Kappa Theta Banquet Sunday, Dec. 10 0ttITT Courtesy Jingles Due December 12 Vol. XXX CLOCK TOWER, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 7, 1956 No. 6 Music Groups High Light Campus Christmas Scene 1 KOLN-TVIo Feature the College Male Chorus in 'A Soldier's Christmas' December 9 marks the date of the TV debut of the Union College Male Chorus under the direction of Art Dick and Harold Reeder. KOLN-TV will present the chorus < in an original program, "A Soldier's Christmas," written and produced by Don Dick, at 11:05 p.m. Sunday evening. Adapted for TV from a script ^resented at the Union College auditorium two years ago, the story is a mother's letter to her son , in the army, that recalls Christ- mases of the past with flashbacks to the scenes. Cast as the mother is Opal Wheeler; her son is Curtiss Dale. Others in the soldier cast are Art Dick, Merlin Reeder, Roger Miller, Ron Mohr, Jack Hartley, Harold Reeder and Lorcn Dickinson. Musical numbers on the program include "I'll Be Home for Christ- mas," "Frosty, the S n o w m a n," "Jingle Bells," "Silent Night," "Bugler's Holiday," "The Christmas Song," "He Shall Feed His Flock," and "White Christmas." Appearing musically, in addition to the 20 voiced male chorus, will be a girls' trio, Wretha Griffin, Dixie Marcotte, and Jeanne Rogers; a trumpet trio, Bob Romans, Larry Schmidt, and Cecil Christensen; soloists, Art Dick, Curtiss Dale and Wretha Griffin; and organist and pianist, Van Knauss. Girls' Club Prepares > for Winter Banquet MIR ••Mi' Bob Kendall (Curtiss Dale), as a Pictured above is a section of the com- A partial view of the string section shows typical overseas soldier, reads a bined academy, community, and college the Union Colleg Concert orchestra in re- letter from home in a scere from choral groups rehearsing for the 'Messiah.' hearsal for the presentation of the 'Messiah.' 'A Soldier's Christmas.' CLASSES ENTERTAIN ON PARTY 'NITE' By Larry Schmidt Katzie Anderson, Sally Saturley, Bon- nie Smith, and Donr