JANUARY 1984 THE NEW VEAR HAS ENTERED i AND NOW WE WRITE 1324 The Happy Holiday Season for the old year has passed First*of*the-year resolutions are mostly forgotten | New schedules are now in force, RIGHT ABOUT FACE with renewed vigor and faith in the great future, and a recognition of superior value in the footwear we sell ? lias, and is, attracting buyers to the extent of one hun- ! dred per cent gain in 11)23 over 1922. Matchless values will be continued throughout 1924, with larger, better, assortments. We hope to increase the thrifty patronage of this— Great Value-Giving Shoe and Hosiery Store Correct footwear at less prices will make this store the shoe-buying place for more men, women, and chil­ dren than ever, the ensuing year. WEAR BE TTER SHOES PA Y LESS We sell direct from factory to you Manufacturers Outlet Shoe Company The Reliable Home Trade Shoe Store 131 So. 11th St. The Educational Messenger 1 Hemstitching jone here < I Iemstitching itseh' or hemstitching cut-in-two to make picoting, gives a satisfactory ‘■‘finish” to collars and cuffs, lunch cloths, table covers, dress panels, etc. We are equipped to handle your work promptly and care­ fully. 50 per cent Discount on | EDERSHARP pencils, and pen and pencil sets TUCKER-SHEAN JEWELERS-OPTICIANS-STATIONERS 1123 O ST LINCOLN Complete in® ef College anil Supplies The Educational Messenger SPEIERS FOR QUALITY January Clearance Sale Now On— Greater Reductions and Greater Savings Prices are mere figures—they mean nothing by themselves, its what they stand for in the quality of merchandise they’re associated with that counts. We guarantee these price reductions to be all we claim for them. That’s why we’ve grouped our ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING INTO LOTS With quality in every thread of Fash­ ion Park, Stein-Bloch, Bradford and Clothcraft SUITS and OVERCOATS at these LOW PRICES; we offer you more value than you have a right to expect. Lot 1. MEN'S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $14.50 Lot 2. MEN’S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $18.50 Lot 3. MEN’S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $23.50 Lot 4. MEN’S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $28.50 Lot 5. MEN’S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $36.50 Lot 6. MEN’S SUITS and OVER­ COATS reduced to $43.50 SPEIER & SIMON ON THE COPNK tOtfia.d 05T Herman Speier SUCCESSOR ON THE CORNER lOtb «ttd O ST. CLOTHING » FOOTWEAR - FURNISHINGS VOL. XX COLLEGE VIEW, NEBRASKA, JANUARY, !924 NO. I A New If ear Colloquy E. L. PmqENO Hail, thou lieu; If earl Hail to Thee 1 THhat message dost thou bring ? IHhen thou art gone into the past, Shall bards thy praises sing ? O tell us what the future holds.—• IDhat thou wilt giue to man. O Qlad lieu; If ear, we look to thee, Reueal to us thy plan. be still, O Ulan, and be content To know that l haue come; ’