PACIFIC UNI RECOR ER ** Then They that Feared the Lord Spake Often One to Another” Vol. 6 The Church Present Truth on the Pacific LI summer of Coast | WAVER FE DS Kings During the Wood held meetings at Lemoore, County, Cal, and ax a result a number of persons necepted the message. Among these were Brethren Marvey and Reuben Maseh: These, Cray, Peter Seazighint, Brother myer, and many others, with these in Fresno County, desired that a that after the Yountville, tents With the be- County, camp-meeting be held at place to ripen oft the work, So, close tf the camp-meeting af were shipped to Lemoore, Fresno and those Poevers from newly accepting the message in Kings Connty, we had a good-sized camp, So vient was the interest in the meetings that the crunpers requested the meetings to continue two davs longer than first ap- pointed, We told them that we would comply with their request providing they close of the vould all remain to the meeting, This they did, and even then ceoretted that the meetings were noi to continue longer. North Pacific field, as we then lder< I. DL. Van Horn ond A. spent the summer ina tent Portland, noxeveral additions in that phee, In the cated at, T. Jones resulted Fol lowing our Californie camp-meetings, the cifert an ast whieh writer, by request oft the General Cone [older Van that northern field, to as set gn orveanizing the work there Af ference and Horn, spent a foun weeks an that the there was no railroad from Cal fornia to Oregon, 1Tving made the two davs’ trip by water to Portland, we hdd a two davs’ meeting, October 20 West ot the country, Then, in with Van Horn, 1 omade the trip from Portlaed to Walla Walla, Wish, with the aed 21, oa hall in Portland, tor the acecommodation helievers in that =ectiton ot the Com any Filer That trip was quite a contrast present eight hours™ trip by vithrond between these two points, We Mountain View, Cal.. January 17, 1907 Mond Oy Theve all carried olf loft Portland ar five ALA, Chasendes, hot oat sailed to the the freight on the Wits on men's