequences became, for him, the assurance of ultimate success. God recognized this and changed his name. How many of us are as earnest and perse- vering in seeking the blessings which a kind THE WATCHMAN 159 THE WATCHMAN § A sixteen-page weekly religious magazine for the home. It is anpropriately illustrated. Its various departments make it interesting and instructive to all. It is brimful of present- ( day gospel truth. Especial prominence is given to the great lines of Bible prophecy which show that we are now living in the days just prior to the second and glorious coming of the Lord Jesus. Sample copies sent en request. of the Watchman every week. Correspondence solicited with persons who are interested in working for the soul’s salvation of dthers, and who will put forth definite efforts to carry the news of salvation to others. The power of the Gospel in preparing people for that event is clearly shown. ® Agents wanted in every locality to sell regular clubs See subscription prices on last page SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE OC” OD Or Cer” OC rt” ed” Ve” 0 ne” Address all correspondence to the CANVASSING REPORT Of the S. U. C. for Week Ending February EDUCATION Father has placed within the reach of those The book ‘‘ Education,” by Mrs. E. G. 15, 1907 who really strive to obtain them? “Seek and White, is an invaluable one and should be ' ye shall find.” read, studied, and practiced by every teacher 2) y 8 “9 . . .. . | 3 We were reminded of this prevailing earnest- minister, father, mother, youth, and older a | 3% < | BE ; . NAME Te 32> Bz ness when reading the following letter from a person. Elder V. B. WATTS, 2 8 5 ZF sister in western Washington. Pres. Ark. Conf. Zz z a >A She says, in part: “I have been sick and Tennessee River Conference did not feel at all able to send for the WarcH- ’ J S MoOOTe.uuusrennnneeneenss Misc 26 § 200 $ 395 MAN, but it is such a good paper I do not see Portraits Enlarged RE PUtDEYeennnirreeenrennns NTP 15 4 © 6 95 how I could get along without it it’ full R H Hazleton.seeeveeanenen D&R 25 20 ¢O 1 oo & . © Lo. 1, 1's 50 14 Send Us Pour Dbhoto W J Keele.sivaasinraesonanss NTP 55 00 55 co of truth for the times; it is bread for the Katie Carico vveuveverannsesinocons 56 oo 17 And we will make a 16x20 Crayon Portrait for 81.50, with frame soul. - eon ater color prices furnished on application. Shipped by Cumberland Conference The publishers of the WATCHMAN get many PHOTO RETURNED WITH PORTRAIT GS Vreeland ..oovevenennss Dof A 235 15 00 15 I5 similar letters from all parts of the country. ers ve will makeyou a present of 1 Crayon Eyan Haskell.eovvvvennns CK NTP 45 30 co 14 co Send for sample copies, ask for terms to agents, WORK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED North Carolina interest your friends in this faithful WarcH- O B Newton «ccuvenneeannnnn Sof P 22 20 50 3 50 MAN on Zion's walls ¢ ADDRESS Southern Hirt Co. WE Lanier veeeeeseceecssaes D&R 32 26 75 4 co Address Southern Publishing Associat; 23 Hye. Morth. & XE Street HG Millereeneuenreenenenanns CK 3 5 75 5 75 s Isnmg ssociation, . Mrs A E Brensinger....... CK BS 18 11 75 ; orth Station Masghville, Tennessee Twenty-fourth Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. a ’ OR Steed vvvvennennaennnnnnns CK 17 3 00 -_ Mattie S Reynolds............ CK 23 13 50 I 50 WaNTED.— Man and wife to take charge of T Meat For ul Georgia canning factory, one experienced printer with rue m a J A Kimmel 2 wks. ...oouenne D&R 63 65 50 11 printing i f 1; sor R L Underwood 2 wks......... CK 6o 31 00 46 oo small printing equipment or sma job printing Elizabeth Smithee.vuieeeenes. Misc 20 50 475 office, one blacksmith capable of doing first- Would vou give 25 cents to learn how to Alabama class horse shoeing, repairing, etc, and one tin make a first class Vegetable Meat at home, Oscar A Prieger voveveveeernnns CK 36 33 65 33 40 and galvanized worker. All of the above to equaling beef and costing 5 cents a pound? ~~ RIKeate.....ooooiiniiinn.i CE 34 37 60 40 00 be members of good standing in the Seventh- We teach you for 25 cents. IL W Dortch seereereneen CK BS 32 36 75 27 oo day Adventist Church. Address f furtt WH Waite....oooeeees CK FB BS 4 50 32 co . : Ss tor ur er . CCHowell voveeiriiinnennns D&R 24 23 75 particulars, The Modern Canner Co., Bridge- Waterloo Vegetarian Meat Formula Co. Florida port, Ala. 309 IOWA ST., WATERLOO, IOWA TH Dobbueeiiiiivsssicnnnas Misc 40 12 50 E C Dettweiler.vvcisseccesess Misc 48 13 oo 13 OO F ( ' T, | Louisiana. AM RI AN NA TONA BA NK G S Rogers2 wks...... D&R Misc 67 53 50 61 25 C L Collison 2 wks..D&R BR BS 75 51 50 78 co CAPITAL. . . oo $1,000,000.00 AB Cheek.viveeeeeesnnnonsons BR 25 14 50 SHAREHOLDERS’ LIABILITY. ...........0 \'inanannnnnnn 1,000,000.00 Wm R Lilburn veeeenenns D&R BS 44 72 co SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS. ... cov oieiiannnannn.. 415,000.00 Mrs A E Frank..o..... S of I) Misc 36 75 6 75 SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS. ............coumiieariinannnnn.. $2,415,000.00 IT Reynolds. ....covvannnnnnnn CK 24 20 So 6 50 In the opening of a Bank Account the FIRST THING to be considered is SAFETY. This we offer Recapitulation. in THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, as we give greater SECURITY to , Es depositors than ANY BANK in Tennessee. Tennessee River Conference .... 66 § 81 co § 122 go Cumberland Conference......... 70 45 00 29 15 . OFFICERS . . North Carolinas veeeeeerneceanss 117 80 25 14 75 W. W. BERRY, President A. H. ROBINSON, Vice-President N. P. LeSUEUR, Cashier GEOR er nernenreransnnsnrnnns 123 117 oo so 75 DIRECTORS ’ Alabama. cviiiiirsriesseraeanane 126 226 25 132 40 JNO. B. RANSOM LESLIE CHEEK R. W. TURNER BYRD DOUGLAS Florida «vevvrieiniciiincvennencane 88 13 00 25 50 G. M. NEELY JOHN M. GRAY, JR. JOHNSON BRANSFORD A. H. ROBINSON LOUISIANA «ee frrennesvnnsnnnennns 235 248 75 152 So OVERTON LEA THOS. L. HERBERT ROBT. J. LYLES W. W. BERRY Total 5 38 THOMAS J. FELDER JAMES B. RICHARDSON HORATIO BERRY N. P. LeSUEUR OAL weraprrencennccennns 25 Ir 35 52795