liberality of our Sabbath School membership the world around, and the substantial funds that come to us in consequence of our world con- stituencey, we would not be able to mike the capital expenditures de- manded of a rapidly growing church. The last time we benefited from the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering overflow the first quarter of 1975. The offering, which amounted to S240 TTR.O0, was a great boon. As planned, many village properties were acquired, which in turn per- mitted the construction of of churches where our people had been meeting in the open air or in rented buildine=, In addition, our mejor framing center, Spicer Me morial Coilepge, benefited substan- tially; for the effects of rapid growth were being felt severely at this institution. For instance, the total Seventh-day Adventist college cnrvollment hus incveased from 1945 to TOT approximately 200 per cent WES Heo les in North America, hut at Spicer Memorial Collere enrollment has inereased approximately 1,100 per cent for the =gme period, AS the saving goes it hd oimest ear heeome students credit to fecont- necessary to Ustack lke corde om” 3) nievlate then in one existing dormi- tories, This under- when that we are CrViInge To seeammadine B00 stu dent ein easily he town] me considers in Fae litnes orieinally built to accommodate Don, We were bedng grieved by phe fin awiy =eores of anplicants, Tnoaddi- teceEsIe 10 tion To cronvded dormitories, sdnost every vin the collece had also Biecore overtaxed, olheyr too Originally the plan was to spend the funds received for academic de- velopment, library expansion, a new