Southwestern Union Record Official Organ of the Southwestern Union Conference oj Seventh-day Adventists. VOLUME XXVI KEENE, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1927 NO 25 UNION NEWS NOTES visiting the/^T'~i i» m »i ■> m • Wanted:—(The address of two or three Seventh-day Adventist families desiring church school privileges who are able and willing to help support a school. Good farming community. Farms to rent. Second successful term of school just closing. B. C. Butler, Perkins, Okla. 25. FOR SALE:—My place at Keene, six blocks of college, twenty-seven acres, seven room house, barn, orchard, city water. Price $2,000. Also ten and three-quarters acres, three room house, running water, $500. I. A. CRANE, Keene, Texas. —(25. ®>outf)ta«tern ffTnint* tReeofti A WEEKLY JOURNAL Published by the Southwestern Unlo» Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Entered October 14, 1908, at Keene Texas, as second-class matter under so* of Congress of March 8. 1*97. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for In Sec. 1108, Act of October 8. 1917. authorized Jti’t 14 1918. Subscription price, per year $ .19 C. N. WOODWARD....................... Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS M. B. VAN KIRK C! W IMIVS All subscriptions should be renewed about two weeks before date Indicted on label. In giving notice of change of address, be sure to give address to whlcb paper has been going. Make all remit­ tances direct to office of publication. Our space Is limited and we do not so­ licit general advertisements. We are ? Iad however, to aocommodats our rleuda whs wish to advertise places for sals, or other notice« oongltsreS proper to admit to the columns of this paper.