Cem hell to shun; let us work solidly in behalf of others for eternal life in the kingdom of God. At Paradise Valley I told the workers that they must do all in their power to honor and glorify God. God makes the impression upon hearts; it is not we whomake it. If we work faithfully to glorify God, He makes the impression upon the people. He will 1ift up and strengthen every soul that seeks Him in sincerity. He will teach uns how to lav hold of His promises, so that His grace shall abound in the soul. It is our privilege +o be co-workers with God. Tel no one feel that he must secure the hig: place in order that he reatest amount of accepta service. Do not tum El may do the J fear that vou will lose patronage unless you enter into some of the world's fashions and amussments. Your eyes must be fixed on the pattern Christ Jesus. Imitate Him, in works, in conversation, in your deportment before the people. If you will follow in the footsteps of Jesus, you will have an ever= lasting reward. The way is open for you to work fin unison with Christ; and He who gave His precious life for you will help and strengthen you, and guide you step by step, if you desire co be led. A ore TH ti