12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. SUGGESTIONS FOR TERM PAPERS Fossil Men The Recapitulation Theory How lendelism Has Affected Darwinism Evolution and Adventism Modern Proofs of a Primary Creation Compare ( or Contrast ) any two of the Major Scientists Evolution since 1900 Higtory of the Flood Theory Scientific and Religious Objections to the Pre-Adamic Ruin Theory How Did Species Originate? The Origin of the Races of Mankind Embryology and the Evolution Doctrine Major Objections to the Geological Ages Scientific and Religious Objections to the Day-Age Theory Evidences of a Universal Deluge The Future of Geology The Moral and Religious Aspects of the Evolution Doctrine Man Not of Animal Origin Early Man Not a Savage Are Acquired Characters Transmitted? The Decline of Darwinism Hans Driesch and Experimental Embryology Does Matter Have Inherent Properties? The Causal Aspects of Nature versus the Teleological The Religious Lessons from the Phenomena of "Action at a Distance" The Arguments against Pantheism The Case against Materialiem Why Are the Phenomena of Nature so Uniform?