dead will enjoy listening to them. Hundreds of thousands visit the cemeteries on those two days. The Pathfinders were not afraid, because they knew the truth about the state of the dead. They did not believe the tale of Llorona Loca, dressed in white garments with long black hair covering her face. The legend, with several variations, says that this woman killed her children, and after she died could be seen at night crying, “/Ayyyyy mis hijoooooooooos!” which translates to “Oh, my children!” Just the thought of it would terrify many people, but not the Pathfinders, who already knew that “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5). That very night Pathfind- ers left churches armed with warm clothes, flashlights, tape, permanent mark- ers, and hundreds of very nice invitation envelopes with ¥e brochures inside. It was a special invitation to learn about the Christian hope of eternal life. The series of topics also included how to find October 31, 2020 | GUIDE | 5