NORTHERN UNION REAPER 8 Gordon Schafer accidently cut his arm on a window pane. The cut was so bad that it was necessary to call the doctor. Martha Reiswig left for her home on Tuesday, and returned on Thurs- day. She reported a very good time spent at her home. Mr. Schumacher of Robinson recent- ly purchased a new Oakland with which he came to get his daughter Lillian that she might spend a short visit at home. A very interesting program was given in the dining room in the eve- ning after the Sabbath. Refresh- ments were served, and every one seemed to have a good time. The boys are enjoying the new vol- ley ball and net which they bought. A few minutes have been set aside right after supper that they may have more time for practice. mart t-Yf ——r GOLD STAR SECRETARIES The following Sabbath school secre- taries received a gold star for a full report and promptness for the past year: Mrs, Ald Leiske, Bowdon. Mrs. G. L. Acheson, Dale. Miss Bertha Wacker, Denhoff. Mrs. A. N. Christensen, Driscol. Myrtle L. Moore, Dunn Center. Miss Martha Meckler, Goodrich. Mrs. M. Humfreys, Grand Forks. Abraham Zabalotny, Great Stone. Mrs. B. A. Scherr, Jamestown Eng. Mrs. Henry Seyfert, Minot. John Flemmer, Napoleon. Miss Esther Huff, Pleasant Valley. Mrs. R. C. Hettenbaugh, Taylor. Miss Emma Walker, Turtle Lake. We hope every secretary will strive to be on the perfect record or gold star list in 1926. Harry Wentland. —eeffe—— Lift Up Your Heads! In this article in the April Watchman N. P. Neilsen presents a panorama of the breaking of eternal day. Turning our eyes away from this sin-cursed earth with its crime and wickedness, its sorrow and death, we can by faith behold the land where love will reign supreme; the land where strife and discord is unknown. Subscribe for this Full Message Magazine for yourself and your friends. Only $1.75 a year, clubs of four or more, $1.05 each. Office Addreas—Nevada. President——H. H. Hicks. Secretary-Treasurer—V, D. Hawley. Book & Bible House Seecretary—C. A. Regester. Home Miss. Sec'y.—C. A. Seriven. Sab. Sch. Sec'y.—Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. Edu. & Y. P. M. V. Sec’'y.~-J. C. Nixon. Religious Liberty Sec'y.—W. K. Smith. Field Miss. Sec’y.—M. W. Shidler. 8322 Cambridge St., Des Moines. IOWA NOTES Dy. Hatcher of Ames, is at the san- itarium for an operation. Sister T. M. Phillips, of Guthrie Center, is a patient at the sanitarium. Elder Nixon, returning from College View, spent Wednesday in Council Bluffs, visiting their fine church-school in that place. Helen Heilman of Cambridge was brought to the sanitarium by Doctor Mason of that place, for an appen- dectomy operation. Brother Carl H. Menke, of Waseka, Minn., is at the sanitarium, where it may be necessary for him to undergo an appendectomy operation. Elva G. Wilcox, who has been at Newton in colporteur work, found it necessary to come to the sanitarium for treatment last Tuesday. Mrs. J. N. Hodson, of Ames, who says her daughter was at the sanitar- ium last summer, and owes her life to that institution, has come to take | treatment fer high blood pressure. Others registered at the sanitarium during the past week are: Mrs. F. L. Groesbeck, Des Moines; Mrs. Ananda Severidt, State Center; Miss Lena Suesens, Middletown; Mrs. Minnie Lowniske, Waseka, Minn. The visit of Elder C. B. Sutton to Nevada, was greatly enjoyed by more than the immediate relatives, the Shid- ler family, as the Hawleys and Re- gesters had been friends in former years, and the entire church was thrilled and inspired by his relation of the wonderful experiences in mission lands. Brother and Sister Sutton left here Monday morning for Kansas, where they will visit with his mother and other relatives before attending the General Conference at Milwaukee. The daughter, Elinor, remained here where she will attend school. Elders Hicks, Nixon, and Professor Teasdale, came in on the same train Wednesday night. Professor W. E. Howell also made the trip with them, going on to Hutchinson, Minn. F. E. Ramey, a business man of Hampton, is a patient at the sanitar- ium and is enjoying it so much that he has written for his wife to join him there. Brother and Sister J. R. Nelson, who are connected with the evangelistic effort at Council Bluffs, have both been having an unpleasant experience with the “flu,” but are now recovering. Sister Loa P. Lang, Woodburn, Iowa, was greatly helped in her mis- | sionary efforts last year through the sale of flower seeds, and she is again ready to furnish seeds and hopes for orders that she may have money for the Investment Fund. The sanitarium workers are so busy they can scarcely take time to give us items for the “Reaper.” Every room is filled, and patients appreciate the system, order, fine attention, and medi- cal help that is given them there. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Irish, of Ogden, came to the sanitarium last Tuesday, { and Wednesday morning they were the proud possessors of a fine baby boy. Mrs. Trish’s mother, Mrs. B. O. Reynolds, of Clarinda, is with them. Emmett Ayers, a student of the academy, met with a painful accident last Wednesday. Working with hay in the barn, the hay fork dropped in some way piercing his leg. He re- ceived careful attention at the san- itarium. Brother John F. Dorcas of Spenser, who came to the sanitarium for an operation, has made very satisfactory recovery. His wife returned to their home Monday of last week and their only daughter, Mrs. Rose Merritt, who has been an invalid in their home for several months, died at noon on the following day. While she has been weak and helpless for many months her death was unexpected at this time and their having been awdy from her for a number of days added to the grief of the parents, but knowing the times, they are assured that those who rest are indeed blessed, and this helps them to be reconciled.