REVIEW AND HERALD of spiritual Egypt, that 15. the bondage of sin, the admonition of Deuter onomy Hd applies with full force. To Be Kept Throughout All Ages As a part of the moral law which God declares to he perfect and eternal (Exodus 20:1-17; James 2:10-12; Mat. thew 5:17-19), the Sab hath itself must be eternally binding. This itis des flared 1a be in Exodus 81:15, 16, 17. Marcover, Tsainh #6: 15, Ih, 22 23 JjuLy. 1949 shows that the Sabbath will continue to be observed in the earth restored after iis purification by the fires of God in the last day. The Seventh Day of the Week Exodus 20:8-11 tells us that the sev- enth day is the Sabbath. Just which dav this 1s may be casily computed from Matthew 28:1: Mark 16:1, 2; Luke 23:54 240:7. In these verses ir 1s seen that the Sabbath was the dav im- mediately preceding the day of Christ's resurrection, which all au- thoriries agree took phlice on Sunday, Hence Saturday is the Sabbath, Begins Sunset Friday and Ends Sunset Saturday Cienesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 24, tells us that the day was reckoned as begin- ning in the evening. From Leviticus 23:52 and Nehemiah 13:19 we see that the beginning and the ending of the Sabbath and other festivals were reck- oned in the same manner. According to Nuk 1:21-32 the people reframed from hringing their sick to be healed on the Sabbath, waiung unul even, when the sun was set. That the days were reckoned thus for centuries alter Christ is a historical fact. How to Keep It 1. By Cerasing IWarks. (Exodus $1910 16:925-20; Nehemiah 13 From Our Own 20:8-11:; 31:11, 15: Jeremiah 17:21, 22; 10-22: Hebrews 4:1, 5) In order that this Sabbath rest rom labour may be properly observed, all necessary preparations are to be made on the day preceding the Sabbath. (Sec Exodus 16:23:29: Mark 15 12 Tt should be particularly noted that even in the busiest seasons of the vear the Sabbath 1s ta be observed as at other times, (Exodus 34:21.) 2. By Ceasing From Our Own Pleas- ures and Wavy and Words. (Isaiah 13 EE By Rejoicing in the lord. The Sabbath is not to be a dav of gloom, but a dav of thanksgiving and “jovtul worship, Isaiah 38:13, 14. See also Nehemiah 8:9-110) 1. By Attendance at vine Service. (Leviticus 23:3. 5. By Works of Mercy. 10-17; Matthew 12:10- 12) Christ and the Sabbath I. Hels Lovd of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:28.) 2. He Kept the Sabbath. It was His custom to attend divine service on that day. (Mark 6:2; 1:21: Luke 13:10; 4: 16, 17.) 3. He Taught the Proper Manner of Sabbath Observance. When accused of breaking the Sabbath law, Jesus did not explain that the law of the Sab- bath was no longer binding, as He (Luke 13: would no doubt have done had such been the case. On the other hand, He met their accusations by proving His actions on the Sabbath to be in com- plete harmony with the law of the Sab- bath as given by God. He declared: “Tt is fawful.” That is to sav, It is ac- (cording to the Inw, or in harmony with (Matthew 12:10:12: Luke 13: 10- 17.) : fle Expected His IF ollowers to Keep the Sabbath After His Ascension. (Matthew 2:44:20) The Apostles and the Sabbath 1. They Kept the Sabbath, then “manner.” or custom, to attend divine service on that day. (Acts 13: Fh 17:24) Moreover, Acts 16:13 shows that when the apostles found themselves where there was no svna- vovue or church they resorted on the S: thbath dav toa quiet place for prayer and praise. 2. They Taught Sabbath Obsere- ance. Paul's first message to the hea- then was the one that is embodied in the Sabbath, the message of the God who created all things. (Acts 14:15; 7:23, 24) It was Prophecies of the Sabbath Prophecy of ttempted Change. Daniel 7:25 shows that a power was to arise which would attempt to change the law of God, The Revised Version ab this text reads: “He shall think to change the times and the law.” Mof- Farts translation renders the word “times” here used as sacred seasons.” Thus: “He shall plan to alter the sa- cred seasons and the law.” The sacred seasons of God's law are His Sabbaths. (See Exodos 2001-17.) Thus 1t 1s that the power here prophesied wis to tam: per with God's Taw, attempting to alte Fis Sabbaths. 2. Prophecy of Restoration. Be- cause an anti-Christian power has at- tempted wo Calter the sacred seasons,’ God's Sabbaths have been trodden underfoot for many generations. How: ever. Isaiah 58:12 18 presents the prophecy ol a provle who would re- pair the breach in God's law by taking their feet off the Sabbath and raising it to its former place of glory, 3. Sabbath Message to All the World Before the End. The message of the Sabbath has ever been: “Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sed. and the fountains of waters.” Rev- elation 14:6, 7. We find this to be one of three warning messages that are to encircle the globe before the final ex- ecution of God's judgments upon the earth. Must not this message be a call to a practical acknowledgment of the great Creator-God by means of the ob- servance of His Sabbaths: “If ve know thesc things, happy are ve if ve do them.” John 13:17. 1