In publication only initials will be used. @®@ SCRIPTURE PROBLEMS SOLVED... This is a service deparimen! where questions on religion, ethics, and Bible inlerpre- talion will be answered. Send questions to the edilor. To be answered, questions must be accompanied by full name and address of the questioner. Days of the Week 1. Will you please tell me who 1s the author of the names of the days of the week? 2. Ac- cording to Genesis 1 a day began at evening. When does the Sabbath begin? M. A. 1. When men departed from the true God, in order to forget Him and His holy Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, which constantly brought to their minds His great creative act, they introduced names of the days of the week which com- memorated their apostasy. Sunday was the name given to the first day of the week in honor of the sun. Monday obtained its name from the moon. Tuesday from the Norse god, Tyr, who was the god of martial honor. Wednesday was from the Norse god Woden, the mad or furious one. Thursday took its name from Thunres, the god of thunder; Friday from the goddess Frigga, answering to Venus; Saturday from the god Saturn. 2. Leviticus 23:32 reads: “From even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sab- bath.” Mark 1: 32 defines even. ‘‘ At even, when the sun did set, they brought unto Him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils.” Thus you will see that from sunset to sunset we are enjoined to keep the Sabbath. This time is not dependent on any clock or mechanical timepiece, but upon the setting of the sun. The Sabbath, therefore, begins at sunset Friday and closes at sunset Saturday. Everlasting Fire Kindly explain Matthew 25: 41, 46. What 1s the everlasting punishment? L. U. The verses cited in Matthew read: “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . . . And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” For a thorough understanding of this scripture it will be necessary for you to read carefully Christ’s statements. He did not say, “These [the wicked] shall go away into everlasting punishing” but “into everlasting punish- ment.” What is the reward of disobedience? We read: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4. Then the ‘punish- ment” to which Christ referred was ever- lasting death. You will also observe that Christ used fizurative language in these concluding verses of Matthew 25. Notice that the Lord is represented in the character of a shepherd and His people as sheep, while the wicked are spoken of as goats. (Verses 32, 33.) Verse 34 tells you that the king shall say to those on His right hand, the sheep, “Come, ye blessed of My Father,” and they are represented as answering Him. Likewise verse 41 represents Him as speak- ing to the goats, while verse 44 gives the answer of the goats. Verse 45 gives Christ's reply to the goats. From these experiences the conclusions of verse 46 are drawn. Perhaps you are puzzled over the word “everlasting.” The word translated ‘‘ever- lasting” here is from the Greek aionios, literally, “age lasting.” Atonios is derived from the Greek word aon, meaning ‘‘ age.” Bagster defines it, “A period of time of significant character; life; an era; an age, hence a state of things making an age or era; the present order of nature; the condi- tion of man, the world; ho aton, illimitable duration, eternity.” Atlonios, therefore, he translates ‘““inde- terminate as to duration, eternal, ever- lasting.” When this word is applied to the punishing of the wicked by fire, some sup- pose that the punishing will last throughout all eternity, whereas our Lord was speaking of the punishment which resulted from the punishing, which was death. In speaking of the punishment of the wicked the Revised Version in 2 Thessalonians 1: 9 says: “Who shall suffer punishment, even eternal de- struction.” The King James translation gives it, “ Who shall be punished with ever- lasting destruction.” The result is ever- lasting, eternal, but it is destruction. Tomorrow in Prophecy is just off the press. Five gripping books . . . . already sold! Well Illustrated, Total pages 512 Nearly three-quarters of a million Postpaid, Only 235 cents a volume Set of FIVE Only 81.00 postpaid SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION - Tomorrow, Day affer Tomorrow, and What does the jntune hold in done? A sale of nearly 50,000 copies of the new book “After Tomorrow — What?’ three weeks tells us that the above question 1s on the hearts and minds of many. Order your set of five today. Nashville, Tennessee on Beyond Co. in a little more than Order more to give away! NOVEMBER, 1942 Page SEVENTEEN