Bell Echoes Shiawassian A.A. Alumni NewsLetter Phone 904-781-2485 No. 23 — JUNE, 2005 c-nuil — Holly A.A. Reunion June 10-11 The yearly Reunion which is held in Holly, Michigan, is scheduled for June 10-11. The classes of honor are ‘45, '55, ‘65 and ‘75. Many of the Class of 1945 are physically not able to attend this Reunion — however, no doubt, their minds will be reminiscing on that weekend. Michigan Academies Reunion Well Represented at Forest Lake Academy, Florida, March 6, ‘05 My Apologies!! So sorry that I missed the March issue of this Newsletter. In a nutshell, we were computer incapacitated! For those not into computerease — the computer was stored in the garage, and then after the move, we couldn't find it for a couple of weeks. The story and pictures are on another page. Carroll Post, Editor 487 Clearcreek Ct Jacksonville, FL 32220 Phone 904,781.2485 I960 Adelphian Men's Quartet — Stuart Harrison, Duane Lemon, Chuck Winters and Norman Wilson provided the special music for Sabbath School and church. Courtesy Marlene's web site Adelphian Alumni sing the AA School Song at the recent Michigan Academies Alumni reunion March 6 at Forest Lake Academy, Florida. Courtesy Marlene's webnsite “No More Moving Until.. 1+ was in February of 2001 when daughter bought this 2.5 acre suburban property. Unfortunately the 22x44 mobile home was made in 1983 and weather had treated it poorly. So, in February of this year she started looking for a new mobile home — with more square footage and more possibilities. The home was found at, we thought, a reasonable price; and negotiations were started. This was mid February, but because Carolyn took VTP (voluntary termination package) after working for AT&T over 25 years since the Jacksonville office will be closing— technically she wasn't employed, even though severance pay will continue until August of 2006. She will be looking for another job as soon as we recover from this ordeal. The financing was difficult, but the Lord worked through our difficulties. Then we found out that the old mobile home was not able to be transported — so we had to pay $5500 for the demolition of it. It took 4 super dumpsters to carry away all the debris. Then of course there was the site preparation — 3 loads of hard pan dirt to made a more stable foundation. I was amazed at the little remote-controlled "tractor" that positions both halves of the mobile home. In our case, there would not have been enough maneuvering room for the traditional "toter" to position. The "boss" had the remote controls on his belt and was able to control it very easily. Incidentally, he volunteered (after being asked) that the unit cost them $50,000 - WOW!1 During this whole process we had to rent a PODS (Portable On Demand Storage) in order to store our furniture. The boxes, etc. had to be stored in the garage. The PODS was rented for a month. The mobile home company salesman loaned us a 40' camper — but it hadn't been used (except for storage) for 3 years. You can imagine what a mess it was in. After the new mobile home was all positioned — the setup crew started their work. Leveling, hooking up water and sewer, then the hurricane straps had to be hooked up. Metal rods with fins are put into the ground at a depth of 5'. On the front side they ran into big roots at every Strap location. We had taken out 20 pine trees in the front and 25 pine trees in the back. Needless to say the roots were all over the place. The church provided help to take down the old handicap ramp, moving all our "stuff" into the PODS and also into the garage. Now we're trying to get the ramp rebuilt back in the front with the old materials. The weather hasn't cooperated -- Since they were going to do it Thursday -- but it rained and our front yard is really torn up and it was very muddy. I guess with all this confusion, you will understand why I was not able to get the next A.A. Alumni Newsletter out in March. Just got my computer back in operation on the 18th of May, and we’re still looking for many things that apparently got buried in the haste of packing and somebody standing there waiting for the box to take it out. I know that we’re not moving again until the Lord comes, and we can get "out of this world" once and for all. This is the first time that I spent any time on my situation in 22 issues of the Newsletter — so I hope nobody takes offense in using up space to tell why their newsletter didn't come, like usual. This 40 camper was loaned to us to stay in during the 2 weeks that the demolition and the new mobile home project was taking place. The top picture shows the hurricane straps being attached to the home. Adelphian Website ... The Adelphian Academy Scrapbook and Student Roster website has a new home and its own domain You're invited to visit the new site, update your information and take a look at the new features. While you're there., don't forget to sign the guestbook' Looking forward to your visit1 Marlene Murphy, Class of 1965 — Webmaster To the Editor: Hey Carroll. I hope that all is going well for you and yours. I'm hanging in there, as they say. In my older age, I sometimes have a hard time remembering just what I have or have not done that a few days ago was so important. So if I am repealing myself with this info, please forgive. Anyway, in the Alumni address list which you sent out, my street number is off a bit. I live at 515 not 516 .( If someone would driveby and think that Bud lives at 516 they would think that 1 had been very successful in this life, as the house at 516 is a newer one worth more than I million.) So. thanks again for taking the time and effort to provide the newsletter to us. Il is fantastic! Happy March, Bud Patchin To the Editor: I don't see a problem with the wait. Possibly you could send out an e-mail to all on your list explaining the delay. Great that you can get a new home. I suppose all the storms (hurricanes) have not been too kind to the old one, especially at that age. I hope it all works out for you as planned. Things have been going better here. I don’t remember if I told you that my wife was having trouble with sciatica like pain in her leg from last April or May and on. Finally the specialist decided that she had a protruding disk that was pressing on the nerve to her leg and after surgery to remove the protrusion, she is now doing fine. The pain is gone and we can now look forward to a more active summer. We have done some remodeling and updating of our house over rhe last year but should have a less busy summer now. Our health is doing quite well otherwise, nothing that a backup of a few years wouldn't help. I lave a good week. Bruce A Note From Ye Ole' Editor It is very hard to keep up with all the news, especially in a quarterly publication. So, if I have forgotten something that happened back 3 months ago — PLEASE FORGIVE. Must have been a Senior Moment which seems to happen often! To the Editor: Dear Carroll Thank you for your note. I am sure you are facing a challenging experience. Here is a copy of my experience waiting for my license on Guam I left home Feb. 27 and flew to LAX. rented a car and drove down to sec Roy & Rene & Alex Vartcbcdian in Carlsbad north of San Diego, they have a new home on top of a hill with a beautiful view I went to see Ron Johnson visited with him and went for a walk on top of the hill that he lives for a pretty view. His wife Kathy is in Vet school, she fixed a delicious meal and met her for the first lime, enjoyed the visit with both of them. 1 drove to 29 Palms and visited with 1Icnry and Frieda Mattson and did hiking in Joshua I ree National Monument, brought back memories of camping there when we were in Medical school. Then spent time with June Joseph (Judy's mom). An and Janice (Judy’s sister) and other friends and relatives in the Loma Linda area We had a good meeting al Loma Linda APC. 1 attended some lectures, and was our 50th class reunion, We liad 55 out to a class 96 who came, it a lot of fun updating our activities since graduation. March 8 I arrived in Guam after a good flight from LAX with Don and Alice Fahrbach Wc are staying in the same apartment across the street from the clinic, as there are 2 bedrooms each with a bath up stairs, so that makes it easier to cook and track of our activities. We were met by several from the SDA Clinic and each of us received a flower Icigh . The clime is located about 1/2 mile from Turnon beach. There are 21 professionals MD DDS. PA’S that work at the clinic, plus the nurses and secretaries Wc snorkel there often as it is close and see many pretty fish. (onc colorful fish that is 5-6 " long must not like me to swim in his turf as she swims up to me as if attacking me and then swims away We did go on the Navy base with Brian and Sebulla Bates as he is in the Reserve, to snorkel al Gab Gab beach and there is more coral and an area close by shore that drops off where the coral is full of may colors and there are many more different colored fish than c saw at Tumon bay. The water is about 80 degrees 1 have been learning the routine for the OB-GYN clinic., so I have not seen any patients as yet, 1 am suppose of hear about my Guam Medical license in the AM. Thursday 1 got up at 1 AM io call Michigan Conference to have a letter taxed this AM to lake to the Board, (8 AM Thursday here is 5 PM Wednesday Michigan lime) they wanted proof that 1 had practiced last year and seen patient's, or 1 would have to take a re-certification exam I saw patient's al Camp Au Sable for 2 weeks and one week in (Oshkosh at the Camporee. I had all the paper work in last Thursday, but the secretary did not gel them to the Doc to review till Monday, today?? The folks really give us a royal welcome, there was food ui the apt for supper, milk, bread, cereal, fruit, etc for breakfast Folks brought supper for Thursday and we were invited to the Brian and Scbula Bates for supper Friday. After church Sabbath there was a big international potluck that activated several ncwr taste buds!!! There arc 10 houses on the same grounds that the clinic is on. these are for at the doctors here at die clinic. Some doctors have homes near by they rent or own The Marine drive is a -I or 6 lane road that runs about 18 miles North and South from the I S Naval base to Anderson Air Base where the speed limit is 35-45 miles per hour wish many stop lights . Onc of the big attractions for the locals is K-Mart, there is a big store and very busy. People sit out side and visit and drink pep I think There are many big hotels that are owned by Japanese as this is a area they come similar to us going to Hawaii. Gas went from $2.49 to $2.56 per gallon, most of the cars are small ones They clinic gave me a car to use. There is a large shopping mall nearby that is also busy The Navy has a large area that is a natural area plus a man made dyke that is protected from the ocean where large ships can dock, there is a commercial area and the Navy area that arc separate. Sunday Bob Wrcsch took 4 Kayak's Io Talofofo Bay where we had to put them into the waves as the ocean came to shore (I was not too sure of about going out into the waves but 1 made it ok anti staid dry), I paddled to go under the bridge and then it was smooth as we traveled about an hour to end of the river in the jungle, it was very thick jungle all along the river. Betty Joe Vercio, Alice Farbach and I made the trip. The Don joined us and we hiked up Ml. LamLam that is 1375 feel high, the highest on Guam. This gave us a 360 view of the island looking over the navy base and Tumon Bay etc The hills are all covered with green vegetation tall sword grass up to our shoulders, palm trees and other bushes etc. The weather is 75-85 gets hotter m a few months The breeze blows all of the time I he sky is very blue, but commonly lias clouds floating over, and will rain for a short time and then sun shine again or may sec the sun while tl rams. There are snakes that accidentally came ashore by boats several years ago that eat the birds eggs, so their arc no birds, The snakes cycle was so there were less, but 1 understand that the) are more again. They have a trap with a mouse protected that is in the center with food and waler. The snakes come into the trap but can't get out or eat the poor scared mouse There are many bushes and trees that arc in bloom with pretty flowers growing in the wild There are 7 churches on the Island and they all have a potluck every Sabbath. There were about 800 members until Ken Cox meetings when over 200 were baptized aid more are studying. The churches have programs to nurture the new members. The churches arc very friendly The largest church is Agana next to die Mission office where a food store is located that has all of the vegetarian foods and a cafe that serves lunch Thursday 3-23-05 lite things in Guam move slow 1 don't know if I spelled "Mon Yona" correct but that is how things work. I got all the information in for the Medical Board lust Thursday, but as of Monday the secretary had not sent the information to the doctor Io look al to make a decision When he did. he asked the secretary to take it to three other doc's, this is Wednesday and two have said ok. and wailing for one more ok to get my license In the mean time I am making the most of my time. I have been snorkeling, shopping, and for 2 days I helped scrape and paint the playground equipment al the Guam SDA Academy So maybe tomorrow 1 will know, I am sure I will not have to work very liard as the clinic is not that busy. I here are 4 PA‘s , one of which is also a midwife. Best Wishes Ray Mayor. To the Editor: Yes Dear Friend Carroll. I do understand and I wish the best in the horrible project you have before you. 1 will endeavor io lift yon up in prayer while you struggle with lthis horrendous endeavor, and 1 love you anyway: even if it docs mean waiting a couple more months. One dung that may be of interest, is that Laurabclle Miller-Radde is leaving not so sunny California in the next few days, and her new address will be 1 Cumberland Lane Bella Vista. AR 72714. This came as a surprise to me. but I guess it will be for the best. She's going back with her daughter Kim. who lias bought a new house there, and together they will be real close to Laura's son Jon. Lovingly. Jim Simmons