~AIISTRALASIAN RECORD I { [HHH SOUTH NEW ZEALAND PRESIDENT: H. E. PIPER SECRETARY : A, S, HERBERT HHTHINHTH EARTH = HEIR EI FHITIHE [THE Church Dedication SOME one has said that the immediately possible is not worth striving for, but that the ideal that kindles enthusiasm, and gives inspiration to all human endeavour, is the praiseworthy thing. For a long time the company here at Dunedin held just such an ideal. The thought of this city, the fourth largest in the Dominion, being without a church building, and so dividing a chain of churches that extends from Auckland to Invercargill, has proved an inspiration to attempt the seemingly impossible~-that of forging a link that would make a con- nection sure. In this work enthusiasm, that “zeal that prompts to the ardent pur- suit of laudable objects,” has made * the fiery flame of adversity” to be but an agent for the accomplishment of its task. To-day the ideal stands materialised. As we look over the newly dedicated structure, and remember the obstacles that have been met and surmounted, we thank God for His leadings, and look for- ward to the time when we all as workers shall sit down in fellowship with Him. D. SIBLEY. Sydney Sanitarium FOR many months our workers have been labouring and praying earnestly for two ladies who have been at the Sani- tarium several times. Each stay here gave fresh opportunities of approach on spiritual themes, and in both cases the last stay here brought them to the point where they were glad to have Bible studies. Then they left us——still not having made definite decisions. At the recent camp-meeting at Concord Park, both of these good sisters took a definite stand for God and for His mes- sage for to-day. One, fol- lowing the patient and prayerful efforts of Miss Osmond, our Bible work- er, decided to camp on the ground, This meeting was to her a revelation and a feast, and at its close she went on her way rejoicing. She is now earnestly seeking to win others. The other lady provi- dentially returned to the San for a brief stay, dur- ing the camp-meeting. Nurse Brumby has been regularly corresponding with her and sending the Signs, since her last visit. The seed had been falling New Church, Dunedin In the heart of the city there is a solidly built brick church with an over-all meas- urement of 27 x 70 feet, and a seating capacity of more than 150. The building is beautifully finished, both within and without, and with the land has cost £2000, £300 of this being on loan from the ACA. Ltd The day of the dedication, of course, was a very happy one. Many friends and visiting brethren joined us for the occasion. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Pastor H. E. Piper, the retiring presi- dent, who took for his text the passage found in Genesis 28:17, where Jacob is recorded as saying that God's presence had made his stony resting place “the house of God and the gate of heaven.” After emphasising that only the presence of the Holy One .could make the new church a gateway to heaven, the speaker invited the congregation to join in asking the Lord to make this building just such a place to all who worship within its walls, Co into good ground, and now all that was needed was an invitation to ac- company a party of nurses to the Sabbath service, to complete the germinating process. This good soul, who is alone in her search for truth in a Roman Catholic district where religion is little thought of, has taken a fearless stand for God. Qur canvassers had reached her with “Daniel and the Revelation” and “The Great Controversy” some years ago. The books, however, were kept as ornaments and remained practically un- read, She has returned home with full determination to read them carefully. We had opportunity of giving her some further studies, of which she has taken notes, before she left us again. We hope by correspondence to help her to become fully established in the faith, Obituary “ What must I do to become one of you people; for I want to die a Seventh-day Adventist?” This was the question of a dear old Christian who has come to the San on many occasions through the years, “Vou all seem so happy and peaceful, anu every one is so kind to me, that I feel you have something that I do not possess.” This led to her securing a good-print Bible and beginning to study some of its truths hitherto not understood. She soon desired baptism, and we had plans in mind for the ordinance to be administered, when her sickness developed more seri- ously and made it impossible for us to proceed further. ) She died happy in the Lord, resigned to His will, and in sure hope of the life to come. Her relatives in appreciation of what the San had done for her requested us to conduct the funeral service at the Crematorium the following day. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends, whom we were glad to comfort with the thought of her certain and sure hope of arising with * those that sleep in Jesus,” Convicted by ¢“Christ’s Object : Lessons *’ Recently a lady patient came to me and asked whether we had a book named Christ’s Object Lessons.” On inquiring of her what led to her asking, we found that she had the day before received a letter from a friend of hers in North Queensland. The letter expressed pleas. ute in the knowledge that the lady was at the San, and then related the fact that the writer had been converted by read. ing a Seventh-day Adventist book called “Christ’s Object Lessons.” Some one sold it to her, and perhaps has forgotten the sale, and little dreams of the work it has accomplished. I handed the lady a copy of the book, opening it at the chap- ter, “ This Man Receiveth Sinners,” which, it was suggested, might be the chapter which her friend had found so helpful. This occurred only two days before she left. She read portion of the book, and when returning it expressed her deter- mination to secure a copy, for she had en- joyed the portion read. Thus we form a link in the great gospel chain—* a golden chain, the mercy and compassion of divine love,” which it is God’s purpose should be * passed around every imperilled soul.” C. H. PRETYMAN. ——— “Indispensable ” A LAY brother in Queensland, writing to ask that his subscription be renewed without missing any copies, says this of our church paper: “The AUSTRALASIAN RECORD is indispensable to the believer in acquainting him with the movements of the various members of the family of God, and imparting encouragement through the evidence of God's wonderful work for man- kind through the message for this time. Also the counsel and warnings given are what we need, ‘lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.’ Luke 21: 34.” We appreciate our brother’s remarks. There are some things that are in- dispensable in these days of financial stress, and we would encourage all to put in this list those things which give spiritual help to themselves and others. We would remind our readers that many subscriptions are falling due just