Evangelism Bright Spots in Dark Areas By RAY L. JACOBS As told by Joses Brutus NEAR THE westernmost tip of Haiti is the town of Abricots. Believing that there were no Seventh- day Adventists there, one of the Haitian pastors decided to hold a small effort, hoping to leave at least a nucleus for a church. When he arrived in the town and began visiting with the people, he found to his surprise that many of them were alreadv keeping the Sabbath. He was told that one of the towns men had learned of the Sabbath truth and had gone from door to door teaching it to the people. Many of these sincere people had accepted the Sabbath message and were being faithful to what they believed the Bible taught. Thev were greatly surprised to learn that there were other Sabbathkeepers in the world. As the effort progressed, the townsman who had first brought then: the Sabbath truth, tried to influence the people not to accept the remnant church, but. thev would not listen. Five were baptised at the closc of the effort. Recently another eight took the step, bringing the total to 13, and others are con- tinuing their preparation. Only a few weeks ago the presi- den* of the mission made house-to- houses visits in Abricots. Among those he found interested in the Seventh-day Adventist message was a woman who said, “I am not baptised yet, but I am really an Adventist at heart.” Her daughter is studying the radio Bible school lessons and said that as soon as she finishes, she wants to be baptised. The members in Abricots show the true fruits of conversion. They are willing to sacrifice everything to A TV First in the Dominican Conference has inaugurated a weekly TV around the capital city of Santo Domingo, This is the first regular live Tv programme in the Inter-American Division, ~ID. H. Baasch Americo Ciuffardi, 2 Dominican Conference pastor-evangelist, programme, which is reaching an estimated 150,000 viewers in and build up the work, and they are spreading the truth in the surround- ing mountains. One enthusiastic branch Sabbath school is functioning already, and prospects are bright in this “dark” area. News Briefs » Evangelist Raul ' Villanueva is directing a campaign in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the new acoustic auditorium, an air structure that resembles a large balloon. At present thev are holding meetings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings, two sessions each evening. Before giving his lecture on the evils of smoking, Pastor Villanueva interviewed William Padro, bicycle champion of Puerto Rico. This loyal MV testified to the relation between a healthy body and the winning of medals. » In Santo Domingo Americo Ciuffardi is holding an effort three evenings a week in the church. They have had an average attendance of between 500 and 600 people, and 150 have signed decision cards promising to keep Gods Sabbath. Thirty-one new believers were baptised in the first service, and another 30 souls are preparing to take this step soon. Be a The Church Triumphant The work is soon to close. The members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant. Letter 32, 1892. And still our General, who never makes a mistake, says to us, “Advance; enter new terri. tory; lift the standard in every land. ‘Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Our watchword is to be, On. ward, ever onward! Angels of heaven will go before us to pre- pare the way. Our burden for the regions beyond can never be laid down till the whole earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord.—Gospel Workers, p. | 470. Taken from Evangelism, p. 707. CESVER) ERE) SS) RR) SS) EYER) SS) wy nym MESSENGER