An During the last tournament celebrated in San Juan, Puerto Rico, under the auspices of the bicycling tederation, William Pardo was acclaimed the champion bicyclist tor 1962. This youth is an enthusiastic and devoted young man not only in his favourite sport but also in his religious life. Active in his church and loyal to his God, William is the leader of the MV society of one ot the large churches in the San Juan area. | From the time he was very small, William always showed great enthusiasm tor bicycling, an enthusiasm that grew from year to year, When he was only 13 .years old he began to compete in local contests. Young Pardo has always been outstanding in the sport and has won 4 large number of medals and trophies; in tact, he quickly rose to first place in the sport ot bicycling in Puerto Rico. He has also taken part in several tournaments outside his country, and although he has not obatined a first prize in these com- petitions, his prizes testify that he finished a runner-up. On more than one occasion William has found opportunity to testify to what he believes. Tired and hungry after one race, he sat down with his companions to a bountiful table, a banquet served in their honour. But . he looked at one place . . . then another . . . then another, and young Pardo, in spite of his appetite, preferred to eat a piece of bread and butter and drink a glass of cold water with sugar rather than to eat foods that Adventists should shun. He knew how to dominate his appetite. In 1959 during the last tournament for bicyclists to be celebrated in Venezuela, Pardo was chosen among those who would take part in the great sports event. The enthusiastic Puerto Rican participants frequently asked one another when the desired day would arrive. And what day 4 MV Who Said “No” would they choose? Would it be a Sunday, a Tuesday, a Thursday? At last the directors announced the date. They did not choose a Sunday, nor a Tuesday, nor a Thursday, but a Saturday! Yes, a SABBATH! How would our MV react to this notice, he who so anxiously awaited the date to leave? He who had dreamed of greater victories, more fameP What would his attitude be? Would his faith fail? Would he go? Pardo did not hesitate a minu.e, nor did he wait to think about whether he should go or not, whether he should cast aside so great an opportunity. No, a thousand times NO! As soon as he heard the announcement he made his decision. “I will not take part,” he said. And thus, firm in his decision, he advised his superiors at once. Before the determination of this youth, the directors had to accept his resigna- tion and choose someone to replace him. in spite of having counted heavily on his winning. William Pardo did not participate. His love and enthusiasm for the events that will soon take place in the kingdom of heaven far exceed his enthusiasm and love for his favourite sport here on earth. Soon there will be a great sports tournament in Jamaica: for the countries of Central America and the Caribbean. The teams of bicyclists who will compete in the games have already been chosen by the officials. Pardo was chosen in first place among those who will represent the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. As yet the exact date for the tournament has not been announced, but what- ever it is, of this we are sure: if they choose a Sabbath, William Pardo our MV will remain true to his principles and will again cast aside a beautiful opportunity to compete for material prizes, knowing that his crown is sure in heaven. Oh, that every Adventist youth would be as firm as a rock when opportunity arises to choose between good and evil, between right and wrong, always remaining “on the part of right though the heavens fall.” ~Teresa R. Escandon A group of Pathfinders which is led by Elder Juan R. Rodriguez in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. ~ This group is known for their many activities. x" Id MESSENGER