LYNWOOD CCNVOCATION NOW HISTORY—Weekend at- tendance held near 4,500 this year and nightly sessions crowded the 1,200 mark. Something seldom seen was one entire family—Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey, their three sons, Roger, Rick, Hal and daughter Cindy—who took over the primary division. Mrs. Kenneth Wood spoke to the ministers’ wives two afternoons and Wallace Lighthall’s voice will be remembered for the nightly Bicentennial feature, “That's how it began in Southern.” H. M. S. Richards, Jr., and the King’s Heralds Quartet opened the session. ABC sales went over the $39,000 mark. The nightly talks by Dr. Chalmers and Elder Kenneth Wood (Review and Herald editor] strengthened the membership and improved their homes. Nine men were ordained to the full gospel ministry and the departmental tent held the in- terest of many who walked through. North Hills Gets Pastor Pastor of the North Hills Church now is James William Walters. The B.A. graduate of Southern Missionary College (’68), while earning a Master of Divinity degree from An- drews University in 1970, co- edited a publication of the Stu- dent Forum there. He has pastored in Savannah and Ellijay, Georgia, and been director of development at SMC where he graduated cum laude. Priscilla. his wife of six years and a physical therapist, was born in Washington, D.C. August 29 "CAN THE BIBLE BE TRUSTED?” 9.30 p.m. on KCOP-13 Breath of Life Singers: Ron Garnett Wyatt Sisters Trio and Walter Arties Four Baptized The Pico Rivera Church is now known as the ‘faith-in- action ccngregation.” The 60 who graduated from the Al Dia lay Bible instructor's course in June are now hard at work. Four baptized June 19 have had interesting experiences. Arturo Aguilar has faced strong opposition since embrac- In a Nutshell MAN PRAISES ADVENTISTS—While placing a Five-Day poster in a laundromat in La Crescenta, a man came up and wanted to know what the one posting it was doing. “Oh,” he said, “I can’t tell you what that means to me. I'm an ex-smoker. | went to a Five-Day Plan and | did not stop smoking. | went to the Schick Center and | did not stop. | tried a few other plans and | still did not stop smoking. One day | said, ‘I choose to stop smoking,” and | remembered the things | had learned at the Five-Day Plan and put them into practice. | havent smoked for two years, and | owe it all to this church and their wonderful plan to help others.” UNIQUE GRADUATION—The four eighth-graders at Santa Barbara this year were all girls—Rebecca Backus, Lillian Guild, Donna Louise Weeks and Carol Ann Wollarth. Howard Weeks, for- mer General Conference Director of Communication and father of Donna, gave the address. The school has expanded its curriculum, added a part-time teacher and will offer the ninth grade when school opens this fall. LITERATURE EVANGELIST GEORGE FRENCH has been as- signed to a new project, that of supplying public libraries and public schools with bulk orders of Listen. Funds for this project will be solicited from civic-minded businessmen. ELDER GORDON MATTISON, pastor at Fullerton, has accepted a call to join the faculty of Walla Walla College. EARL LABRY, literature evangelist leader in San Diego for the past 62 years, has received and accepted a call to Hawaii as their publishing director. Earl and his family will be leaving for Hawaii this month. NEIL BUSBY, leader in Orange County for the past 18 months, has received and accepted a call to Montana as their publishing director. at Pico Rivera er, school activities on Sabbath caused her to claim the prom- 1sc found in Matthew 6:33 and God rewarded her faith. Sisters Melissa and Melinda Marquez are products of a Christian home and education. Being afraid of water, Melissa practiced holding her breath under water at home prior to Evangelist Comes to Southern The Southern’s 30 - year ministry of newest evangelist, Marcus Payne, stretches from pastoring in Nebraska (19- 46) to being an Towa Confer- ence secretary ’ | before coming 2 YR here. In between he pastored in Kansas and Central California, became the lay activities and Sabbath school director In Northern and Southern New England plus holding the lay activities directorship in the Oregon Conference. Elder Payne was born in Indiana and graduated {rom Union College. He Initiated the Sabbath school involvement program in Oregon and Iowa, using the class as the basic unit for witnessing. Ile and Don Grav initiated the first “In- service” witnessing training class back in 1972. Marcus Payne His wife, the former l.enora Lynwood Gets Associate A l.oma Linda University ocraduate this spring, Ronald Evans, 1s the associate pastor at Lynwood. He began with Southern as a camp counselor in 1972. Since then he’s been an associate pastor at Glendale City (1973) and Temple City (1974-75). His wife of one year, Joan, a nurse, was born in Glendale. 4 ing his new-found faith. Esther Villareal's opposition came be- fore she was baptized. Being Vonhof of New Jersey, 1S a, hand member and cheerlead- dietitian. She received her B.S. degree from Loma Linda Uni- versity and has done advanced studies at Kansas State, Iowa State and Andrews University. CARSON-WILMINGTON Evangelistic Campaign September 4 - October 30 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Monday Tuesday and Saturday Speaker: Antonio Arteaga The Paynes have a daughter and two sons. The youngest son is in the army. The other two children are married. Update ........ ELDER EUEL ATCHLEY was introduced as the new pastor of the White Memorial Church on July 17, coming from the Mountain View Church in Central California Conference. BREATH OF LIFE is now seen on Channel 13 at 9:30 each Sunday evening. Already the mail indicates that viewers have attended Adventist churches as a result of the telecast. BAPTISMS for the second quarter of 1976 are not yet complete, but the church clerk reports at this writing indicate over 466 have been united with the church by baptism and profession of faith. We thank God for each of these new con- verts and pray they will be encouraged in their new faith by the officers and members of our churches. THE ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER is sponsoring a parking lot used-book sale and open house Sunday, September 12, 10-4. Any church school or individual may bring used books to sell. Special discounts on new books will also be offered. ELDER ORA McLEAN of the Upper Columbia Conference has been elected by the Conference Committee to serve as the lay activities secretary for the Conference. REVIEW AND HERALD EMPHASIS—September 11-Octo- ber 9. Be sure to fortify your mind with the great truths of the Advent message. SCHOOL OPENS in just a few days. Every child from Adventist homes should be in an Adventist school this tall. A boy or girl in the Kingdom is worth any sacrifice. her baptism. A running translation is giv- en during ali the church ser- vices for those who understand only English. Pedro Geli, host for the Span- ish TV program Al Dia, is the pastor. Shown (from left) in upper pho- to with Elder Geli are Arturo Aguilar, Melissa Marquez, Es- ther Villareal and Melinda Mar- quez. Lower picture (from left): Barbara Klix, Mrs. Franklin Hud- gins, and Mrs. C. R. Kinney use the ear plugs to hear the Span- ish-to-English translation. Reaching people Voice of Prophecy MEET SUE NELSON — She's one of five individuals to join the Northridge Church in the last year. Miss Nelson left] attended a Five-Day Plan in January, started coming to church in Feb- ruary and was baptized in April. This year’s Lynwood Convoca- tion was her first. Sue has been on the nursing staff of the North- ridge Hospital (critical care unit) for six and a half years. She is a Dallas, Texas, girl and a grad- vate of Pierce College. Evelyn Moore (right), who is connected with the dietary department at the Granada Hills Community Hospital, is the coordinator of the Five-Day Plan there. The oth- er four who have joined the church involve an entire family— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roddy and their two adult daughters. KLLU Transmits VOP in Bilingual Broadcast Since July 4, KLLU-FM (89.7 mz) has broadcast a Dutch and Indonesian program that features the VOP quartet from Djarkata. This 30-minute, bilingual broadcast is heard at 9 p.m. Sundays. It's geared to reach the Dutch- and Indonesian- speaking students on both cam- puses as well as those in the community. The Dutch portion is {rom Holland and the Indonesian voice is that of Elder Paul Si- tompul. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1976