| onférense of Seventh-Day Adventise oe.emgo i WASHINGTON, D.C.. RERWAGE CENTER 372 i ad To Whoin it May Concern : March 23, 1869, Dr, Wm, Russell lof) the Health Institute of this place, oi & call to'yisit a patient in Wisconsin. ‘He has for pone time had in contemplation the establishment of g Health Institute in the West, on his own responsibility ; std from some things which ‘Mkve come to our knowl- edge since he left; we are ledito infer that he designs on his present trip to take the preliminary ‘steps tow- ard the carrying out of this purpose, notwithstanding the communication given below was placed in his hands, iw writing, some days before he left the place. We therefore deem it of the utmost consequence that the brethren who may be in danger of taking part with him in this undertaking, which we deem utterly un- warrantable, should be immediately made aware of the light which Heaven has given relative 16 hig in- ‘competency to manage such sn enterprise; may not:be led into the matter without irl ho the case, and 80'be brought at last ito disappointment 2 and. (risk Yhese cireumstances, we’ eonside ¥,. juts us in fakikg aetion in th senve of Bro. Russell. . We do it for his good, and tlie good of the cause. REE EARN 1869; we, the undersigned, were chosen & committee :0-gomniunicate with the brethren in reference to this vai, asthe cireumsiances of the case might seem to lemand, We therefore send you the following com- uunieation from Sr; White to Bro. Russell. We do jt der the strbng conviction that in withholding it, we howld bein danger of wreatly wronging the brethren > & wif tliat they astion in the matter, although in ‘thé abe At a meeting of the Battle Creek churcl, March 24, Lo