ECHOES FROM THE FLELD. in order to know that we are giving at least one-tenth.” . “Tithing is God’s own system and can- not be improved upon except in quan-. tity, which He evidently expects us to do.” = “The responsibility of giving the gospel to the whole world is exceeding great, but if we follow God's plan for doing this then we can leave the results. with him. But if we do not follow God's plan and substitute plans of our own, or have no plan at all, then we assume a responsibility which belengs to God, and of course we will fail and become guilty of the blood of souls.” "Another word to encourage the poor - man in debt. We can pay our debts to man better by first paying what we owe to God. He can make $90.00 go farther than we can make $100.00 go. It is He who enables us to obtain what we have, Hf anyone is inclined to complain that lie has but little, let him ask himself if he has not been robbing God in tithes and offerings. For if you rob Him He will withhold His blessings from you.” { believe if we could all understand the importance of paying our tithe and giving our offerings, we would be more faithful in these things. J. S. PROCEEDINGS of the ROUSE. Twenty-Ninth - Session of the ‘Colorado Conference of Sev- enth-Day Adventists. Denver, August 18 to 27, 1911 (Concluded.) NINTH MEETING The ninth meeting, Thursday, 9:30 a. m. Prayer was offered by Elder Alt- man. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. | The committee on resolutions handed in the following resolutions, which were accepted: ] 11. Resolved. That the fiscal year for the Conference and Tract Society be changed to cor- respond with the calendar year. save that the conference books may be held open ten days to allow time for the quarter's remittances to reach the conference treasurer. 12. Apprecidting the great needs that led the General Conference Council to ask the different conferences to appropriate {rom their tithes to tite - sustentation fund and foreign mission hoard, Resolved. That-we heartily concur in these: plans. Resolution No. 4 was then called up. Elder Kite spoke of the needs of a con- ference church; how much easier it was for the conference office to keep in touch with the isolated than for the local . churches. He was followed by Elder Altman and others speaking in favor of “the resolution, which was adopted by a unanimous vote. Resolution No. 5 was read, and was spoken to by Brother Cox and others arging the importance of the good old Review, and the necessity of every one being a reader if they wish to keep in touch with the message. The resolution was adopted. The needs of the Swedish church here in Denver-was spokenof by Elder Kite, and a collection was taken to aid them in securing a church. - On motion we adjourned until 4 p. m, TENTH MEETING The tenth meeting of the Colorado Conference met Thursday, 4:00 p. m. After singing, Elder Anglebarger led the conference in prayer. The minutes were read and approved. Reports from committees were then called for. The committee on resolu- tions brought in the following: 13. Resolved, Thdt the Conference Commit- tee be authorized to receive and dismiss mem- bers in the Conference church. On motion, this resolution was made . the special order of business. . After an - explanation, the resolution was adopted, Following this; Resolution No. 7 was brought up and patsed, as explained in the report.of the fifth meeting. ELEVENTH MEETING The eleventh meeting of the Colorado Conference met Friday, 9:30 a, m., Af- ter singing, we were led in. prayer hy Elder Richards. The minutes were read and accepted. The committee on credentials and licenses presented the following report: Ministerial Credentials--C. R. Kite, G. W. Anglebarger, H, M. J]. Richards, G. M. Alway, H. A. Aufderhar, J. S. Rouse, M. A. Altman, W.'D. Emery. Ministerial License—Roy Hay, C. B." G. Salisbury, P. P. Sutton, Prof. I. Gaede. Missionary License— Ralph Emery, WwW. H. Cox, H. B. McConnell, Mae Warfle, Bessie Sufficool, Alice Finch, Mary Doan. : Honorary Ministerial Credentials-- H. F. Ketring. Honorary Ministerial License—G. C. Mathiesen. Church School Teacher's License— Wm. Wirth, P. V. Thomas, Mary Miles, Nannie Parker, Eugenie Covert, Eugene Dunham, Pearl Jenkins, Vita Tindall, there, Helen Wilde, Erma Bowes, H. F. New-. man, oo ) Physicians licenses are given by the Central Union Conference. : Elder. Alway moved the adoption of the report by considering. each name separately, The report was read and adopted. It was moved by Elder Richards, and “carried, that the name of Brother Specht from Hygiene be added to the list for Honorary Ministerial Credentials. - Resolution No. 2, action on which was deferred, was called up for. final action, Eider. Evans was catled on for remarks. He spoke-of the conditions in Chiba, the absolutely unlivable condition of the native. house, the. need of printing. plants, -etc. Their. present. printing piant is in such condition that even the natives can hardly stand it to work They. have to stop "scattering literature in new territory, as. it makes so many Sabbath-keepers the workers cannot keep up withthe work." Although. the majority present had pledged in their home churches, pledges. were taken for the $300,000 Fund to the: - amount of $174.75, and the resolution was adopted as presented. Adjourned until 4:00 p. m.- TWELFTH MEETING" Minutes of the twelfth - conference meeting held Friday, 4:00 p. m. After song and prayer, minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. As there were no.further.comsnittees to. report, Resolution No. regard to the . canvassing work was read, and after. some: discussion. on the importance of the recommendation, it was voted. Next was Resolution No. 11, which. after a little explanation was carried, - Resolution No, 12 was then-.taken. un- der consideration. A substitute .resolu- tion was presented by the secretary to take the place of the resolution as first read. This substitute resolution was freely discussed at this meeting and at the Sunday morning meeting. As it finally passed it reads as follows: 12. Appreciating the pressing needs which led the General Conference Council {o ask dif ferent conferences for definite appropriations for general work, therefore Resolved, That we concur in these. plans, namely: 1. Five per cent of the tithe to the Sustenta~ - tion fund. 2. ‘We .favor ‘sending our proportion of the - tithe to the General Conference as recom- mended; and we instruct the conference com- mittee to send at least 15 per cent and work ‘as fast as possible toward sending the full amount: without crippling the work in the home field. 3. "Fifteen cents a week per member begin-