EAST LRN Oshawa, Vol. 15 The School of Sorrow I sat in the school of sorrow, The Master was teaching there. My eyes were dim with weeping, And my heart was full of care. I could not learn my lesson, And say, Thy will be dong And the Master came not near me As the weary hours rolled on At last in my heavy sorrow | looked to the cross above, And saw the Saviour looking With a glance of tend rest love He looked at the cross before me, And 1 thought 1 heard him say, “My child thou must learn thy lesson, Thou must bear thy cross today.” So | stopped in my heavy sorrow; One glance at that face divine Had given me power to trust Him, And say, “Thy will. not mine.” And so 1 learned my lesson, Taught by the Master alone, Which made Him my blessed Saviour, And also made Heaven my home. CARRIE DUCHENO. Ontario, , September 7, 1915 Maritime Conference Williamsdale Academy Our school will soon begin another year of la- hor for our yoath m the Maritime conference, As I have met the young people of this conference, | have been impressed with the splendid anduence which the school has had upon them, The ence of the school has been felt all over the and the CVO We go. | Calosny intlu- flold, results of wher. = work are that who have at- tended the school have great desire to return mn evideneo those ancl those who have finished the work whieh onr sehool gives, regret This 1s an having to leave for other schools, Willhiamsdale excellent testimony {or Acnidemy, Withamsdale snr lak about and see hor C ANADIAN No. 35 students ocenpyving ples of responsibility in the cise of God. and other young people in prepara: nothing pares than to see their children trained and occupying places of tion, This is ax it should be, There ds that rejoices the hearts of mare usefulness in the cause of God. This is the only work that ts worth while now, that time is x0 short, and oar interests are over an Lhe earth made new. Parents, do we wish to save onr children from the destruction that is now beginning to break upon Uns old world? Do we feel that the expense of sending them is worth more to us now than tn see our sons and our danghters saved dom after a while? in the king. We know that the school has been a great factor in helping many of our youth to decide to throw life's interests in and in the work of God. is the time to send them, their whole the Christian way, Now, for who knows Give our vouth this vear af- help them to make the this year, what another year may ning forth. the best and greatest opportunities fords, then pray God to most of them. Wile holding meetings in a city some time a lady gave her heart to God, and to the mes. talk- experi. that when she was a vouny lady she had ngo, snge to which she had been brought up. In ing with this dear soul she told me of hor ence, how a great desire to have a place in this work, and plead with her parents to give her a training to prepare her for a Bible worker. Jler parents did discouragement drifted into the world and tasted of the pleasures and also of the bitter Finally returning to the One who has promised to carrey our sorrows and not think it was necessary, and In she finally SOPPOWS, SOPTOWs 111 she found a balm for her our troubles, With tears lier eyes, she promised Giond, that as he gave her strength, to work and la. bar that her little girl might have the privilege of stternvding oar might have nothing to discourage her in preparing for a in the work of her Master. How will wish Lhat they could save their Lis too late? Gro, MH. schools, and that she place many parents children when SKINNER.