EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER 3 win atte! the present avrangenients tn thee Union ofthis, We have competent office helps and while at times © will be called rom Oshawa Lo attend to matters pertaining to lie ft the on lero ree, vie TH Pals borbprs soil tn pos way her work tia Canadien athe or Lhe service riapbered oy Bishi Assaciation, [rouhitless, from tome Fa tioe, 30 will be one priviege Powe t one ano bose and Deco coqruanted. Peesonealy sie cqeperet tees wl es appreciated nand proce, Torney ratually helprul With bo lissinees raw Fars reps edd hy abl, an earnest praver that the Lord's) chaieest Set FEY ort 10 bros sie red ser gee, MoM. Hane, Ontario Campmeeting and Conference Aeviowoments Jeove bev goede to boda the soos com proeeting and conference Chis vear al Se Thos, Crntaviey June 28 to duly 4010020 With thes poelineinaey antoieenEnt owe east tht oar penrple cetera ly thianeh- ont the comerenes will toegin To plitrs boon tend tae jest - (ne Farther pir tiers will be announced Luter. SThee tere Ubieistiion wooerks Yor Good not fron Tp fae Bat From principles oot Toren day ar monte bat during the entire previo! of ite” Mass, Uhueehes Iie Mina SER 12 i Arthor iis Aster he Toi preter: 2 J3an-ks HLL Tun Ira dod ah NM) 1 eh Plana Visa KILI | Ventral Taranto 2105 bea Cicthaom Ny ian Paranto EPA Lydt 1 bts Honiton [RIT Fr Torehiv du ols FY 1 ik Teor ns ~ Hi Woeavene ch A ERY) Irrerston 210 London a0 TH SOG Mishoba Nappa Zon hw a PAE an LH Tawa i811 Ff) Pars T4080 1'w terran Tot Froereadis T= 1% =edton oN Ru Catharines Sal Se. Thomas Jor tn REE 55 Tivroit va RR | 1 td Totals Bir 27 $a 2d Ontario Report of Tithes and Offerings for the Month of Sak =, Maritime Conference time Conf Conference at Halifax Dene Brethieen and sisters 41 is now time tao begin to think of our coming conferees, Ax we near the cud and Jesus” condny desews near af band, we shall need to plan for great things in order that the work of God shall las Bishi speeathy, We need to cone together and vonnse] over these thugs. Aad when we haee one plans laid wre need to seek God together for divine wisdom and Without the aid of the Fioly Spit of God we could uot carey this esse to ald the strength tooearey thea ont, NTS lel i) tls see tpe raLony, This 15 the Pru face of MIT xref Fevenev meetings. With this in view let ny begin to pray and plan For ive suecess af this conference, Troe planing to attend shoald send mo ward as FH pros bile tor thie conferences office 1510 Winslow St, WW patent baie nt, SLoJdohn, that arrangements may be mode for their Maritime Conference at Halifax, June 7-13, 1015. Gea, Hl, SKINNER. Our Supreme Business Maritime believers am loyal, faithful soldiers of the cross, bo the creat baotle being fought for tie kingdom of Christ we shall dao fatthifully sur part. As long ng owe March, 1915 Ll DO I A Mise otal FF 911 h.] $ tuo $19 65 TE 8 75 315 I oan J jo fn JAY al Ad i ah 12 45 1s a8 PE 0 SIT Thos 24a 14 57 9 =n ah Poon dot 11 Wi 33 4g 1 tah Aa Hh i 45 Hoag | IP 25 Sony an ba 52 1m 13 33 PT “2 aon Hoy bi 25 Hl 15 15 150 0d bam [ Vw 2 3 NG Jong 12 47 Gos 14d Natu 1a 47 23 SEY 3 0 SLE Tn G5 05A 15 ux ir owt 34 0 300 inh 44 11 74 ANON S25 St R05 LF SIERO 1.314 Hu