CHAPTER XVII ARE THE DEAD ASLEEP? | ELL, Beth, little girl, we will begin the evening’s study with your Bible story. 21 Can you tell us about some one who has had that most wonderful experience—a resurrection from the dead ?”’ “Yes, papa; I have chosen the story of the little girl whose father was a rich Jewish ruler. Grandma said it would be nice for me to tell that story be- cause this was the only little girl who ever died and was raised to life again, that the Bible tells us about.’’ ““This is true, my child; and now we shall watch you very closely as you proceed with the story, so that we may notice any reference made to the con- scious condition of the little maiden while in the em- brace of death.” ‘The story is found in all of the first three books of the New Testament,”” began Beth. “I wish I knew the little girl’s name, but I have to be contented with knowing that her father was called Jairus, and that the girl was twelve years old. One day she was taken sick. Ter father loved his little child very much, and I presume he got a great many doctors to see if they could not cure her; but they could not. (127)