before the gospel had been preached in the cities of Palestine bv the dis pies, ng’ THE LIVING CHRIST (Continued from page 11) Jew, Paul He devoted as hile to the extermination of atl follower! Christ, and to the uprooting of the Christian faith, He sought and received credentials for the purpose ol persceuting Christians (o the death and went about” threatenings and shaughter.” Then suddenly Paul was completely changed. And he savs the change was wrought in hin because he had seen Christ alive, and talked with Hin, He beoane a Hamine firebrand on Christ, cwrrving His evangel wo ail the provinces ol the Roman Empire. One of the profoundest intellects the world has ever seen was convineed that Jesus was raised from the dead, and he devoted all his fife that remained to the preaching ob this great truth to all wha would listen. “hye ald hing [B14 Six Different Appearances of Christ Paul lists six chifferent appearances of Christ alter tis resurrection. Afrer speaking of His death, he said, “Ie rose again the third day according to the Scriptures: and that He was seen Cephas [Peter], then of the twelve: alter that, He was seen ol above hve hundred brethren at once; ol whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. Alter that, He was seen ot James; then of all the apostles. And last of all He was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.” 1 Corinthians 15:4-8. This testimony was given at a time when Paul was nearer to the time of the resurrection than we are to World War 1. There were plenty ol men alive who knew all the facts, and who, if Paul's account had heen false, could have refuted him with ease. But there was no refutation, One was not even attempred. One has never heen made. Testimony of the Other Disciples Not only Paul, whose writings con pose a large part of the New Testa: ment, but also the other disciples testifv to the (act of the Lord's resur- rection, and their account cannot be lichtly swept aside. Indeed, one of them, Luke, is recognized as one of the most reliable historians in the world, He takes great pams to put in every fact thar has anv bearing at all on the subject matter of his story, and which will serve as a help to anvone who cares to check up on his statements. No mun who is conscious DECEMBER. 19429 of writing falsely would begin his ac COLI aS [ake foes, In this ssi age (luke S002 are twenty historic al, geosraphicad, politi cal, and Lene Horie al references in one sentence, any one ol whith can be either verified or proved to he un true, The Gospels reteronees, abound with such Mere are huudeds of them an the New estiamenn And not one of them has ever been proved to he untrue by any or all of the cnenves of the church from the begins ning until now, A man whe knew he was coing we write a lie would not have started in such a lashon He would have known that he would contradict himselt be- fore he had wone very far, unless he le[t out references to facts which micht he used to upset his statements. So he would have written vaguely, and dealt gingerly with known facts of any kmd. Writers of forgeries avoid such things as names, dates, Hers, Custos, and known flact. Bue the writers of the Bible deal with such a wealth of facts that their story could easily have been verified when first coiven to the world, or proved to be untrue. It has stood the test of every assault that has heen made upon it. Luke, in the hook of Aas, declares that “bv many infallible proofs” Jesus showed Humsell alive alter Fis resurrection to lis apostles, “being scen of them forty davs, and speaking nf the things pertaining to the king- dom of God.” Acts 1:9. One of these "infallible proofs” of the resurrection is the uiter {mlure of the enemies of Christ to account for the belief in lis resurrection on any other grounds than that it actually tank place. They see plainly that it needs explaining. They arant the fact that the belief in the resurrection is the only wav of explaining the es- tabhishment and the development of the Christian church. But hey are at loss to provide anv other explana- tion. Baffling every theory thev can mvent and overthrowing every hy- pothesis they have been able to ad- vance, is an empty tomb outside Jerusalem. The only explanation that can be given for that empty tomb is the only explanation that is given [or it mn the New Testament. That is that Jesus was raised fromm the dead bv the power of God, and is now the living Christ, breve for that T have already set forth. The records of the Bible are true. 1 ho is no more reliable book in the world than the Bible. Dut there is other testimony, and 1 cannot rest until IT tell ir. And this is the highest places, every well of all evidence, and the most satis- fying. Nothing verithes the ancient records of Holy Writ as thiso 1 know Jesus was rused from the dead be- attse hove evidence Tle 1s now alive, He. ivscll, in His own blessed per sony, has hroucho lorgiveness of sins tone. He has wecepted owe as His own. his Hite as mmomy hearts Noone can have more satisivi IN, CONVINCING Vs dence of His resurrection than that. And that evidence He will brine wo the Tuner consciousness ol every soul withing to receive it. A DIVINE MEDIATOR (Contimued from page 3) Mary as ao medianor hetween God and the human race as well as angels. This branch of the Chvistian church has done away with the one Mediator hotween God and man-="the Man, Christ Jesus,” and has substituted in His place another siviowr and inter cessor before God's throne who has been exalted above the Son of God in the eranting of mercy and pardon to SENNECEs. Such an Cealtation, ot a hu- man bemy is not only blasphemous but is, as the apostle John righttully said, “that spirit of antichrist, where- ol ve have heard that it should come.” No wonder the apostle John wrote that “if anv man” should word up and adhere to this anti-Christian power which was to npen its “mouth mn blas- phemy against God to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.” and was to “make war with the saints, and to overcome them™: and was to exercise power “over all kindreds, and tongues and nations.” “the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of Jhis mdignauon.” Revelation 15:6, 7: 1.4:10, Paul called this branch of the Chris- tian church “the mystery ol iniquity,” that “doth already work™: the apostle Peter called them “false teachers among vou, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies”: the apostle John called those who taneht this doctrine of Christ not coming in our “sinful flesh” “that spirit of antichrist,” and he said that the churelt that taneht this doctrine was represented hy oa woman that had the following numne written on her forehead: “MYSTERY, BABYLON | HE GREAT, THE MOTHFR OF HARIOTS AND ADOMINATIONS OF THE FARTH,” and that this woman was ‘drunken with the Blood of the saints, and with the Hlood of the mar yrs of Jesus.” Revelation 17:5, 6. This 1s a divine description of the church that teaches this blasphemous doctrine. Can vou guess her namer 15